
Today's edition of the irrelevant review

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
JR's Cabaret
Bronx, New York


Caffeinated before a long drive

June 14, 2019

Came through around 11PM on a Friday night before a long drive. Despite being in a NYC borough, the neighborhood feels like a abandoned warehouse district; but a lot of these joints have that atmosphere. They have free parking, but the lot is small. There's some street parking as well. The place was surprisingly deserted for a 11PM on a Friday night. 2 dancers on stage, and about 3 other patrons. Spanish and a Caribbean girl. Setup; bar surrounding the stage. A few girls sitting around the bar. Got approached by a few, but I wasn't down for any dances this night. All were friendly without being pushy. I was told that it only picks up around 1-2AM! I believe it; the place had a feel of a nice/successful joint just opening up for business. Got a drink of coffee (pretty good actually). The lapdance area is just a log curvy set of wall couches with not much privacy but I think the friendly ladies more than make up for it. Overall; nice clean place to grab a late night coffee with some great views before a long drive.

Friday Evening
Under $100

Dollar Value8

Review Publishers
King_GambrinusNot Enough Details
Prices? $$$




minnowNot Enough Details

Review Comments
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
1 Hour Ago
So you write a review of a strip club and your takeaway is it's a good place for a coffee


  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Yeah Yeah Yeah - there *are* some details in there but this is the guy's first review and this is what he comes up with - I smell "where's my VIP"
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    Gotta wonder where the cream for that coffee comes from.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    It is valuable to know that the club is still slow so late.

    I'd have accepted it, but there are a lot of missing deets that would have been nice.

    Dance prices?
    Didn't mention anything about the dancers at all.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    As I commented on the review - seems his takeaway is that's a good place to get a coffee - kinda a new one to me - to each their own I guess - but really - you go to a strip-club and your reco is that's a good place for a cup of coffee - a bit too-weak for me; especially for a first review; and why it smells of a VIP grab
  • Chili Palmer
    5 years ago
    You act as though every free VIP on this site comes out of your pocket. Maybe time to slow your roll a bit, hoss. Re-assess why the words on this site so important to you that a review of a club you'll never visit means so much as to make such a big deal about it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ fuck off - you have your opinion I have mine
  • Chili Palmer
    5 years ago
    LOL...sorry if I interrupted your next complaint to the founder that the purple on this site isn't purple enough for you. Please continue.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Palmer - you are entitled to your opinion which means I am entitled to mine - if you have a different POV feel free to share it - you are entitled to your opinion, but your not entitled to insinuate that I can post my POV; you can disagree w/ it and give your take; but not act like a pussy about it b/c someone posts something you don't like
  • Chili Palmer
    5 years ago
    "Mommy, the man on the internet is being mean to meeee." Make him stop pweeze!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ really - LOL

    I guess someone is having a bad day/week - perhaps not being able to get decent action in Phoenix these days; along w/ the Phoenix heat; is making some PLs kinda postal
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    One time I did stop at a strip club to have a nice cuppa coffee...
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Well - we get asked for club advice on the board all the time - when someone wants a club w/ a good cup of coffee in the NYC area, we can now help him - all is not lost
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Papi, I think you're being a little nit picky on this one. He provided some specifics about the girls, the area the club was in and the overall state of affairs during his visit. I would have approved it.

    Besides, as far as the coffee is concerned, in NY state nude clubs are alcohol free, so I get where he's coming from. If they serve good coffee and he has a long drive home after seeing some naked ass, it's as much worth mentioning as anything.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    i just don't see that much value in going to a club and not being able to report on dances/mileage nor prices; about the two most-important things IMO (besides where the bathrooms are of course) - kinda analogous to going to a restaurant and writing a review w/o having eaten anything b/c I wasn't in the mood to eat.

    Sure - there is "some info" in there; but not enough to let me know whether I should visit or not or if it's my type of club or not (besides the awesome coffee of course) - he says there were two girls on-stage and a couple around the bar yet doesn't really describe them at all really - so not only does he not do anything but drink his coffee; he doesn't get any dances to report on the mileage; nor even describe the girls nor any costs (and if the club is slow; usually a handful of girls are enough to be somewhat entertained/get-some-dances) - not enough there for one to make a decision on the club as a reader IMO; very generic - could have easily been written w/o even being there IMO, which IMO could very-well be the case - this review really doesn't tell me personally whether I should visit this club (unless I really wanna try that coffee)
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ Even if he did visit and it's a "legit" review; I don't think it's worth writing a review about not doing anything at the club and barely giving any details
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago

    Would you have written that type review?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "@RD Would you have written that type review?"

    Of course not, as you well know. But if I judged every review by that standard, I'd probably reject over 90% of what gets published here. Not every reviewer is a natural writer, so I try to take that into account when I read a review.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Papi, it's funny for me to be on this side of this argument. Usually I'm sitting on the other side, which might be a hint that you're hanging a bit out there on the extreme side of the bell curve. Just sayin'. 😀
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Well - the review barely made it - it had two rejections in the voting process so that's not a resounding endorsement; could have gone either way (and dessertscrub was not one of the voters) - and I didn't get a chance to vote either
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I think it's barely worthy. He probably should have tried to do something with the girls or explained why he didn't. It's valuable to know that the club isn't busy on a late Friday night.
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    It is probably marginal, but I would have approved it. Two things come to mind.

    1. The site requires fresh content. That's what is being sold. I assume that is why reviews get a free month of VIP. If a review is marginal, in my mind, the default should be publish. Reject the ones that are worthless or fraudulent.

    2. Looking back, my first review sucked. Having not read other reviews, I really didn't know what was customary. While I will never be on the Sinclair or Papi level, I'd like to think I have gotten better. I agree the review process should be anonymous, but it might be helpful if first time contributors were identified so that factored into the decision making. Newbies could then be welcomed, encouraged to contribute, and given constructive criticism.

    or we could just reject all those F'ing coffee drinkers.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    dang j.
    i’d trust you again if i could.
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