Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141

Who remembers when the VIP was just an orgy room?

Avatar for Pussylicker2

There were 2 rooms, a big one and a small one. The shy girls liked the small room, on your right as you went up the stairs, since there were fewer people to watch you getting drained.


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Avatar for Htxx

I remember.

Avatar for Tiredtraveler

I recall the first time I was brought up their and paid my wrist band fee!

The fee was worth it just to see the show!!!

I will say that some clubs have porn playing on TV to excite the customers believe me you did not need that in the old days.

Avatar for Meursault

I remember. I didn't look around (keeping to the urinal rules of eyes forward), but it added to the ambiance that's for sure. It was impossible not to see something. To be honest though, I prefer the curtained booths there today.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Places had been like that, like our San Mateo Club Ante. But the mileage only went real high when the place was slated for closure. In that last month girls were surprising guys by DFKing from the stage.

Here I have read about Arnie's Chicagoland and Passions Nolo.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

We had one club where the lights were kept low and the Front Room was the Orgy Room.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

Strip clubs are Audience Participation Cabaret Shows. The more that can happen in the front room, or secondarily in communal VIP rooms, the better.


I need a break, says globetrotting Greta




Avatar for menotyoutwo

All the local clubs (well most if the older ones) were like that back in the day. Leggs being another famous example. But i remember the first time up there and. it was.. shall we say eye opening. And you didn't have to look around you couldnt miss t it was everywhere,

On the other hand it was good advertising. for the dancers as ut pretty much answered what was available. I remember the first time a dancer just unzipped me. Back then you didnt nogotiate price as much as just paied the going fair for a number if dances.

The place actully reminded me of an Xrated version of a after school/university party. With everyone making out all over thecplace.

Avatar for Rabbit21

I never had a problem with it and was good at training my eyes away from stuff I didn't want to see, but it did have an interesting cost one night. There was a somewhat new and super hot dancer there and so I was trying to work her for a dance, she was up on stage and given the rules at Bogies so had to wait, while I was waiting another dancer came by and dragged me up to the room, without asking she zipped me down and buried her face in my crotch, cutie pie dancer walked by, saw what was going on and I couldn't talk to her for the rest of the night. Only thing she said to me was, " You're gross.". Not a big deal and she was welcome to her opinion but I found it amazing that she didn't know how the rules worked at Bogie's.

Avatar for misterorange

In the Bronx there used to be a place called Hunts Point Triangle. They had armless chairs all along the walls pushed right up against each other. Less elbow room than the economy section of an airplane, and when they were busy you were literally shoulder to shoulder with two other guys. All girls were stark naked. Yours was bouncing up and down on your cock RCG style. Guy to your left had a girl on her knees sucking him off and guy to your right had a handstand pussy eating spectacle going on. You could reach over and feel the tits of the other guy's girl and nobody cared. They got shut down probably 20 years ago and now it's an auto parts store or something. Those were the days.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ There were a few clubs there going back to the early 1970s it was always a whore house area even the streets were full of truck whores I haven’t been there since the early 1980s damn that was a crazy area

Avatar for Wickedawesom

I remember when it was like that. Just like the urinal analogy, no eye contact. One time up there, a dancer had unzipped me and said she had some lotion. It actually turned out to be hand sanitizer and I yelled after a few rugs and everyone looked over. Of course she was a pro and finished the job....

Avatar for hard2hold

I remember that! There were 2 girls who were twins, one Jennifer and the other was Nicole. Jennifer was usually at Bogarts and Nicole at Henry's south. Used to love watching Jennifer in the small room. Beautiful girls - should've gone into porn, they'd have made a fortune.

Avatar for Leonard313

I can't do strip clubs without privacy. Don't get me wrong...I've actually participated in gang bangs and had sex in front of groups of people...but strip clubs are different. At the gang bangs, everyone is kinda there for the same reason and minding their own business. At strip clubs, you got dudes just there sipping beers "taking in the show". I don't really want to be part of their show.

Besides, if you're paying for a "private" dance, that implies "privacy". It's in the name. "Privacy" is not a couch by the jukebox or a chair near the coat room.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Sounds like this place must be pretty fun, or at least it used to be. Best if the front room is loose too, for Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Sessions.


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