
Till Death Do Us Part

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Reading Elaine Pagels,


Lost her son, born with a heart and lung condition, at the age of 6. Lost her husband Heinz 1 year later, mountain hiking accident.

But overall, they seemed like the happiest people I could ever know.

Never pining for things they don't have or can't afford. Always living comfortably within their means.

Lived in NYC where they taught, in CO at this Aspen Physics Center, and in the Redwoods in Santa Cruz CA.

Lots and lots of friends. Not sure if they even had any cars. Living mostly in rented places.

Were very happy. Pursued academic careers. Not sure if they intended this, but if you study and learn, I guess you end up their.

Heinz wrote books too:


Seemingly zero susceptibility to any motivational, self-improvement, or financial liberty mind fucking. No susceptibility to any Right Wing political mind fucking.

Just genuinely happy people with awesome friends. Nothing to prove to anyone, nothing to defend.

Never known married people like this. Most people have lives colonized by motivational and self improvement shit.

Cops tell me that most couples fight over matters of sex, money, or children.

These two don't seem to fight at all.

This is how it sounds in her book.


Perceval and the Red Knight

Rosicrucian Mystery Meditation

Drugging Our Kids


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So two people pursuing intellectual passions, and building academic careers.

    Never worrying about money, always living comfortably within their means.

    Never letting people mind fuck them with Self-Improvement, Motivationalism, or Financial Literacy doctrines.

    Never pining for what they do not have. Never trying to Keep Up With the Jones.

    Dang, why hasn't my live been like that? Why couldn't it have been?

    Boy Mark died of:

    at age 6. No cure, no treatment, 100% fatal.

    Husband Heinz Pagels dies in 1988, age 49, mountain hiking accident


    Most of the marriages I have seen were more like mine, just mechanisms for exposing people to external negative social pressure.


    James Carville
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ It takes honesty, empathy, and humility which are qualities that you lack. Also you have to want your wife to be happy and do things that support this rather than doing things for selfish reasons...
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LMAO @san_jose_creep you openly cheat on your wife with strippers and AMP whores and then wonder why your marriage failed. Then you say you had to do it to survive. Get a clue, dumbass.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I believe that Heinz had written good books. I know that Elaine's books are really good.

    They had lots and lots of friends, all three of their locations, Santa Cruz CA, Aspen CO, NYC.

    Most of their friends seemed to be academics, or people they met when they were in school, like Stanford and Harvard.

    Things never worked like that with my wife and I, always external pressure.

    Most of the people I have known, are not pursing careers which they see as having intrinsic value. Only the extrinsic value of getting money.

    Like Aristotle said, it is better to pursue ends activities, things which have intrinsic value. Better than means activities, things with only extrinsic value.

    If you let people push you into means activities, like getting money, then you are always being made into a chump. Someone, lots of people, are getting more money, and buying more things, and far easier than you.

    And then if you get more, then the comparison will be made with richer, more showy people.

    Has to be a partnership based on intrinsic value, and on ends activities.

    Elaine and Heinz had great circles of friends. Totally different from the people who were always ringing our phone. Like one, always calling, all times day or night. Almost ready for delivery, and threatening to refuse to tell hospital staff the name of the father, as a way of pressuring him. All kinds of women calling my wife, about things like that. One, her foot swelling to the size of a water mellon, distressed because BF has not offered to take her to the hospital.

    Always stuff like this, that was the world these women lived in. And they made it the realm my wife lived in, though I have to say that she never showed any resistance to that.


    Military and CIA women, now elected Democrats, talk about how to protect and to serve, and how to defend the constitution.

    James Carville
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Most people just aren't coming from the kinds of backgrounds what Elaine and Heinz Pagels were.

    So they are influenced by the Motivational, Self-Improvement, and Financial Literacy teachings. Hence their own knowledge and abilities are treated as worthless. They are seen merely as people making less money than some used car salesman, realtors, and bar tenders. And so they come to see themselves this way too, worthless.

    People need far more education, and a far different kind of education, just to live.


    side note, some of the local cities are getting really draconian about massage parlors. And they insist on this likely unconstitutional rule that once a place is busted, that building cannot be used for massage again for 1 year, or even 5 years.

    Of course setting up an AMP means the showers and the session rooms. So you want to keep reusing the building or building unit in that way.

    Yeah sure, once one is closed, than one of the girls becomes the new boss, and it reopens. So it goes. No big deal.

    But this new crackdown totally sucks!

    San Francisco is still REAL GOOD!

  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Side note, almost 5 years later san_jose_creep still doesn't look inwards as to the reason he's divorced.


    In this thread he claims he cheated on his wife just to survive and his wife's fidelity was only because she didn't like sex and then she used her fidelity to claim a moral high ground over him during their divorce. LMAO as if it's an issue that she stayed faithful and that he would have died if he didn't cheat on her.

    san_jose_creep the only way to get over your PTSD and move on from your divorce is by accepting that it was YOUR fault and stop blaming everything else but yourself. Despite your deflections, denials, and excuses, all lame BTW, you are still HAUNTED by GUILT and it keeps eating at you. LOL your defense mechanisms clearly aren't enough. Hence this thread and many of your defense mechanism posts.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "Most people just aren't coming from the kinds of backgrounds what Elaine and Heinz Pagels were.

