
I don't trust you because you are "too" nice to me! (being a hooters waitress)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 6:38 AM
I found this in Reddit actually under an apt post we can all find humorous [view link] "I worked as a hostess at a strip club. I was fully clothed, but guys would regularly ask for lap dances, or tell me what they wanted to do to me, etc. I was just a curious person between jobs in my technical field, I didn't need to work at a strip club, it was just a little fun. I never went too far out of my comfort zone to get tips, I was just nice to people. My worst story was I was joking around with this guy. Every time I'd walk by, we'd dance together for a little and move on. Then we started having bits of conversation here and there. He was really kind and smart, and I was enjoying our talk. Every time I'd walk away, he'd give me a dollar. After a few times, I was like, "You don't have to tip me for just talking to you." He went on this long rant about how I'm just pretending to be nice to get his money. He said, "I'm hoping you're a hostess with a heart of gold, but you're only here right now to get my tips." He asked me if I'd go home with him if he promised to buy me breakfast in the morning. I told him absolutely not. The rant continued, but I was just too hurt that he thought I was lying, and had to walk away. Worst hostess ever." In fairness to the dude, many of us have seen women to use niceness as a weapon to just get money out of you or some other commodity and not be genuine. Man must have lived in strip clubs for TOO long to become that jaded. Rickyboy, is that you? lol

1 comment

  • AnonymousJim
    5 years ago
    The thing I've learned is to just enjoy the moment. Is she faking it to get tips? Does she really like you? Who cares? An attractive woman is dancing with you. Be happy about that! Also, if she says you don't have to tip me, just take that at face value, too. She's probably just being nice. Don't go on a rant and make assumptions about why she's there or that she must like you. Say something like, "No, I don't have to, but I want to because you're worth it," or something cheesy like that. Maybe you even get a phone number at some point. But instead, no, you turned her from a person into a tip jar, and you also made it clear a night with her was only worth putting the cost of breakfast into that jar. Great work. She was a good hostess. He was an idiot. And yes, we do get taken by ROBs sometimes. But that shouldn't make us so bitter that we believe every girl in the club is a money-grubber. Enjoy the ones who aren't.
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