GOP lawyer rant misfires: A GOP Senator Tried, and Failed, to Quote Jesus in Def

avatar for joker44
In the wind

[ Why here, not in Politics Forum? 1)Because of recent posts HERE about and by attorneys. 2) Because it's more of a joke about being ignorant than about a serious political topic 3)It points out the positive role lawyers CAN play in society rather than bashing them as lower than used-car salespeople.]

Over the weekend, Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee defended Donald Trump the way so many conservatives do: by quoting Jesus.

She was responding to the whistleblower’s attorney, who had tweeted after a recent legal victory:

A 3-year, coordinated effort has been underway to remove @realDonaldTrump from office.

Jesus warned us — watch out for the lawyers.

— Marsha Blackburn (@VoteMarsha) November 10, 2019

Right… as Jesus said, “watch out for the lawyers.”

Except Jesus never said that. Shakespeare did. And he didn’t even mean it in the way Blackburn intended.

To top it off, the Shakespeare quote — from “Henry VI, Part 2” — is widely interpreted as a message about how lawyers are capable of protecting the rule of law from a corrupt leader out to grab power. As one Twitter wag asked Blackburn: “Sound like anyone you know?”

In the Shakespeare play, character Dick the Butcher listens to a cohort dreaming of becoming an all-powerful king. Dick pipes up: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”

Per usual, Twitter wasted no time in roasting Blackburn for her mistake:

Lawyers, like these??

— Terry Dresbach (@draiochta14) November 11, 2019 And, the reason why lawyers have wanted to remove this president from office since the moment he took the oath, is that he has been violating the Constitution since then. Perhaps after you “brush up your Shakespeare”, you might read the emoluments clauses.

— Jennifer Taub (@jentaub) November 11, 2019

That was Shakespeare. I think it was Jesus who warned us about the Republicans.

— Lisa Glass (@LMplusG) November 11, 2019

Maybe if Blackburn ever read a Bible, instead of just trying to quote from it, she would know more about what Jesus said.


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avatar for JDisRight
5 yrs ago

The Dems looked like absolute morons today.....a complete waste of taxpayers funds. The left wing morons are ensuring a Trump win in 2020

avatar for Liwet
5 yrs ago

Topics like these should be moved to the politics forum. Not only does the topic itself stray into political territory but the comments will surely make this thread political.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

Nope. Politics Forum.

What is so hard to understand about this?

avatar for datinman
5 yrs ago

Okay, so this thread is about lawyers and not politics.

What is black and brown and looks good on a lawyer?

A rottweiler.

avatar for Nidan111
5 yrs ago

Man o man, that chick has some monster nipples on her. Love them nipples.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

It amazes me that any Democrat that has witnessed the Dempcrats and the press try to impeach Trump for four different "crimes" and failed can't see that it has nothing to do with the law and eveything to do with partisan politics. It sickens me that people like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and the like have lied to us for three years about irrefutable evidence of Trump collussion with Russia that THEY have seen but four different investigations came up with nothing.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

Have they not tried to impeach him over Russian Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, Campaign Finance Violations and now Ukraine? Did Piece of Schiff and Swallowswell not tell us they had personally seen evidence? Try presenting a fact rather than a vaguery about your feelings.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

I didn't vote for a pillar of virtue. Guys like Bush, Romney and McCain tried to play nice with the press and the Democrats and where did it get them. I like where my 401k has gone. I like where the unemployment rates and the employment numbers have gone. I like that a POTUS is finally standing up to China. I like that a POTUS is engaging with NoKo rather than ignoring them.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

Democrats, "We need a safe space for junkies to shoot up." Also Democrats, "Using plastic straw gets you jail time." Democrat, "The world will end due to Climate Change in 12 years." Also Democrats, " I am flying around the world in my private jet to warn the world of the oncoming disaster." Democrats, "You get fined for not picking up your dog poop on the sidewalk." Also Democrats, "It's not a crime to leave your own poop on the sidewalk." Democrats, "Hey, Ukraine. Can you get me some dirt on Paul Manafort?" Also Democrats, "No! We don't want any dirt on his partner in crime, Anthony Podesta." Democrats, " Failing to cooperate with the Mueller investigation could adversely effect US aid." Also Democrats, "Trump asked them to cooperate with the DOJ investigation of the origins of the hoax and corruption by US officials. He should be impeached!"


avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

First off, @OldWhiteGuy, great username and very appropriate in this context.

