updated news, suspect named, also owned barber shop. Came to club two times in that day. Still no mention if he knew one of the women outside. But he is charged.
No as far as I know no one is checked for weapons. I have never been I D'd or checked for weapons. It's a real small town and everybody knows everybody.
That does not sound good to me. Would not work here.
Back rooms, private space with dancers? Okay for dancers to leave mid shift?
Did the suspect have prior relations with any of the women?
Yes, I see on the map that it is a real small town, and also at a three state junction. These often become Vice Zones, for taking money off of people from out of state, the argument seems to go.
Newer news, suspect owns barber shop, out on $2 million bond. Trial set for Jan 13, 2020, with two pre-trial conferences set.
See if he has a private attorney or a public defender, see if anymore info comes out. There are potentially things he could claim which might help him beat this. No one was hurt after all. So his intent could be in dispute.
Francisca Vazquez, 31, was charged with armed robbery, kidnapping while armed and intimidation, according to court records. He is currently being held on a warrant.
Employees of the club had noticed Vazquez earlier in the day, LaGory said. The club opened at 1 p.m., and the women working saw that Vazquez returned to the club around 4 p.m. and opened fire.
Prosecutor Lynn Deddens wrote in a Facebook post that Vazquez had held multiple people at gunpoint during the attack and robbed three victims. Those victims have not yet been identified.
“We would like to talk to these men because we believe they were robbed by Vazquez," stated Prosecuting Attorney Lynn Deddens. “We have photographs of the individuals in hopes of identifying them. If you know who these men are, please reach out to Det. Jeremy Shepherd of Lawrenceburg Police Department at 812-537-2284.”
Vazquez is set for an initial hearing on Monday, Aug. 19.
So sounds like LE is having a hard time identifying club patrons, who though likely robbed at gun poing, have not come forward.
"Francisco Vazquez, 31, was in Dearborn Superior Court I to plead not guilty to a list of charges including Robbery with a Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Attempted Kidnapping (level 3 felony), Criminal Confinement with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Intimidation (level 5 felony), Pointing a Firearm (level 6 felony), and Resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony). "
Oh I see, Vazquez is transgender. That's why the name confusion.
In a court affidavit, police stated that Vazquez is a female named Francisca by birth, but now identifies as a male and goes by the name Francisco.
Well yes. Someone died in the San Jose Pink Poodle a number of years back,, punched by a bouncer.
The bouncer might have been excessive, but the deceased probably was causing a problem.
Our DA's office charged it as murder 1.
The bouncer was part of the Hell's Angel's Motorcycle Club. And the DA has always wanted the Pink Poodle gone.
They made it like the Poodle owner was angry because the deceased ruffled the feathers of a dancer at a nearby bar.
So for that, he is going to have the guy executed, and at the Pink Poodle? That family has run the Poodle for decades, and they also run a bachelor party service. They are provoked by a drunk who gets a little out of line with one of their dancers?
The bouncer was acquitted, and I excoriated the news paper for their source journalism, just printing what LE told them, when they knew it made no sense.
The news paper finally was making fun of the DA, and commenting that it is hard to get good witnesses from a strip club.
With this Indiana case, what they have against the suspect might not be as strong as it looks. I still find his intentions to be unclear. And no one was hurt.
If there is actually a trial, then the DA has to prove intent, and so this story about the girl who would not leave with him would have to come out. They have to show that they understand the whole story.
""Francisco Vazquez, 31, was in Dearborn Superior Court I to plead not guilty to a list of charges including Robbery with a Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Attempted Kidnapping (level 3 felony), Criminal Confinement with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Intimidation (level 5 felony), Pointing a Firearm (level 6 felony), and Resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony). "
No new news. Maybe someone knows how to check online court records, or could even walk into the court house. Maybe someone knows how to see if he has a private attorney or a public defender.
35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F3: Armed Robbery-Taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed, 35-42-3-2(a)/F3: Kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation-Same as 7261, but where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon., 35-47-4-3(b)/F6: Pointing a Firearm at Another, 35-44.1-3-1(a)(1)/F6: Resisting Law Enforcement-Same as 3927 but the def. draws or uses a deadly wea
State of Indiana, Vazquez
Wilson, Deddens
Not seeing when his next court appearance is, or who the prosecutor is, or if he is out on bail. I believe though he is out on bail.