    So they are influenced by the Motivational, Self-Improvement, and Financial Literacy teachings. Hence their own knowledge and abilities are treated as worthless. They are seen merely as people making less money than some used car salesman, realtors, and bar tenders. And so they come to see themselves this way too, worthless.

    People need far more education, and a far different kind of education, just to live."

    This is so very true. Most people don't come from the kinds of background which the Pagels's are. They get assaulted by Motivational, Self-Improvement, and Financial Literacy teachings. And all that really is, is just enforcing normative social conformity.

    I fought back, that is why I am where i am today. But for most people they will submit.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So I read Elaine Pagels, she and the husband Heinz suffered more pain than most people could have endured. But it had nothing to do whatsoever with non-partnership and outside attacks.

    Always they were able to live comfortably within their means, never pining away at things they did not have or could not afford, never feeling pressed to keep up with anyone else.

    They were very smart people, studied and learned. They learned things which most people would not have known much about. But they had colleagues and students. They both wrote great books and pursued academic careers.

    What they did was seen as having intrinsic value, not only being valued for how much money it generated. Their work had intrinsic value, as they had intrinsic value.

    Our world is really fucked up.

    Anytime people are being exposed to Self Improvement, Motivational, or Financial Literacy teachings, then their work and their abilities, and their personal legitimacy are being trashed. These teachings tell you what you are supposed to want, and how you are supposed to get it. It is all by extrinsic standards, never by intrinsic value.

    This is one of the reasons I want to build a school of a type such that people educate themselves life long.

    I look at this Pulmonary Hypertension. Mammals, Birds, and I think a few Reptiles have 4 chambered hearts. That makes it like having two different hearts and two different heart circuits, but connected in series. Seems to work better for higher metabolism and being warm blooded.

    So if someone had undersized blood vessels in their lungs, then I guess they would have unusually high blood pressure going into their lungs. Maybe this is what had caused the hole in Mark's heart in the first place, like a blow out?

    But how would you even be able to know what someone's pulmonary blood pressure is?

    Mark was born and right away from EKG they suspected some problems. So the next day they did more extensive testing and determined that he had a hole in his heart. How could they know such a thing, and how could he even have made it that far with such a hole?

    They said that such surgery on a newborn was too risky. So they set it up for his first birthday. Sure enough, more testing and they proceeded. They installed a piece of plastic, and heart tissue was to grow over it.

    Seemed to work out just fine.

    Then a year later they were doing a follow up exam, a heart catheterisation which was supposed to take only 1 hour. It all took 9 hours.

    Then they announced that he had Pulmonary Hypertension, there is no cure, no treatment, and it is 100% fatal.

    They estimated 3 months to 3 years. It ended up being more like 3 years.

    If you went in from a vein and could go through some of the heart you would go from the Right Atrium, and then into the Right Ventricle. At that point your catheter would be in the pulmonary pressure. But can you do that, and doesn't that interfere with the operation of the heart valves?


    Would breathing pure oxygen help? Maybe not, maybe the oxygenation is passably adequate. Maybe the issue is just that the heart wears out?

    Maybe the patient and their lungs are growing, but their pulmonary blood vessels are not growing, so the problem is getting worse.

    In the end Mark was sitting in his mother's lap and they were at the hospital weighting for the doctor. Then he just stiffened, seeming to have had a fatal coronary.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So how does one measure pulmonary blood pressure?

    Pulmonary blood pressure is normally a lot lower than systemic blood pressure. Normal pulmonary artery pressure is 8-20 mm Hg at rest.


    They talk about catheterizing the right heart.

    Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring is measuring the pressure in the pulmonary artery leading to the lungs. It also allows for indirect measurement of left heart pressures since the pulmonary veins have no valves in them and collects the information needed to calculate cardiac output and resistance.


    Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring is measuring the pressure in the pulmonary artery leading to the lungs. It also allows for indirect measurement of left heart pressures since the pulmonary veins have no valves in them and collects the information needed to calculate cardiac output and resistance. The PA catheter assesses all 3 components of stroke volume: preload, afterload, and contractility.

    The catheter is 60-100 cm long and the caliber is 4-8 Fr (a standard suction catheter is 14 French)...the balloon will hold 0.5-1.5 ml of air and get 8-13 mm big when inflated
    Distal Port:
    • terminates in the pulmonary artery
    • used to monitor pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure when the balloon is inflated
    • provides a port for mixed venous blood samples
    Balloon Inflation Port:
    • used to inflate the balloon at the end of the PA catheter with no more than 1.5 ml of air
    • has a locking device for safety
    • is inflated during insertion to allow the catheter to float into correct position
    • when inflated will measure pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, which is equal to the pressure in the left atrium and ventricle during diastole

    Pulmonary artery catheterization, or right heart catheterization, is the insertion of a catheter into a pulmonary artery. Its purpose is diagnostic; it is used to detect heart failure or sepsis, monitor therapy, and evaluate the effects of drugs. The pulmonary artery catheter allows direct, simultaneous measurement of pressures in the right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and the filling pressure of the left atrium. The pulmonary artery catheter is frequently referred to as a Swan-Ganz catheter, in honor of its inventors Jeremy Swan and William Ganz, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.


    Pulmonary Artery Catheterization



    Pulmonary Artery Catheterization


    Ocasio-Cortez: Ukraine allegation one of the most serious we have seen

    3 years ago
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