
MUST WATCH ....Corona - Weaponised Virus ... First Documentary which dig deep

Stay safe everybody
Friday, April 10, 2020 12:17 AM
[view link] 3 Amazing Insights - DNA structure reveals "tweaking" - How this is actual execution of a documented Chinese strategy - How to respond to it


  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    4 years ago
    Experts already said that the DNA did not show evidence of tweaking. I heard this from someone familiar with the matter
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Gordon Chang ( a China expert ) has proposed that the US seize $1 Trillion in TBill assets that China owns to compensate for the damage done as a result of China lies and cover up early in the pandemic. Had they told the truth in Nov/Dec/Jan, most of this worldwide damage would have been avoided. That’s true whether the virus came from the wet market bat soup or the laboratory.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    just watched the first half of the doc-very insightful. what i learned: -4 eyed cunt name Shi Zhengli created this virus and spent many years researching bats, SARS, etc. she even still alive? -CCP ceases all scientific details related to this virus be made unavailable. at this time i have to assume that all the countries that have been affected-their govt officials have heard about the above. want to know what's going to happen to china, ccp, 4 eyed twat? NOT A GODDAMN THING. i would like to be proven wrong but yeah nothing is what i fully expect.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Just what the world needs more dopey conspiracy theories to get worked up over.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The Chinese caused this. They spred it intentionally. They are the enemy of Americans, at least the real ones.
  • Subraman
    4 years ago
    I think the Chinese government is absolutely an negative influence in the world, well beyond what most people realize. I'm not particularly fond of a culture that breeds things like those wet markets, etc., either. But none of that justifies going full conspiratard. The genome has been sequenced for a long time, and any number of experts have said it's unlikely to have been engineered or weaponized. Maybe that'll change, maybe not, but going conspiratard means you lose all credibility or right to be part of the conversation, leave it to the broader scientific community to determine if it's been "tweaked", don't handpick your sources. There is actually a good chance China will be held responsible politically (to a small extent) and economically (to a larger one -- moving manufacturing out of China is part of nearly every company's business plan now, and the Japanese have brilliantly added incentives for their companies to move out of China in the form of incentives in their covid19 relief bills, something every country should be doing).
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    One of the greatest burns in social media history: [view link]
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    Unlike toilet paper and sanitizers, there is no shortage of tin foil for the tin foil hat crowd.
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