Okay, here is a lot more info, next court appearance 9/26, Hon. Johnathan Neil Cleary 11am
these might be the attorneys
Hearing Scheduling Activity ---- 8/16/2019 : Jeffrey Steven Wilson;Lynn Marie Deddens
This also might be getting prosecuted by the state, rather than the county.
Yes, the charges are real bad, including two counts of:
35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon
Yes, so this is the prosecutor, and there is some connection between this Dearborn County and Ohio www.in.gov
Yes, out on bail:
POR - No Contact Order No Contact Order - Pretrial Release; Issued by: HON JONATHAN N. CLEARY
Yes, defendant lives in OH, some gender ambiguity here
Defendant Vazquez, Francisca
Female, Other, 5' 5", 198 lbs.
Both listed attorney's are prosecutors, one with the state, one county.
Defendant must be provided with free attorney if they cannot afford one. Only other way is if they choose to represent themselves. Already had one court appearance.
35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F3: Armed Robbery-Taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed, 35-42-3-2(a)/F3: Kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation-Same as 7261, but where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon., 35-47-4-3(b)/F6: Pointing a Firearm at Another, 35-44.1-3-1(a)(1)/F6: Resisting Law Enforcement-Same as 3927 but the def. draws or uses a deadly wea
Wilson, Deddens, Bartlett
^^^^^ This is all from Indiana State records
Here is Aug 20th news, said he is set for January Jury Trial
$2 million bond for Cincinnati suspect in Lawrenceburg shooting www.cincinnati.com
shows picture of man pointing pistol at door clerk.
Suspect has his barber shop, but says he lives in Cincinnati.
Still looking for newer info and to see who is representing him.
Not finding any more info or news.
Wilson and Deddens, seem to be prosecutors, one state, one county.
Bartlett seems then to be representing Vazquez.
Maybe this Justin W. Bartlett, practices in OH and IN bartlettlaw.com
If that small county does not have a Public Defender's Office, then they probably use and Indepedent Defense Council, which could have appointed Justin W. Bartlett.
His father was also an attorney.
So this is the first time I have learned the name of the probable defense attorney. Can't find court calendar. They should have had court appearance. Overall this does not look good for defendant.
As defendant seems to be transgender, idea he had some kind of prior relationship with a dancer makes this more interesting, but it does not get him out of it. But usually in strip clubs it is hard for DA to come up with reliable witnesses. They do though have video.
I am very familiar with Dearborn County Justice System. A friend of mine spent a year in prison there for one lousy Zanex that the officer found in the pile of the carpet with a drug dog. Who knows how long it was there possibly from a previous tenant. In Dearborn County they will lock you up for a little weed.
Our jails are always full, about 4000 for this county. Full of domestic violence, drug, public open container, and fire arms possession cases, and then people for minor parole violations for more serious offenses.
2 million bond for Cincinnati suspect in Lawrenceburg shooting
Updated 2:07 p.m. EDT Aug. 20, 2019
A Cincinnati business owner is being held on a $2 million bond in connection to the Aug. 14 Lawrenceburg, Indiana, shooting, according to court records.
Francisca Vazquez, 31, was arrested on armed robbery and kidnapping chargesafter shots were fired inside of Concepts Gentlemen's Club in Dearborn County last week.
No one was injured in the shooting, police said. There were a total of 10 people inside the club at the time of the attack.
Vazquez lives in Cincinnati and is the owner of Springdale's Vazquez Barbershop and Salon.
The $2 million bond was determined at Monday's initial hearing. Vazquez will be seen at a jury trial on Jan. 13, 2020. Two pretrial conferences have been set for September and December.
(He goes to trial in January. This was the last report August 20th.)
We have lawyers on this board, but I am not sure if we have criminal defense lawyers. Please jump in if you are such.
Here, picture of suspect aiming pistol at counter door man, seemingly a high trajectory shot at his head, target in shadows, shooter in light.
Is that very smart?
If it is true that this had to do with a dancer he wanted to leave with him, it looks more like the whole thing is a temper tantrum, to impress the girl.
Probably it is a girl he has know for some time and he wants her to retire.
