Video of a Hispanic Trump supporter telling a White BLM supporter to pay him reparations. BLM guy gets confused. Righteous indignation disappears. He walks away.
I"ve decided that I'm going to give Reparations on my own. I've starting selecting women of color on as sugar babe dates. I had this banging girl last night. And I'm having another this weekend. I"m so progressive !!! LOL ! :-)
I've heard that part of what the "Black Lives Matter" Marxists want in their vision for a future government, is to cease property from white people and give it to black people as *one* form of reparations - this is right out of the Marxists playbook and what happened in Cuba post the revolution where property was ceased from those that didn't fully and outwardly support the revolution and given to those that did
Didn't read @Mark94's link beyond looking at the media-bias rating for "American Thinker." American Thinker is rated as extreme far-right content and low factual content, known for propaganda and conspiracy theories. In other words, a typical post from one of TUSCL's biggest nutcases.
Yeah Random went to Huffpo to get his rating. South Africa, which the left loves to hold up as its ideal, is almost to the point of amending their constitution to make it legal to seize property from white farmers without compensation and redistribute it among non-whites. The funny think is that progressives think somehow they will be exempt. My guess is they will be cherished in the same way Benedict Arnold was, when he fled to England.
This is just fuckn hilarious This reminds me of a laugh line by Trump “ I told them to slow down the testing, because they made us look bad” Hey guys I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll sell y’all cheap. You could build a booth and make a fortune collecting tolls.
I look up the source because I wonder whose ass this fantasy story was pulled from, you don’t have enough of an imagination to make up this stuff yourself
^ you should buy that bridge from me, then you could ban Democrats and Progressives from leaving Manhattan and coming to Brooklyn there’s your ideological stupidity oops I mean purity
It's hard to believe that the same voting population that voted in Trump, is now taking a hard left turn. I mean I know Trump has to go, but are we really going to continue down the socialist state road?
Polls aren’t used for predicting elections. They are used for influencing elections. That’s what happened in 2016.
According to polls, Biden is going to win in a cake walk. China scandal. Ukraine scandal. “ Ain’t black”. Supports the riots. Early dementia. Hasn’t seen the sun in 3 months. And, he’s 18 points up in the polls ?
It seems like 1968 again. Everyone supports the protests in public because all the cool people do, then votes for law and order once they are in the voting booth and thinking of their families.
"Didn't read @Mark94's link beyond looking at the media-bias rating for "American Thinker." American Thinker is rated as extreme far-right content and low factual content, known for propaganda and conspiracy theories. In other words, a typical post from one of TUSCL's biggest nutcases."
^ Wow! The words of a true educated idiot... Well, I cant look at something because someone else said so. Translation, I'm not smart enough to think for myself
@Skibum - and South Africa is heading down that road despite the fact that they did the exact same thing right next door in Zimbabwe and look how wonderfully that turned out.
When Zimbabwe was Rhodesia they actually exported food. If you think you can make a tasty garden salad out of sticks, poison ivy and ferns instead of greens carrots and peppers, then you believe America will be a success when it is run by people different than those who created it. Enjoy those ferns democrats.
@Skibum - Whoever would have thought that forcibly seizing land from experienced, successful farmers and giving it to people who didn't know how to farm would work out poorly?
The fact that we now have a large part of a generation of younger people in favor of implementing ideas that have failed everywhere they have ever been tried is mindblowing. What they think they know is in inverse proportion to what they actually know. It's a generation of Lucy Van Pelt's from the Peanuts come to file. They know little, think they know everything, and have infinite self-regard.
I had my first job, other than shovelling snow at 10 and my first full time job at 15. Out of the house and on my own at 18. Young people today did and do none of that, so they literally think people cheated to get where they are because the idea of being self sufficient is foreign to them. They are so weak and thin skinned it is almost comical to think of what they will do when there's no one left to leech from.
@crosscheck “The fact that we now have a large part of a generation of younger people in favor of implementing ideas that have failed everywhere they have ever been tried is mindblowing. What they think they know is in inverse proportion to what they actually know. It's a generation of Lucy Van Pelt's from the Peanuts come to file. They know little, think they know everything, and have infinite self-regard.”
You must be referring to @CC99. I just love it when a pimply faced dorky child tries to join a conversation with the words “Well in my experience…” Just too funny except it no longer is.
