Ever had any interaction with a house mom?
Atlanta suburb
Very rare but I do remember two experiences.
Once at Follies she stopped by on her way from the ladies room to the dancers dressing room to comment on the t-shirt that I was wearing.
The second one was at Rumors in Forest Park(Atlanta). I was sitting alone because none of the dancers appealed to me. She came over ad asked if she could assist me in finding a dancer to sit with me. I told her thanks but that I was fine.
Once at Follies she stopped by on her way from the ladies room to the dancers dressing room to comment on the t-shirt that I was wearing.
The second one was at Rumors in Forest Park(Atlanta). I was sitting alone because none of the dancers appealed to me. She came over ad asked if she could assist me in finding a dancer to sit with me. I told her thanks but that I was fine.
House-moms usually stay out-of-sight in the back and usually just interact with the dancers or club staff since their job does not require interaction with custies - most custies would not know one exists unless they've clubbed for a while and maybe a dancer randomly brought it up.
I’ve never seen a house mom on the floor at a club
Yes, I would say that in person.
I believe I have been to other clubs and seen the house mom, but never interacted with them. All of them were invariably older and I assume they danced when they were younger.
The house mom also introduced herself as the VIP manager, which explains why I saw her the other day when I decided to upgrade to the VIP level so I could play with one of the dancers fully nude. She'd also handed me some free VIP passes, and offered me more. Not going to turn those down, because who knows when I'll feel like not paying to get into a club that I don't really like at night.
When I was getting ready to leave, she went into the dressing room and didn't come right back out. Wound up getting passes from the club manager when I told him she was in the back getting passes and I needed to leave. The reason I went to the club was about to walk to my car and I needed to be there first.
Another dancer leaned over and said she was supposed to be wearing a wristband because she was under 21 and could not drink. The waitress gladly served us. That was her second drink from me and I think she had had others.
About 10 minutes later she returned and told me she was now drunk enough for VIP. She was wearing a wristband. I let her suck on my breathalyzer just to make sure.
Now if I'm seen alone they make sure I'm not in need! LOL I kind of like it.
A few times I said, hey, I want that one to come and give me dances...and it was on in like 5 minutes and the girl was happy too...Sometimes they are afraid of being too aggressive and pissing the customer off.
Also....I have tipped a few of these house mom's as much as $100 a night...
When certain dancers are doing certain things they're not allowed to...I have a lot of leeway...and they girls tend not to get into trouble...Now I'm not asking them for a blowjob or FS for pete's sakes....I dont' want to get them arrested and fired or myself arrested either...
But some of them like to jump on me in my lap and face me and lfk/dfk while I run my hands all over the places they've indicated....and that is the behavior that can get them sent home or fired....(and me kicked out)..
But mostly overlooked....once in a while a cursory scolding to give appearances of caring...
we are of course talking about a club with no private areas and no vip.