Here, the charges:
35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F3: Armed Robbery-Taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed, 35-42-3-2(a)/F3: Kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation-Same as 7261, but where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon., 35-47-4-3(b)/F6: Pointing a Firearm at Another, 35-44.1-3-1(a)(1)/F6: Resisting Law Enforcement-Same as 3927 but the def. draws or uses a deadly wea
Okay, but they over charge this stuff. The only cases where the cannot deal on is homicide. But this is not a homicide, no one died, no one was hurt.
They say he resisted the police. Well if police find someone brandishing a weapon, they will order him to drop it and get down on his knees. It could be even worse.
But no mention of police using any weapons or any force. So his resistance was probably just being a smart ass.
And witnesses are not coming forward! So police probably cannot testify to much.
So they probably have the girl and the door counter man. But this does not mean that they are going to be cooperative witnesses. And how hard do they want to be on crime victims?
So this will be settled by a plea agreement.
I was in court for a case where a guy had fired a bullet into the ceiling of a major department store. And the attorney told me that this suburb was fascist. Steal something you are done for.
But gun stupidity? He got two weekends of community service, and he got his gun back.
This guy could get off very easy.
And his record, based on his crime, he is not smart enough to have a record.
Hard to prosecute crimes which have occurred in a strip club, no witnesses.
No witnesses who want to cooperate? A witness could corroborate the DA's thesis and what it should on the cameras, that they were robbed at gun point. But without the witnesses, it could be treated more lightly.
And the police did not see much, or they would have deployed weapons.
So how much of a case is there?
I believe that it will be settled by a plea agreement.
Francisca Vazquez, also known as Francisco Vazquez, was charged in August with Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Attempted Kidnapping (level 3 felony), Criminal Confinement with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Intimidation (level 5 felony), Pointing a Firearm (level 6 felony), and Resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony).
According to Dearborn-Ohio County Prosecutor Lynn Deddens, Vazquez brandished a gun inside the strip club and fired multiple shots on August 14. Vazquez allegedly held multiple people at gunpoint during the robbery.
She fled the scene but was captured a short time later.
Vazquez is set for a jury trial in Dearborn County Court on January 13.
Aug 29th
UPDATE: $2M Cash Bond For Accused Strip Bar Robber
They are probably checking his/her record to see if she qualifies for a plea agreement. I dont know what else this could mean. They also will be preparing for sentencing. What bothers me is the state is being very secretive here. Most reasons for everything done up to now is "other" with little to no explanation of why.
That is a good question. Really the issue is, will he be incarcerated as a man or a woman. I think probably as a woman.
Still have yet to hear which charges he had to plead too. The prosecution evidence, given what they would likely be able to get in a strip club, would not support most of those charges. Hard to get witnesses in a strip club.
Not seen any new news yet, just going from the court record.
Maybe when it finally settles, when he gets his sentence.
Just from their news and the way things seem set up, sounds like a very different sort of a place, a much more conservative place, than what I am used to living in.
Awesome! And I wish people who go to strip clubs could better understand the importance of the FRMOS! In just buying dances they are supporting clip joints.
last commentThanks for letting us know, and always good to see you Jestrite.
I go to this club quite often. That's where my Indiana girl was from. I always felt safe there. Now I'm not sure.
^^^^^ good place for Front Room Makeout Sessions, rather than just buying dances I would assume?
Steely Dan @ Sony Music Center, NYC - Band & Crew Rehearsal
601 Arch St.
Use zoom outs and changing back to maps, to see where this is:
Right on Ohio River and Kentucky border, about 12 miles West of Cincinnati.
Topless, 164 Reviews, people seem to like it.
Lots of clubs in that area, 3 state junction.
yes had several front room makeout sessions there.
^^^^^^^ Jestrite is THE MAN, our own Master Womanizer!
This might have newer news:
That kind of shooting could happen anywhere. I suppose security cameras would help, but in strip clubs people would probably not like that.
Still have not named the suspect. Overall, sounds pretty lame to me.
Right across the street from a high school. Don't think you could do that here, zoning and permitting rules.
But then, that looseness about opening more clubs will be why Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky are more conducive to front room makeout sessions.
Word on the street says the guy was upset because a girl wouldn't leave the club with him
That came from one of the dancers there
What kind of a jerk would think that the girl would go with himEspecially if hes packing heat
Well of course that is not said in the news accounts. Sounds like a guy who just lost it. Made worse because of his gun.
I hope that club keeps going. Smart girl who refused to leave with him.
Please let us know if you hear more, and about how that club fairs.