It is in fact the sad state of affairs. Normally this type of statement applies to every generation going through the throws of maturation but right now it seriously doesn’t look good for civilization.
We need a 21st-century Ronald Reagan - a man that had the balls to put the country on the track it needed to be and had the balls to call a spade a spade when he took on the Soviet Union vs trying to appease
“ We need a 21st-century Ronald Reagan - a man that had the balls to put the country on the track it needed to be and had the balls to call a spade a spade when he took on the Soviet Union vs trying to appease”
Completely agree with you Papi. Unfortunately Reagan was able to accomplish a lot because politicians on both sides put country first and could work together instead of giving in to the extremists from their own base.
Part of me wonders if the reason no one is doing anything about the outlaw protests is b/c they think it's gonna be an effective way to get rid of Trump - the Dems may be using the anarchists as their army/foot-soldiers, and the anti-Trumper Republicans may probably also prefer the protests to Trump - problem is they may not be able to contain the beast once it's been fed enough.
The dream scenario for the Dems was that Trump would call out the troops and protestors/looters would be killed. They could have ridden that scenario to victory in November. Trump, so far, hasn’t fallen into that trap.
Instead, we have Democrat Governors, Mayors, and police chiefs showing incredible incompetence by placating the “protestors”. Summer of Love, indeed.
In spite of the spin from the media, all is being revealed.
So people that have never been slaves want those that never owned slaves to pay them because someone was a slave and owned by someone over 150 years ago? Talk about screwed up logic!
Cashman1234 asks: Can the government determine the direct descendants of slaves in the country today?
To some extent yes. I know that in genealogy research, the wills of ancestors often included who got their slaves. So just search EVERY will from back in the slave days. That ought to keep the idiots busy awhile!
last comment…
That’s pretty funny trolling.
Hey guys I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll sell y’all cheap. You could build a booth and make a fortune collecting tolls.
Older Catholics may remember when the church would review books and put its imprimatur only on books that exactly parroted church doctrine.
I thought that was troubling back then and I find your approach weird. God forbid an errant thought crosses your compliant brain.
According to polls, Biden is going to win in a cake walk. China scandal. Ukraine scandal. “ Ain’t black”. Supports the riots. Early dementia. Hasn’t seen the sun in 3 months. And, he’s 18 points up in the polls ?
It seems like 1968 again. Everyone supports the protests in public because all the cool people do, then votes for law and order once they are in the voting booth and thinking of their families.
Less than 5 months to go. We’ll know soon enough.
^ Wow! The words of a true educated idiot... Well, I cant look at something because someone else said so. Translation, I'm not smart enough to think for myself
The fact that we now have a large part of a generation of younger people in favor of implementing ideas that have failed everywhere they have ever been tried is mindblowing. What they think they know is in inverse proportion to what they actually know. It's a generation of Lucy Van Pelt's from the Peanuts come to file. They know little, think they know everything, and have infinite self-regard.
You must be referring to @CC99. I just love it when a pimply faced dorky child tries to join a conversation with the words “Well in my experience…” Just too funny except it no longer is.
It is in fact the sad state of affairs. Normally this type of statement applies to every generation going through the throws of maturation but right now it seriously doesn’t look good for civilization.
I think you deserve more - you are being too understanding
Completely agree with you Papi. Unfortunately Reagan was able to accomplish a lot because politicians on both sides put country first and could work together instead of giving in to the extremists from their own base.
Instead, we have Democrat Governors, Mayors, and police chiefs showing incredible incompetence by placating the “protestors”. Summer of Love, indeed.
In spite of the spin from the media, all is being revealed.
If they don’t have an accurate method of determining that portion of the population, how can they quantify the actual payout.
I don’t know how this can be remotely quantified - even if the current descendants of slaves are known.
I’m sure Liz Warren has some slave and American Indian lineage in her bloodline.
What about that Rachel Dolezal - she identified as black when she was part of the NAACP. She even used makeup to look darker. Does she qualify?
Can the government determine the direct descendants of slaves in the country today?
To some extent yes. I know that in genealogy research, the wills of ancestors often included who got their slaves. So just search EVERY will from back in the slave days. That ought to keep the idiots busy awhile!