
covid-19 vs murder hornets

New York
Being at a health risk age with high blood pressure and prior cancer treatment, I still would rather take my chance in a hospital room filled with covid-19 patients than a room full of murder hornets. Looks like another present from China.
check out video and article below.



  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    How do you spell impotent little whiny bitch? d e s e r t s c r u b. Monty this loser, known has scrub is jealous of you, because he has not life to lose and never did.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I can kill a murder hornet
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    2020 has been one helluva year
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Yeah - I saw that report on the murder-hornet today - my biggest concern is that they are much larger than honeybees and much more aggressive and can viciously decimate a whole honeybee hive which will affect agriculture.

  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Here's part of a paid NYT article - pretty-interesting - below is the part I was able to read b/f hitting a paywall:

    Murder Hornets vs. Honeybees: A Swarm of Bees Can Cook Invaders Alive

    While the Asian giant hornet massacres honeybees in their hives, some bees have developed a remarkable defense: cooking the hornets alive.

    SEATTLE — When a pack of Asian giant hornets targets a hive of honeybees for slaughter, the carnage can be swift.

    The so-called murder hornets, which have surfaced for the first time in the United States, have a particular appetite for bees and specialize in group attacks. The slaughter begins when a worker hornet spots a colony, marks it with a pheromone and then brings a backup crew of between two and 50 others. While a honeybee hive can have thousands of residents, hornets can wipe out the whole population in hours.

    During one recorded slaughter examined by researchers, each hornet killed one bee every 14 seconds, using powerful mandibles to decapitate its prey.

    But some bees have also demonstrated a remarkable survival strategy by working as a team to fight back against individual invaders, researchers have found.

    When a hornet enters the hive of Japanese honeybees, researchers have witnessed how hundreds of bees can respond by forming a ball around a hornet. While the bees face an immense disadvantage in both size and strength, the bees working in unison can vibrate to produce heat, raising the temperature in the formation, like a tiny oven, to over 115 degrees. Bees can survive the high temperature, but the hornet cannot, and after up to an hour of cooking, the hornet dies.

    European honeybees, which are the most common pollinator in the United States, don’t appear to have the same instinct. They try to defend against a hornet attack by stinging the invaders, but the Asian giant hornet carries a rigid exoskeleton that makes bee stings ineffective, according to researchers.

    “The honeybee in Japan has adapted with this predator and learned through generations to protect themselves,” said Ruthie Danielsen, a beekeeper in Birch Bay, Wash., near where two Asian giant hornets were discovered. “Our honeybees, the predator has never been there before, so they have no defense.”

    While the Asian giant hornet is a threat to humans, with a potent stinger that kills up to 50 people each year in Japan, its arrival in the United States has brought particular dread to beekeepers. They are working together to post traps to try and catch queens this spring and workers in the upcoming summer. Government biologists are trying to identify where the hornet has settled in Washington State and eradicate it before it establishes a permanent presence ...

  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Okay, so I dunno if I'll call BS on it but the thread is definitely off topic. Monty39's account has been around since 2014 and has posted over 50 reviews.

    This is the first ever discussion thread started by Monty39, who must be freaking out over some hornets.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    These murder hornets sound like a much more serious problem. I hate wasps!!
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    Why does all the deadly shit from China show up in Washington state first? We need our USA bees to learn some of that Japanese Bee Judo shit!
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Maybe we need to import some of those Japanese bees to kick some murder-hornet ass
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    TL;DR: It's all a bunch of hype that only Washington beekeepers need to follow.

    The Murder Hornet moniker is a sensationalist name assigned by an "if it bleeds, it leads press." No one anywhere else calls it that. It is a Giant Asian Hornet, one of several species. It is Japanese, not Chinese. Only a couple were found in the pacific Northwest. This youtuber biologist who climbed the Schmidt pain index did a pretty good segment detailing all of this.

  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    That’s it. Only thing now allowed in from Asia should be hot strippers
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Asian strippers cause yellow fever 🤒
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Just wait until some scientist figures out that these Murder Hornets can transmit CoronaVirus. That is going to be some serious next level fearmongering right there.
  • pawnrob69
    4 years ago
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