The Guess Who - Undun (With Lyrics on screen)
I can't help but notice the conservative styling of that radio station's web site.
Can't find a web site for Concepts, and on Yelp they have very little.
This is their facebook, very old posts. Not much.
I hope that club makes it okay.
Interesting to find out where the man was standing when he fired, and where the bullets went.
Sounds like he had no real agenda of hitting anyone. Good. It could have been worse.
Do they search people for weapons before they get in?
At our local above ground clubs, they ask if it looks like someone has something like a weapon.
At the Mexican Bars with the the table dancing shows, they do a pat down seach, and they usuallyl have an armed uniformed security guard too.
updated news, suspect named, also owned barber shop. Came to club two times in that day. Still no mention if he knew one of the women outside. But he is charged.
No as far as I know no one is checked for weapons. I have never been I D'd or checked for weapons. It's a real small town and everybody knows everybody.
That does not sound good to me. Would not work here.
Back rooms, private space with dancers? Okay for dancers to leave mid shift?
Did the suspect have prior relations with any of the women?
Yes, I see on the map that it is a real small town, and also at a three state junction. These often become Vice Zones, for taking money off of people from out of state, the argument seems to go.
Newer news, suspect owns barber shop, out on $2 million bond. Trial set for Jan 13, 2020, with two pre-trial conferences set.
See if he has a private attorney or a public defender, see if anymore info comes out. There are potentially things he could claim which might help him beat this. No one was hurt after all. So his intent could be in dispute.
Don't seem to have any more current news.
Interesting aerial photo.
Dearborn County Indiana
Francisca Vazquez, 31, was charged with armed robbery, kidnapping while armed and intimidation, according to court records. He is currently being held on a warrant.
Court Services
Not easy to find anything on court web site.
But news paper said:
Employees of the club had noticed Vazquez earlier in the day, LaGory said. The club opened at 1 p.m., and the women working saw that Vazquez returned to the club around 4 p.m. and opened fire.
Prosecutor Lynn Deddens wrote in a Facebook post that Vazquez had held multiple people at gunpoint during the attack and robbed three victims. Those victims have not yet been identified.
“We would like to talk to these men because we believe they were robbed by Vazquez," stated Prosecuting Attorney Lynn Deddens. “We have photographs of the individuals in hopes of identifying them. If you know who these men are, please reach out to Det. Jeremy Shepherd of Lawrenceburg Police Department at 812-537-2284.”
Vazquez is set for an initial hearing on Monday, Aug. 19.
So sounds like LE is having a hard time identifying club patrons, who though likely robbed at gun poing, have not come forward.
court site:
I look for news via suspect name. Some news identifies suspect as female.
But here:
Francisco Vazquez enters not guilty plea.
Yes, has picture:
"Francisco Vazquez, 31, was in Dearborn Superior Court I to plead not guilty to a list of charges including Robbery with a Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Attempted Kidnapping (level 3 felony), Criminal Confinement with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Intimidation (level 5 felony), Pointing a Firearm (level 6 felony), and Resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony). "
Oh I see, Vazquez is transgender. That's why the name confusion.
In a court affidavit, police stated that Vazquez is a female named Francisca by birth, but now identifies as a male and goes by the name Francisco.
Oh Wow it gets more dicey every minute. I wonder how big her dick is and if she has any ED problems ?
It would be more interesting if the whole story does come out. But then, this might get settled by a plea deal. In that case nothing comes out.
yes I hate plea bargain deals
In my county 39 out of 40 felony cases end in plead deals.
This seems to be why they are usually over charging them.
This Lawrenceburg case, to me, looks over charged. They want the guy to plead guilty.
But the criminal law is all about intent. He shouldn't have done what he did, but not really sure what his intent was.
And also, when things happen in strip clubs, often hard to get credible witnesses.
So we will see.
Yes the robbery victims wont come forward because they dont want anyone to know they were in a Strip Club that night.
He or She will probably plea bargain it down to disturbing the peace.
Well yes. Someone died in the San Jose Pink Poodle a number of years back,, punched by a bouncer.
The bouncer might have been excessive, but the deceased probably was causing a problem.
Our DA's office charged it as murder 1.
The bouncer was part of the Hell's Angel's Motorcycle Club. And the DA has always wanted the Pink Poodle gone.
