the wife wants to party at hong kong. will we be well recieved by the girls and staff. we will stay 1 nite at cassada and plan on doing at least 1 arriba. we speak no spanish and any idea what the girls charge for 2 hrs for a couple. also safety is a concern. any imfo is appreciated. also we are in our 60"s
I’ve seen ladies bring young gals on stage, strip them and go to town — including once during a fantastic shaving cream show. Many of them eat each other out and shove dildos into each other on stage, so they like girls. But I don’t know how they would feel about a woman in her 60s or how much they would charge for a threesome with a couple. Safety isn’t a concern. Lots of women go there, accompanied my men or in groups of men and women. I even saw a woman there once who looked like a 70 year old grandma enjoying the show.
I've been there several times on my own and had no trouble hooking up. But a couple is a different dynamic and I'm not sure how the girls will react. You'll just have to go find out!
@lopaw, I didn't realize HK allowed unaccompanied women, since every woman I've seen there has been with a man or in a mixed group. Good to see they don't discriminate and that you have taken the initiative to go multiple times. I've heard of some guys who dream of going, talk about it incessantly but are too scared to leave their Bay Area basement bedrooms.
I might depend a lot on which night you are there. Weekend nights might be too crowded and intense for any real scouting or pre-arribas interaction. A necessity if you are a couple looking for something specific.
You might do your best work if you plan for a Thursday or Sunday evening and start early to kind of let the crowd/party catch-up to you instead of walking into a full blown party.
last commentBut I don’t know how they would feel about a woman in her 60s or how much they would charge for a threesome with a couple.
Safety isn’t a concern. Lots of women go there, accompanied my men or in groups of men and women. I even saw a woman there once who looked like a 70 year old grandma enjoying the show.
Maybe they are too busy setting up an organization, which will change everything.
You might do your best work if you plan for a Thursday or Sunday evening and start early to kind of let the crowd/party catch-up to you instead of walking into a full blown party.