
PH Detroit might be done for

avatar for PrimetimeSchein


Wow that's all I got


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

It's clear the-powers-to-be don't want strip clubs to be part of the future-fabric of the city.

This has been a problem across the country for the last several years - IMO it will probably get worse - the only solutiion IMO is prostitution being legalized in the future

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 yrs ago

The club can't have prostitution because there's no customers. Idek why they're targeting this club anymore it's dead

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Maybe some developer wants that land for another purpose and they're forcing out the club

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Where is Random to blame conservative white christians for this?????

avatar for chessmaster
5 yrs ago

"Where is Random to blame conservative white christians for this?????"

Liberal cities suck ass but shutting down strip clubs/prostitution is bipartisan. It's one of the few things they all agree on. The libtrads use sex trafficking as excuses to shut down sex work and conservatives have the holier-than-thou bible thumpers they have to appease.

avatar for whodey
5 yrs ago

"They have helped promote business development and there have been no complaints from citizens."

These are the issues politicians of both sides should be looking at, but I guess it is just easier and more politically beneficial to show you are tough on prostitution.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 yrs ago

The new owners must not have paid/increased their protection money to the politicians (aka campaign donations).

avatar for Electronman
5 yrs ago

Sad. I have many good memories from that club. The club was on a serious downswing spurred largely by pressure from Detroit vice squad to remove their privacy curtains in the private dance area. There has been a concerted effort to clean up the clubs inside the Detroit city limits. Fortunately, the clubs in the surrounding areas (Romulus, Inkster, Southgate, Lincoln Park) have not been affected.

I wonder if the efforts to clean up the Detroit city clubs will have an adverse impact on convention attendance and other travel to Detroit?

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 yrs ago

I believe it will electro

avatar for SuperDude
5 yrs ago

Detroit residents value their neighborhoods, property values and quiet streets. PH patrons routinely urinated in the side streets, took up street parking to avoid valet, had sex in parked cars, threw used condoms on front lawns and created noise at closing that would wake the dead. The management of PH and other clubs seem to have no understanding of the political power of Detroit's churches and neighborhood groups, dismissing them as irrelevant to making money.
Homeowners fought back, blaming PH for the trashy conduct of patrons. PH said what happens when they leave here is not our business. The pressure kept building for a crackdown. Now, it has started.

avatar for AnonymousJim
5 yrs ago

@SuperDude: I gotta say ... really?

I find a lot of that hard to believe.

I struggle to think Penthouse activities filtered that far flung outside of the club.

The only thing there I feel is wholly believable is the street parking bit, but even with that, I never even thought to park in a dark side street just off that part of 8 Mile at night. There are far easier ways to get robbed or commit suicide, particularly carrying the amount of money needed to have fun at Penthouse on you. Were that many people risk-takers like that? Really?

Plus, is the neighborhood around the actual club all that great that they're really thinking about property values and whatnot? Yes, there are nicer homes to the west near 8 Mile, but significantly to the west. Around the club? I went looking on Google Maps; those homes on Braile and Patton ain't much to write home about. There are far worse parts of Detroit, sure, but I don't think we're talking GM & Ford executives living in those postwar ranch houses with tiny yards.

Urinating in the streets? Again, I'm not convinced that many drunks were stumbling out of there into the neighborhood, and honestly, big whoop. Go golfing; guys just go to the woods and find a tree all the time. I peed in my own yard once when I really needed to go after a long drive and didn't think I'd make it to the bathroom. Hell, it's good for the grass.

Sex in parked cars? Again, in and around 8 Mile? Again, this strikes me as too dumb for most people to do, plus, hello, FS and whatever else you wanted was wholly available in the club. Who would bother going outside? And just into a car? I did OTC from PH once, but the parties involved met me at my hotel room.

Noise at closing? I've been outside of PH at closing. Sure, a lot of cars and whatnot, but it's just groups of folks talking, usually well shielded by the walls of the place. Maybe the occasional idiots honking their horns or bumping trap at a loud volume, but again, on 8 Mile, that's not exclusive to the club.

