
Girls (customers) fighting in a strip club

Have you ever seen female customers fighting in a strip club? I noticed a group of 3 girls and one had walked away looking not too happy. I noticed another girl seemed to be holding onto the arm of the other girl she was with. A bouncer came over to investigate I believe. I went to tip a girl and suddenly the whole crowd was watching something a short distance behind me. Those 2 girls were going at big time. They were on the ground struggling possibly against the bouncers who had them restrained shortly afterwards. Ever seen female customers fighting it out in a strip club?


  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    They were fighting with each other? Not with any of the strippers? How odd. I can't imagine what they would be fighting about. I've never seen anything like that before. But then again, I'm usually the only female custy at the dive SC's that I frequent. Sounds like I'm missing out on some fun entertainment!
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    About 6 months ago after a slow night at one of my regular hang-outs, I tried a new club. It was a little on the "seedy" side -- not the kind of club I care for. I wasn't inside the club for more than 5 minutes when these two girls (customers) started fighting -- not just pushing and shoving, but really swinging at each other. That was OK until their boyfriends decided to stepped in and then it developed into a full-fledged brawl. Not a pretty sight.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I haven't ever seen female customers fighting in a strip club. At least not with fists and swinging all around and going down on the ground. Actually I don't remember ever seeing any fight in many years in a strip club. I read or heard somewhere that young girls were fighting almost as much as the guys nowadays. I didn't know if that was true or not but I'm starting to think maybe it is.

    I'm glad I got up to tip a girl on stage. I would have been right in the middle of the action since they somehow ended up near the table I was at.

    Yes Lopaw, you're missing out. It's not at all unusual for me to see female customers tipping dancers on stage. I see a number of couples, groups of girls, and groups of guys and girls coming into strip clubs together. I just haven't ever seen a couple of female customers going at it like that.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I once thought it was unusual to see a dancer leading a female customer into the lap dance room to get a lap dance. While that is still not the common site, I've seen that a number of times.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Meant to say sight. It's late here.
  • JC2003
    17 years ago
    Girls + alcohol + deep seated grudges from past offenses = cat fight.

  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    I know what you mean about dancers leading us female custies to the lap dance areas. I still to this day (happened a few times last night in fact) get a lot of hootering & hollering from nearby guys who see a dancer taking me by the hand to get my dance on. As used to stripclubs as I am, I often forget that others just don't see women customers all that often....especially ones getting lots of dances.

    One nice thing I've been told many times by dancers is that I've brought them alot more business when guys see them dancing for me. The guys usually ask the dancers what it was like, what did they do to me, etc. I'm just happy to do my part.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I love respectful, experienced female customers. I don't enjoy being in the presence, at all, of self-aggrandizing, annoying, self-fore-grounding female customers. I guess that's almost redundant -- I feel exactly the same for males. I don't want to see a customer of EITHER gender usurp a given dancer, especially not in a rude or disrespectful way; or intercede between me and my "rightful" turn at the stage, or in the lap-dance parolor. I'll wait my turn, and I want him or her to wait hers.

    But what I notice, is that although most "problem" customers -- loud obnoxious potentially dangerous drunks -- are male, nevertheless most female customers are problems. Out of the fifty, or so, female customers I've been in a strip club with in the last year, I'd have to say forty-five of them were "blustering" and aggressive, were not familiar with "usual" codes of conduct at gentlemen's clubs, and were "out of control" about the way that they thought the situation was a free-for-all when, in fact, most other customers were being more respectful of one another. It runs the gamut -- ugly aggressive lesbian biker chicks, moronic flighty sorority schoolgirls, and everyone in between -- but at 90% problem, women aren't doing themselves any favors, at least not in my books. It doesn't help, that another further 90% of them are butt-ugly to me, though I have to admit that I'm not any more sexually attracted to the males than I am to them! So at 90 of 90, we've got 81% who offer nothing to the "community" of strip club patrons. Time to pony up!
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I remember one time a dancer was slow getting on the main stage. A drunk female customer went up there (she wasn't in great shape, actually noticeably fat) and she proceeded to strip off her top. The dancer was waiting at that time for her to get off the stage. She left when she spotted some bouncers coming towards her. For a full minute or two, it looked like a little chicken parade with the girl quickly walking around topless followed by a train of bouncers trying to grab her.

    Apparently some girls are not used to the rules in a gentlemen's club. She didn't even have to do that and get thrown out, a lot of strippers will allow the girls to get topless if they want to when doing a stage tip. I don't mind the show if they look decent. I even remember hearing a DJ almost promoting it saying to a female "if you go on stage, you have to take your clothes off".
  • lopaw
    17 years ago
    The things I love about the two clubs I frequent most often is that: One is a high end nude club (no booze), so the very few women custies I see there are classy & respectful. The other club is a down & dirty topless dive where the booze flows heavy and the dancers don't take no shit. This club is SO divey that no self-respecting woman would set foot in the place....except for me, of course.
    After all of the horror stories I've heard about rude & obnoxious lady customers, I consider myself very lucky that I rarely ever see it.

  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Two or three nights ago a (relatively) hot female customer was tipping a dancer I had found attractive. I moved seats to be "next in line" at the stage, in order to tip the girl on stage. The female customer finished her time, the dancer moved on to a guy, and I would be next. But the female customer INTERCEDED between that guy and me, pushed me aside (butting in line, essentially), and, to top it off, whipped her cigarette out of her mouth and handed it to me, saying "Hold this." I refused to take it and flipped her off. She said, "Hold this, I want to tip her."

    Like, umm, is THAT gentlemanly behavior? "I want X" and therefore YOU HAVE TO HELP ME GET X NOW? Not.

    I don't experience this type of boorishness from most male customers, but I do from the vast majority of female customers. It's like, once a small rule (such as, showing tits to a crowd) is broken, ALL rules go out the window (such as, being a decent human). This is why I don't like the new development of "mainstreamization" of gentlemen's clubs. I don't object to a wider variety of customers, but I do object to greater admission of bad customers merely because they happen to have tits.

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