Another favorite bites the dust
North Iowa
This isn't how I wanted to know that one of my favorites quit. I went to my favorite club in middle of nowhere Iowa tonight. I arrive in town, and realize I have to use the rest room, so I pull into the Casey's, which every small town in the Midwest seems to have, basically to use their rest room before going to the club, although I always get something, usually a water, out of obligation more than anything. So I go to the rest room and get my water and the fat lady behind the counter (its always a fat lady) tells "Chastity" to make some pizzas. (people in small midwest towns apparently like Caseys' pizzas.) I just think that's odd because one of my favorite dancers, the last time I went there, told me her real name is Chastity and even that she was named for Sonny and Cher's daughter, which means she was named for a lesbian. Anyway, I think there can't possibly be two people in this Podunk town named Chastity, so I look, and there she is, "Sugar", one of my favorite dancers.
It would have better not to have found out like that.
It would have better not to have found out like that.
I suppose its possible, but I told this to one of the other dancers and she said she quit. I was told this was actually a good thing, but that's probably interpersonal politics more than anything. But this was not the happy ending I was looking for. :-(