Yes, the churches and neighborhoods have pride and want to feel like they're doing something, so they go after the most obvious of the easy and worst targets. But I feel like their case against Penthouse feels exaggerated, almost highly so. When I read claims like that in other articles, I found them laughable, which is why I feel like a lot of this is moreso comical than anything.

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 yrs ago

Well said Jim

avatar for RandomName111
5 yrs ago

This sucks. I was finally making it back to the area and was hoping to relieve a fun time at PH with a very Tara Reid looking girl who used to work the motorcycle. Granted that was 10 years ago so chances were slim, but if it’s crackdown season and dying, not likely.

I will read some of the other club reviews to see if there’s anything guaranteed awesome around Detroit still (like Follies in Atlanta, A+), but i’m also happy to get suggestions via PM. Will actually be traveling cross country next week so I’m open to Chicago recommendations too. Pretty sure OH is still dead regardless of city.

Hope this wave of negativity in Detroit passes soon!

avatar for AnonymousJim
5 yrs ago

A lot of us true mongers are disappointed about Penthouse dying. I've had a chance to do a lot of fun stuff and see a lot of things in my non-club life. Sorry, but in the Top 10 dopamine rushes I've had, I'd have to say one or two trips to Penthouse has to be right up there.

The problem is moreso with people who see sex and prostitution as a problem, but that's a much bigger issue.

The chances of your Tara Reid bike rider still doing her thing someplace are probably slim.

In my first trip to PH, which was also probably 10 years ago or so, there was a redheaded dancer who gleefully advertised she was a gymnast who normally worked day shift during her flexible final pole show. I badly wanted to give her a shot, but she retired behind the bar after her set, then to the dressing room and wasn't seen again that night. I don't get back often, but yeah, probably long gone. Turnover among dancers there was high.

That said, the word is many PH dancers have migrated to FC, where the experience remains largely the same. Some have complained about prices going up; I think smart negotiating can keep you in a decent ballpark.

Among dancers I can remember from Penthouse:

  • Jade or Jayda was an enhanced asian. I saw someone like her on stage at Flight Club my last visit, but the boobs seemed smaller and she had more ink, so I'm thinking it wasn't the same lady.

  • Nicole was a busty blonde with lingerie-like ribbon tattoos on the back of her legs. No idea where she landed.

  • Zoe was another asian who wasn't providing extras. No idea on her, either.

  • Kennedy was very popular. Busty blonde from Texas. She did text me once saying she was "in trouble" and "needed help;" I knew where it was going and wasn't going to be the one to send money from a distance. Another dancer mentioned something about a pimp without getting into specifics. Hope she didn't get in TOO much trouble. The last time I texted her number, no response. A little afraid to text further, as who knows who has their hands on her phone now.

  • Daisy was also very popular but selective. Braces beneath blonde hair and under a sweetheart's face, albeit with a true hourglass figure. Never got to experience her ITC, but did have an OTC experience with her, through Kennedy's help. She's the closest thing I've had to a GFE in a club. Seemed to legit love my massages. Kennedy said she'd send me her number. Never did. I fear I've lost track of her.

  • Jade was a small but busty brunette I met in my last "good" visit. We've reconnected and she apparently is forgoing clubs and just doing the outside thing with previous clients. I got the impression she wasn't doing PH as a primary career before, so she can afford to lose some business.

If anyone has info on the long-losts, I'd be up for it, here or in a PM.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
5 yrs ago

Jurisdictional questions here? Is the Penthouse Club within the same city / incorporated suburb / whatever, as the other high-mileage clubs? Maybe the issue is only in Detroit-proper, not in "West Ketchum Landing" or whatever other quasi-city is right across the six-laner.

avatar for Electronman
5 yrs ago

The crackdown seems to be focused on clubs within the Detroit city limits. Thus far, clubs in the surrounding cities (Inkster, Romulus, Dearborn, etc.) have not been effected.

Nevertheless, this is troubling for those of us who object to the overreach of a) religious fanatics and b) misguided crusaders who seem to detect trafficking in every consensual sexual encounter that involves the exchange of valuables.

avatar for Htxx
5 yrs ago

Seems to me both Kennedy and Nicole have been at the landing strip. But could also have been the flight club.

avatar for JohnSmith69
5 yrs ago

Who the duck is running Detroit. Strip clubs are the last thing the place has left to attract tourists.

avatar for Htxx
5 yrs ago

Not true John smith. We also have casinos now! Lol

avatar for Countryman5434
5 yrs ago

Viva mexico!

