
The Conspiracy?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
So the first time I ever heard the word "Rosicrucian" was in Marilyn Ferguson's "Aquarian Conspiracy".


She used the word near the beginning, and without explanatory comment. She was siting the rise of Rosicrucianism as a foreshadowing of the changes she was delineating.

I thought Rosicrucian was a most curious word, all the more so because I had never heard it before. So an unabridged dictionary, then to the library for an encyclopedia. Very little.

And this was pre-Internet, and even before libraries had Online Public Access Catalogs. So it was just Subject and Title in the paper card catalog. Really nothing.

But today I know that Rosicrucianism is seen as coming from a foundational document, the Fama.



And here this is talked about. Don't remember the exact wording, but the Fama was kind of a scam. This Fraternity existed, but mostly because the authors said it existed. And ever since people have been trying to find it, which means they end up having to create it themselves.


So today I woke up and realized that Ferguson was doing the same thing. There have been changes in thinking. But the idea that there is a Conspiracy driving this is mostly just because she says so. So when people look for her Aquarian Conspiracy, they don't really find it, so much as they end up becoming a driving force for it themselves.

This guy has written lots of books and he looks most interesting:

And this comes from a Gary Lachman reference:

I think you have a profound and powerful teaching anytime you the observer have to be considered as part of the overall scene of which you are trying to draw interpretation from.

Book which really influenced me way back:

But as a I struggled to understand it, I recognized right away that most of our society does not think this way, and that where you find the greatest concentration of stupidity is in the realms of religion and politics.



  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I think you have a profound and powerful teaching anytime you the
    observer have to be considered as part of the overall scene of which
    you are trying to draw interpretation from.


    But as a I struggled to understand it, I recognized right away that
    most of our society does not think this way, and that where you find
    the greatest concentration of stupidity is in the realms of religion
    and politics.

    Mostly the above dismantles naïve objectivism, and that means that it
    demolishes Social Darwinism, as well as Theism.

    3 years ago
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