Platinum Plus - Greenville

avatar for shadowcat
Attn: casualguy
I have never been to this club but I know that it is one of your favorites and I trust that you know the straight poop on it. bsstrip just posted a review that I find questionable. He claims to have gotten a totally nude lap dance for $20. Can you really get a totally nude lap dance in a club that is only topless and if you can, can you get it that cheap? Or does the bs in his nick name stand for bull shit?


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avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I found the review to be questionable. However he said only 6 or 7 dancers were there which indicates to me that the club was almost empty. If you're the only guy in a club and you're the only one getting a dance, it's kind of hard to say what might have happened. I know I don't see anything like that when I visit.

At a nude club, I can get nude lap dances for 2 for $40 or $20 a lap dance but I thought that was high priced and you can't touch at that club.
avatar for thedirk444
18 years ago
Have a hard time with the bsstrip review after two years worth of regular visits myself. Never have seen anyone totally nude. In addition was told by a veteran dancer that newer cameras installed recently in couch room.
avatar for Ironcat
18 years ago
I go to PP in the afternoons on a fairly regular basis and have never seen anyone get a totally nude dance. I also find that with so many of the Memphis dancers coming over, that getting a 2 for 1 fore $30.00 is getting harder to do. What is up with the cameras? How long has it been since they were installed? Has it affected the dance quality?
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
cusualguy: I am sorry you had such a lousy time at CAE PP. Shit happens with strippers. I don't blame the club, I blame the dancers and you should have published their names in your review, I would have. Funny, You rated it a 5. Worste I have seen in a long time but PP moved up from #9 to #7 on the top 40 clubs list.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I think one or two were installed about a year or two ago in the main lap dance room. Either that or it was too dark in there for the camera to pick anything up so they also added some extra light they can turn up if they see something suspicious going on. I believe the cameras are hidden overhead where the light dome is located. Of course they have lots of mirrors in those rooms as well and I don't know if something is behind them. I never really concerned myself too much. The only place I've seen a dancer dancing totally nude in a club in the last few years was in a nude club.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
IGU, I was having a decent time if you don't count the loud music, no seats available on Saturday night and a number of dancers hustling for 2 for 30 or more, but then the last hour really sucked. Just when I thought things were picking up, the dancer either decided to rip me off or she wanted a mandatory tip by charging me extra. I don't know, maybe she was drunk and couldn't count. I know another dancer told me she had been drinking. I have posted enough reviews if they average out, the rating for PP in Columbia shouldn't hardly change. I'm not good with names, however whenever I do return I'll ask for names and try to remember them. If I return in the next few months to Columbia, I should remember. However I'm not looking forward to returning there. I don't usually get all that shit and hustle in Greenville. Maybe it's just because I usually only get dances from favorites or nice dancers who manage to talk me into getting a dance after sitting and talking for a bit. It's hard to find a seat in Columbia PP on a weekend night.
avatar for 10inches
18 years ago
been to PP-Greenville several times. while never had nude dance some of the girls had no qualms about showing kitty during dance either by pulling g-string to the side or sliding it down. YMMV depending on dancer and how busy club is. have found that a "slow day means more play".
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I'll agree with a slow day means more play. Some girls at other clubs in different cities were like a totally different creature when they got alone with me.
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