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

A friend of mine from Legends in Detroit told me Coliseum is closing next month. She said the DJ, who has been there for several years, left and went to Trumpps and he said Coli is closing unless somebody buys it. I haven't seen anything else about it online anywhere though.

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 yrs ago

Is it because of LE pressure or money issues?

avatar for Electronman
5 yrs ago

Just what Detroit needs: more abandoned buildings and a shrinking tax base.

I hope that some of these clubs relocate to the suburbs where LE is not as overbearing.

avatar for AnonymousJim
5 yrs ago

Oddly enough, this may be a good thing for us, in a way.

The talent will become more concentrated at fewer clubs. Less driving all over the city because certain clubs aren't dying anything for us at times.

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 yrs ago

With the current political climate I'm not sure if we'd see new clubs open up anywhere besides Wayne County. Macomb doesn't even have dispensaries

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

Strip clubs are not allowed to be run in Oakland and Macomb counties. It's in the local ordinances. Traffic Light was grandfathered into Macomb's ordinance, hence why the building is so... ragged. There's only so much they can do to the building now because of the ordinance.
Back when TwoSheds was up, I'd found the clause in those county ordinances and posted them.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

And I don't know for certain if Coliseum is closing or not. Again, I only heard it for one person and it's because she was asking me how clubs are where I am where I am.
I did get an invite to a class action lawsuit against Bouzouki in downtown Detroit though. I HATE that place, so I'm definitely signing up for it.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

*where I am. Sorry, voice to text glitched.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 yrs ago

Let us know how much you get from the suit

avatar for s275ironman
5 yrs ago

For what it is worth, both Penthouse and Coliseum used to post ads in the Metro Times. The Penthouse ads got pulled once they were forced to close. A week later, the Coliseum ads also stopped appearing in new issues of the Metro Times. Perhaps there really is going to be a closure in the not too distant future. It wouldn’t really surprise me given recent events of the past few years. As it is, it may not entirely be a bad thing, as it forces the talent to relocate.

The clubs on 8 Mile may be closer for those of us who live in northern suburbs from Oakland or Macomb, but when I’ve gone to clubs recently, I’ve made the drive all the way down to the airport, and I suspect that is where most of us go by choice given the city of Detroit’s current fight against strip clubs.

avatar for Slapper01
5 yrs ago

The biggest bummer to me is that this seems to have reshuffled where a lot of girls work. For example I used to always watch the stage and get a drink or two with a dancer named Vayda (or something like that) at Henry's and Landing Strip, but with all the shuffled talent I haven't seen her in a couple months.

avatar for dancewdcpa
5 yrs ago

You are right Slapper but unless there is another Vayda, brunette, mid twenties, hard body and natural but not big on top, with a butterfly tat on her lower back, she likes to work Henry's on Monday nights when they have the specials. Probably shows up late but should be there by 10....she shouldn't be affected by PH or Coli...

Unless there is another Vayda...

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

I visited home and worked at Legends for their 4 year anniversary. There was a short, brunette (and really attractive) mid 20s girl going by Vayda working there that Saturday and Sunday.

avatar for Slapper01
5 yrs ago

There actually are 2. One had her birthday at Players recently and has a nice curvy butt. The one mentioned before from Henry's sounds like the one I know.
And sorry for hijacking the thread, she was only one of the ones I haven't seen in a but, she just comes to mind because we always talk at the club and because I suck with names!

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

The one at Players is not the one I was talking about from Legends. I know her in real life and already knew she wasn't who y'all were looking for.

avatar for Slapper01
5 yrs ago

Ah interesting. Never been there, normally stay out of downtown because of how crazy parking is.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

Just park at the casino.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
5 yrs ago

Called and chatted with my old agent from Detroit regarding me visiting next month. He confirmed Coliseum is indeed closing next month.

avatar for PrimetimeSchein
5 yrs ago


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