no justice, no peace? federal aid for Mayor who invited destruction of his own

avatar for yahtzee74
The officers involved were fired and criminally charged. Justice is being served so how come there's no peace?

The Minneapolis mayor tacitly approved the destruction of a police station, riots, and looting and now wants the federal government to pay for it.…


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avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
They can just use all those funds they are taking from police
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Fuck Minnesota.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
So, Minnesota did not want federal support to stop and prevent the rioting and destruction, but they do want federal taxpayer dollars to rebuild and repair all that they allowed to be destroyed. Typical liberal idiocy.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Minnesota is still mostly the descendants of Scandinavian and German immigrants. They, and their Lutheran religion, have always leaned left on social issues. But, they are conservative on financial issues.

The immigration of 100,000 Somali refugees to Minneapolis was supported by the Lutheran church. Most residents went along with this. The Somalis haven’t adopted the Minnesota culture. As the crime and welfare rose, residents have privately been concerned but continued to support the Somalis. Politicians and media have been quick to label any second guessing on the Somalis as racist.

Now, the city is burning. The 2020 election will be an interesting one in Minnesota.
avatar for sideshow_bob
5 years ago
It's not even left anymore. It's embodied feral insanity.
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