They made it like the Poodle owner was angry because the deceased ruffled the feathers of a dancer at a nearby bar.
So for that, he is going to have the guy executed, and at the Pink Poodle? That family has run the Poodle for decades, and they also run a bachelor party service. They are provoked by a drunk who gets a little out of line with one of their dancers?
The bouncer was acquitted, and I excoriated the news paper for their source journalism, just printing what LE told them, when they knew it made no sense.
The news paper finally was making fun of the DA, and commenting that it is hard to get good witnesses from a strip club.
With this Indiana case, what they have against the suspect might not be as strong as it looks. I still find his intentions to be unclear. And no one was hurt.
Disturbing the Peace is the lowest misdemeanor. I hope firing a gun is not that little.
But as it is charged now it is multiple high level felonies.
If there is actually a trial, then the DA has to prove intent, and so this story about the girl who would not leave with him would have to come out. They have to show that they understand the whole story.
For a plea bargain no, that would never come out.
A lot of charges against that defendant:
""Francisco Vazquez, 31, was in Dearborn Superior Court I to plead not guilty to a list of charges including Robbery with a Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Attempted Kidnapping (level 3 felony), Criminal Confinement with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Intimidation (level 5 felony), Pointing a Firearm (level 6 felony), and Resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony). "
No new news. Maybe someone knows how to check online court records, or could even walk into the court house. Maybe someone knows how to see if he has a private attorney or a public defender.
I think his case is in this Superior Court 1
They only list one judge, for the entire county?
Judge Jonathan N. Cleary
Entire county only 50,047 people! And right on the OH border.
Looks like this Indiana State Public Defender is Post Conviction only:
State of Indiana v. Francisca Vazquez
Dearborn Superior Court 1
Case Type
F3 - Felony 3
08/16/2019, Pending
35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F3: Armed Robbery-Taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed, 35-42-3-2(a)/F3: Kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation-Same as 7261, but where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon., 35-47-4-3(b)/F6: Pointing a Firearm at Another, 35-44.1-3-1(a)(1)/F6: Resisting Law Enforcement-Same as 3927 but the def. draws or uses a deadly wea
State of Indiana, Vazquez
Wilson, Deddens
Not seeing when his next court appearance is, or who the prosecutor is, or if he is out on bail. I believe though he is out on bail.
Okay, here is a lot more info, next court appearance 9/26, Hon. Johnathan Neil Cleary 11am
these might be the attorneys
Hearing Scheduling Activity ---- 8/16/2019 : Jeffrey Steven Wilson;Lynn Marie Deddens
This also might be getting prosecuted by the state, rather than the county.
Yes, the charges are real bad, including two counts of:
35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon
Yes, so this is the prosecutor, and there is some connection between this Dearborn County and Ohio
^^^^^ does not sound good.
Yes, this attorney, role unknown:
Yes, out on bail:
POR - No Contact Order No Contact Order - Pretrial Release; Issued by: HON JONATHAN N. CLEARY
Yes, defendant lives in OH, some gender ambiguity here
Defendant Vazquez, Francisca
Female, Other, 5' 5", 198 lbs.
Both listed attorney's are prosecutors, one with the state, one county.
Defendant must be provided with free attorney if they cannot afford one. Only other way is if they choose to represent themselves. Already had one court appearance.
This document is back from Aug 20th.
Judge Jonathan N. Cleary
does not look very good!
State of Indiana v. Francisca Vazquez
Superior Court 1
Okay, this shows the Vazquez case:
35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F3: Armed Robbery-Taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed, 35-42-3-2(a)/F3: Kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation-Same as 7261, but where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon., 35-47-4-3(b)/F6: Pointing a Firearm at Another, 35-44.1-3-1(a)(1)/F6: Resisting Law Enforcement-Same as 3927 but the def. draws or uses a deadly wea
Wilson, Deddens, Bartlett
^^^^^ This is all from Indiana State records
Here is Aug 20th news, said he is set for January Jury Trial
$2 million bond for Cincinnati suspect in Lawrenceburg shooting
shows picture of man pointing pistol at door clerk.
Suspect has his barber shop, but says he lives in Cincinnati.
Still looking for newer info and to see who is representing him.
Not finding any more info or news.
Wilson and Deddens, seem to be prosecutors, one state, one county.
Bartlett seems then to be representing Vazquez.
