
Hair Check

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

So I look Napoleon Dynomite. What's your excuse?


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Don't understand the question

Avatar for shadowcat

I was getting pretty shaggy but broke the rules and went to a hair saloon last Friday. Gave her a bigger than normal tip due to the extra work.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I hadn't gotten a haircut since January - I usually let my hair grow long and on avg cut it every 3 or 4 months although sometimes I go longer - I had been wanting to get a cut for a while now and finally got it this past Tuesday.

Avatar for Mr_O

In case you thought it was, wasn't really me. I hardly have any hair at all!

Avatar for skibum609

My barber is a friend so every 17 days for a cut/trim.

Avatar for Warrior15

I shave my own head. So I look great ! Did try to grow a beard during the peak of the virus, but gave up after about 10 days. I hate the itching.

Avatar for Meursault

No hair and no sympathy for the hairy.

Avatar for gSteph

Wonder how I'd look in dreadlocks ?

Just kidding, might schedule a haircut soon.

Avatar for crosscheck

I got a haircut the day that Massachusetts first allowed it. I can't believe how excited I was to get a haircut. 2020 ladies and gentlemen.

I'd have shaved my head, but I'd look like Dr. Evil, so that really wouldn't work out too well.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... Did try to grow a beard during the peak of the virus, but gave up after about 10 days. I hate the itching ..."

LOL - me too - I've got minimal body-hair so it doesn't abundantly grow on my face either - I valiantly tried for almost a month and couldn't grow a complete-beard (looked like I had roadkill on my face) - it was uncomfortable and I finally gave up the fight - and then it was a PITA to try to shave with my normal disposable razor.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

February for me. I am fortunate I got my hair from my moms side. But it is thinking on top. It's getting pretty shaggy though and has not been this long since my early 20's.

Avatar for Longball300

One word for me........ FLOWBEE...... the MF'in thing cuts my hair perfectly.

I will never go back to Great Clips again; even if my stylist was smoking hot and a hard rocker like myself.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Long ball I am hypnotized by your avatar gif....what did you say?

Avatar for Longball300

I said............... huh? Oh yeah, my hair stylist was a smoking hottie; if her boobs looked like that I would ditch the flowbee and go back.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Holy shit

@Longball's avatar

Damn this CoronaVirus and how it's affecting SCing

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I imagine there are some homos on here thinking "ewww" w.r.t. @Longball's avatar - if they said that in front of my face I'd go all Officer Chauvin on their ass - just sayin'

Avatar for IHearVoices

I cut my own hair, so I haven't been affected. I've let my facial hair grow out (as much as it can), though.

Avatar for gammanu95

Going about a month since my last cut... probably about time.

Avatar for RandomMember

My hair hasn't been this long since college days.

I was marveling at a picture of Trump's hair. With his scalp-reduction surgery, it looks like someone glued orange-ish/white cotton candy to his upper scalp. Or maybe a dead rodent.

Avatar for Longball300

Yeah, I've gotten some comments on this one, may have to leave it up for a few days.

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)

I have been going with the long hair since college, if you own long hair as a male today you better have a Harley chopper...

Like the Vikings; warriors whose long hair danced to the rhythm of the wind as they stand on the prow of their long ships...

Avatar for RamPaige

It's pretty shaggy, and it looks like phase 2 of reopening starts here in NYC this coming Monday. So hopefully I can finally get a haircut next sometimes next week.

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