"Coward and Commander" - The Lincoln Project

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In the wind

Bill Kristol
· 4h
NEW: "Not a president."
"Where's the president in a time of national emergency? Hiding...afraid...alone. Not a leader, not a president...An embarrassment. You know that. Those who have worked with him know that...It's time for a competent president.
Let's elect one."


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avatar for mark94
5 years ago
DC is filled with pundits. For all past presidents and candidates, they would woo as many pundits to their side as they could. This gave the pundits influence, power, and fame.

Then, this guy Trump came along. He didn’t give a shit about pundits. He used Twitter, rally’s, and debates to go straight to the voters. He cut these pundits out of the loop. Suddenly, they were exposed as the useless blowhards they had always been. The pundits didn’t like that. Not one bit.

So, they formed groups like the Lincoln Project. Their goal was to bring down the fucker who killed their sweet gig as pundits. They declared themselves the true conservatives. They got funding from anonymous donors who were not conservative. And, they went after Trump. Hard.
avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
Bill Kristol was very disrespectful to #BunkerBitch.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Mark does anyone oppose your favorite president on principle, or is everyone just against him?
Paranoid much?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
When I ask Liberals about their opinion on capitalism they refer me to the writing of Karl Marx; when I ask liberals about healing the Nation they refer me to the writings Malcolm X; when I ask liberals about Jews they refer me to the writing called Mein Kampf; when I ask liberals about Donald Trump they refer me to Willi.............
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
“ Paranoid much ?”

For 4 years, the entire intelligence apparatus of our government spyed on a duly elected president, leaked to the press, lied to the press, promoted a Russian narrative they knew to be false, lied to Congress, and promoted impeachment.

It’s not paranoia if it’s true.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
But you avoid my question which I’ll repeat for your benefit assuming you didn’t understand it
Does anyone who opposes Donald Trump in your estimation have any legitimate reason to oppose him?
Or do you truly believe that those who are in opposition to him are just haters and have no legitimate gripe ?
Again I’ll state paranoid much !
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Most on the left care more about the perception of being virtuous than the policies that make them virtuous. They claim to believe in certain high principles because it makes them feel better than others.

Fifty years of the failed war on poverty is a good example. All those policies and programs have failed horribly except as virtue signaling. So, lefties scream that conservatives hate the poor and minorities, while the left has failed to actually do anything for them.

So, are there people who oppose Trump because of his policies ? Sure. At least on the surface. But, underneath, it’s all about power and prestige.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
That’s why I say you’re a paranoid and your thinking is delusional ,
You refuse to recognize that other people just as smart or smarter don’t agree and in order for you to retain your self esteem, you Attempt to delegitimize any opinion that you disagree with
You certainly are entitled to your opinion as wrong as it might be but keep in mind freedom isn’t exclusively your own.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Simple fact is that if you pay attention in school and work hard; you succeed. If you go neither; you don't. Sorry that life is just as fucking unexciting as that. Other than being born rich there are no shortcuts. The idea that George Floyd is a hero and Doctor Ben Carson is not, says it all.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
All of this tribalism is a symptom, the more tribal a persons responses the more alone and afraid they really are.
Thats a fact that’s true whether you are lefties or righties
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
The folks at Lincoln Project does some of the vicious attack ads. I gotta give it to the Republicans, they do these so well. Too bad the Dems can't compete on the same level when it comes to it.
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