You're not listening. The testimony yesterday came from two civil servants who have worked under multiple Democratic and Republican administrations. One of them graduated from West Point and served in Vietnam. The other is a Harvard grad who has an encyclopedic knowledge of Ukrainian diplomacy. There's overwhelming evidence that Trump abused his power to withhold taxpayer approved military aid in exchange for digging up dirt on the Bidens and to support a wild conspiracy theory about the 2016 elections. Ukrainians are being attacked by the Russians and dying in their own soil and the only thing Trump can think about is his himself and his reelection.

The hearings are not going to convince a ranting old fool like yourself and I guarantee Trump will not be convicted in the Senate. But the hearings are necessary because it gets the word out to a small number of independents who do listen. And the hearings are also necessary for the sake of history and our kids will study this sad period in detail someday.

There’s something about strip clubs that attracts this sort of ranting stupidity that @OldWhiteGuy illustrates. I think it’s another reason that I’ve gravitated to the sugaring scene.

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

Put this in the politics section where it belongs, dipshit.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

@Random Member: They are lifelong bureaucrats for multiple administrations. No one is attacking them personally nor denying their presenting their honest opinion but what they brought was hearsay testimony and opinion. Neither one of them had ANY first hand knowledge. And when John Ratcliffe asked, "Do either of you see an impeachable offense here?"...Crickets! @VH_Kicks: Particularly in this forum, attacking anyones morals is a bit hypocritical (even for a Democrat) Now your stupid statements: First, comparing anyone to Hitler disqualifies you from being a rational human being. Second, second it's the Democrats that are putting party over country by wasting their time trying to bloody Trump in the run up to 2020 because they know none of their current candidates could beat him. Third, if we hate America, why is it that Republicans defend American Exceptionalism and Democrats want to radically change our way of life? And, for the record, it was Obama who said, "Tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election." and then reneged on providing the Missile Defense System to Poland. Fourth, there's a saying that it is better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Fifth, the good news is that as this charade plays out the Democrats are vulcanizing the Trump voters. And again, to correct the record, the cages were built and used during the Obama Administration. The original pictures used by the lying press to attack Trump actually had the date 2014 on them. Sixth, I used three separate posts to highlight three different ideas. You still haven't contradicted the facts. The Democrats can't handle a Republican that fights back. The utter lunacy of Democrat policy. You aren't very good at your job. You have provided ZERO facts just spewing shit and insults.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Hey douchebags - wrong forum assholes. VH is a cunt - no need to keep reminding us and those he likes and agrees with are no different. OWG - stop trying to make sense with these cunts dude. See ya at the club. I will look for K and expect to see you. How dop you spell democrat? C u n t.

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

Not today!

avatar for loper
5 yrs ago

The scribes in Jesus time might be interpreted to be lawyers, since they advocated strict observance of the Law of Moses.

"Then said Jesus to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; 3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice. 4 They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear,[a] and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with their finger."

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

Funny how someone that spews the Fake News CNN and BSNBC talikng points accusses others of being brainwashed. Try refuting any of the statements with a fact. Hilliary had double digit lead over Trump in the polls. TRUE Democrats like Bloomberg and Patrick are getting into the race because the people that run the Democrat Party know that it's just a matter of time before Biden implodes and Warren is unelectable. TRUE The great Obama said, "Tell Vlad I'll have much more flexibility after the election." and then after the election withdrew our promise to provide Poland with the missile defense system. TRUE The cages were built and used during the Obama Administration. TRUE Intelligent Dems is an oxymoron. TRUE

Now spew some more demeaning swear words and show us how tough you are you cow cunt douchebag motherfucker!

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago I picked a liberal source because they explain so a 5 year old can understand it

avatar for nemesisk7
5 yrs ago

The Trumptard did witness intimidation !!!

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

Nice game last night

avatar for OldWhiteGuy
5 yrs ago

The only thing that's very true is that your simple little brain has been infected by the disease of liberal media.

Please, tell me one Democrat solution to any problem that doesn't involve giving more power to the government and less freedom to the American Citizens.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 yrs ago

There's a forum here specifically for politics. It was created by founder at the request of many users who got tired of political rants on a message board about strip clubs.

This isn't that forum.

I know that we're mostly people who don't know each other, but some basic respect wouldn't kill you.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

If someone took a shit and made VH eat it I would contribute to their mongering habit.

avatar for nemesisk7
5 yrs ago

trump has no values

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