Maybe this Justin W. Bartlett, practices in OH and IN
If that small county does not have a Public Defender's Office, then they probably use and Indepedent Defense Council, which could have appointed Justin W. Bartlett.
His father was also an attorney.
So this is the first time I have learned the name of the probable defense attorney. Can't find court calendar. They should have had court appearance. Overall this does not look good for defendant.
As defendant seems to be transgender, idea he had some kind of prior relationship with a dancer makes this more interesting, but it does not get him out of it. But usually in strip clubs it is hard for DA to come up with reliable witnesses. They do though have video.
I am very familiar with Dearborn County Justice System. A friend of mine spent a year in prison there for one lousy Zanex that the officer found in the pile of the carpet with a drug dog. Who knows how long it was there possibly from a previous tenant. In Dearborn County they will lock you up for a little weed.
^^^^ Thanks.
THis defendant seems to be in deep shit. Though there are still ways he might be able to minimize it, maybe.
Sometimes also conservative jurisdictions go loser on gun stupidity, but the are real tough on property crimes.
These guys are tough on everything. The jails there are not quite full and the cops want to fill them up.
Our jails are always full, about 4000 for this county. Full of domestic violence, drug, public open container, and fire arms possession cases, and then people for minor parole violations for more serious offenses.
CA state prisons are vastly over full.
CA Wildfires Map
What are people like in the Netherlands?
So much seems to revolve around the second to lowest bass string, A. Seems to have been written to be easy to play and sing.
has video and owners manual
Digitech, I thought it had been bought by something big, Loud Technologies? Now they say it is owned by Harman and it is in Sandy UT.
Harman, owned by Samsung, in Stamford Connecticut.
Didnt realize Samsungs worldwide presence in more than just electronics.
^^^^ electronics for music. Harman used to be Harman-Kardon.
Any new news about this Vazques case?
2 million bond for Cincinnati suspect in Lawrenceburg shooting
Updated 2:07 p.m. EDT Aug. 20, 2019
A Cincinnati business owner is being held on a $2 million bond in connection to the Aug. 14 Lawrenceburg, Indiana, shooting, according to court records.
Francisca Vazquez, 31, was arrested on armed robbery and kidnapping chargesafter shots were fired inside of Concepts Gentlemen's Club in Dearborn County last week.
No one was injured in the shooting, police said. There were a total of 10 people inside the club at the time of the attack.
Vazquez lives in Cincinnati and is the owner of Springdale's Vazquez Barbershop and Salon.
The $2 million bond was determined at Monday's initial hearing. Vazquez will be seen at a jury trial on Jan. 13, 2020. Two pretrial conferences have been set for September and December.
(He goes to trial in January. This was the last report August 20th.)
Probably wont have any new info until it goes to trial.
I guess I have to play the devil's advocate here.
We have lawyers on this board, but I am not sure if we have criminal defense lawyers. Please jump in if you are such.
Here, picture of suspect aiming pistol at counter door man, seemingly a high trajectory shot at his head, target in shadows, shooter in light.
Is that very smart?
If it is true that this had to do with a dancer he wanted to leave with him, it looks more like the whole thing is a temper tantrum, to impress the girl.
Probably it is a girl he has know for some time and he wants her to retire.
Here, the charges:
35-42-5-1(a)(1)/F3: Armed Robbery-Taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed, 35-42-3-2(a)/F3: Kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-42-3-3(a)/F3: Criminal Confinement while armed with a deadly weapon, 35-45-2-1(a)(1)/F5: Intimidation-Same as 7261, but where def. draws or uses a deadly weapon., 35-47-4-3(b)/F6: Pointing a Firearm at Another, 35-44.1-3-1(a)(1)/F6: Resisting Law Enforcement-Same as 3927 but the def. draws or uses a deadly wea
Okay, but they over charge this stuff. The only cases where the cannot deal on is homicide. But this is not a homicide, no one died, no one was hurt.
They say he resisted the police. Well if police find someone brandishing a weapon, they will order him to drop it and get down on his knees. It could be even worse.
But no mention of police using any weapons or any force. So his resistance was probably just being a smart ass.
And witnesses are not coming forward! So police probably cannot testify to much.
So they probably have the girl and the door counter man. But this does not mean that they are going to be cooperative witnesses. And how hard do they want to be on crime victims?
So this will be settled by a plea agreement.
I was in court for a case where a guy had fired a bullet into the ceiling of a major department store. And the attorney told me that this suburb was fascist. Steal something you are done for.
But gun stupidity? He got two weekends of community service, and he got his gun back.
This guy could get off very easy.
And his record, based on his crime, he is not smart enough to have a record.
Hard to prosecute crimes which have occurred in a strip club, no witnesses.
No witnesses who want to cooperate? A witness could corroborate the DA's thesis and what it should on the cameras, that they were robbed at gun point. But without the witnesses, it could be treated more lightly.
And the police did not see much, or they would have deployed weapons.
So how much of a case is there?
I believe that it will be settled by a plea agreement.
Armed Robbery Initially Reported As Active Shooter Situation In Lawrenceburg
Francisca Vazquez, also known as Francisco Vazquez, was charged in August with Robbery with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Attempted Kidnapping (level 3 felony), Criminal Confinement with a Deadly Weapon (level 3 felony), Intimidation (level 5 felony), Pointing a Firearm (level 6 felony), and Resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony).
According to Dearborn-Ohio County Prosecutor Lynn Deddens, Vazquez brandished a gun inside the strip club and fired multiple shots on August 14. Vazquez allegedly held multiple people at gunpoint during the robbery.
She fled the scene but was captured a short time later.
Vazquez is set for a jury trial in Dearborn County Court on January 13.
Aug 29th
UPDATE: $2M Cash Bond For Accused Strip Bar Robber
So here is the case as of 8/16
Superior Court 1
So it should have started trial yesterday. More news should be forth coming.
Defense could have relinquished right to speedy trial, in order to get more time to prepare.
Here is the facebook for that Concepts:
but still can't find any new info on the shooting case:
Holiday Calendar
Suspect is in Superior Court 1, but I cannot find a master calendar.
maybe this:
Okay so defendants motion to reduce bond was denied. But trial is pushed out. Final pre-trial converence now 2/3. Jury trial for 3/9
I believe that as charged the case is weak, and that it will be settled by plea deal.
Front room friendliness in a hail of bullets.
Al Capone's valentine gift to the Purple Gang
Some new info. Jury trial set for 3/9 is cancelled.
Pretrial Conference for 2/3, to 2/4, a plea agreement has been accepted. I knew it would go this way!
Still do not have any new news reports. Don't know what charges defendant had to plead to, or what the sentence is.
So on 2/4 there was: Order for Presentence Investigation Report
So I guess this investigation is underway now.
Maybe checking his record?
They are probably checking his/her record to see if she qualifies for a plea agreement. I dont know what else this could mean. They also will be preparing for sentencing. What bothers me is the state is being very secretive here. Most reasons for everything done up to now is "other" with little to no explanation of why.
He's got the plea agreement. I think they are checking his record to see if the sentence deal is okay, looking for priors.
So is he being sentenced as a man or a woman ? Kind of Scary, I think in my retro Old School Mind !
That is a good question. Really the issue is, will he be incarcerated as a man or a woman. I think probably as a woman.
Still have yet to hear which charges he had to plead too. The prosecution evidence, given what they would likely be able to get in a strip club, would not support most of those charges. Hard to get witnesses in a strip club.
Not seen any new news yet, just going from the court record.
It doesnt seem that the local news source has much interest in this case
Maybe when it finally settles, when he gets his sentence.
Just from their news and the way things seem set up, sounds like a very different sort of a place, a much more conservative place, than what I am used to living in.
I was in this club again last Thursday. Had a great time ! Met a dancer Balee (Bailey) She was fun !
Back Room?
Take her to your motel?
See her again?
FRMOS , BRMOS, No motel yet going to see her in a couple weeks. She says she loves giving blow jobs. We have been texting back and forth.
Awesome! And I wish people who go to strip clubs could better understand the importance of the FRMOS! In just buying dances they are supporting clip joints.
Jestrite50, our Master Womanizer!
TJ Street
Robin Trower - For Earth Below (1975)
shooting at Lawrenceburg concepts strip club Francisco Vasquez
I can't find news about this, and I can't find it in the court records either.
I guess maybe it settled, but I don't know how to find out what the results were.
Squatting in high heels
Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do (2019, quite interesting)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.
I think he/she is set for sentencing in March.
Maybe sentencing on 3/3
Thats what i found as well !