
Democrats 2020

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

“We Are Facing an Existential Crisis”: Gov. Inslee Slams DNC for Refusing to Hold Climate Debate

On Climate Refugees, Tax Breaks for Boeing & Why He Feels Trump Is a Racist

Washington sounds pretty good!


Americans are under-educated

OT: Anglo-American Philosophy from Hobbes forward

OT: Book Publishing Industry

So What Do Women Like To Read?


Western Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Masonry, Templars


The Ultimate Thread: SJG's Soap Box


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    A year out from the conventions and this is already getting to be fun like 1992.

    Often ideas put out by various candidates will have been adopted by the winner.

    Like in 1992, it was Bob Kerry of Nebraska who ran on the idea of health care covering every American, and then Clinton picked it up.

    And today, it is Andrew Yang who is running on Universal Basic Income.




  • BrotherFogHorn
    5 years ago
    By da grace of da lawerd good things happen
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    I saw an article today that officials in Glacier National Park took down signs that were telling visitors that the glaciers would be gone by the years 2020-2030. A park resident for nearly 40 years said he has seen absolutely no change in the glaciers decline, even suggesting that they are growing/adding volume the past 10 years.

    The climate change hoax is just a platform scientists and politicians have in order to try to justify their positions. If they didn’t have that platform they would be out of a job.

    Fact is, there is/has/and always will be climate change. One wildfire adds more to the air CO2 emissions than the entire world population does with all of the automobiles and factories combined in one year. Let that sink in. One volcanic eruption emits more air pollution than the entire human population has in its entire history. Stupid liberal left wing politicians. Smh...
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The Officials in Glacier National Park report to Donald Trump, and it is he who is the hoax.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    SJG that is just ad hominem meta narrative you state about the Glacier National Park officials. They took down the signs because they’re wrong and were strictly political propaganda.

    The glaciers aren’t going away in the years 2020-2030, and in fact are growing. More proof that climate change by the left wing liberals is a hoax!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Climate change denial is strictly political propaganda. There is physical evidence of melt off from the Artic, and of rising sea levels overwhere else, as well as of higher C02 levels in the air.


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  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Nonsense!^^^ how does that prove it is man made???

    There are more trees today than at any time I history and more wildfires than ever, too! That is all man made, but why don’t you see major mi events in letting our natural Forests be grown without man made intervention from things like the Sierra Club and three huggers trying to over forest our woodlands?

    Thats just dumb propaganda you laid out SJG. It’s the left liberal hippies that have caused the most damage to our forests and CO2 emissions imbalance of the world m, other than the rainforests. Those need to be saved from deforestation.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    The basis for climate change denial stems from the Christian fundamentalist view that the earth was created for man to exploit....
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    The real basis for climate change denial comes from people who have no ax to grind and are dealing with a lot of common sense!

    Climate hoaxers are people with an agenda to legitimatize their position in life, whether they’re an activist or politician or a scientist. They say it’s based on science when in fact the science goes against their statements. Smh....
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Here it is, July 1st and a snowfall just closed the entrance to Yellowstone.

    Which is it, global warming or global cooling due to man made circumstances, because you can’t have it both ways?

    Man made climate change is s hoax for politicians, activists, and scientists to try and justify their positions. Smh...
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Global warming refers to the melting of the polar ice caps, which in turns fucks weather up everywhere else.... abnormal cold temperatures in some parts with overall warming.... Maybe you should learn about what you claim to not believe in, before spouting your alt right vitriol.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Ok if you’re so smart IceyDodo, then why is it that the South Pole has been expanding its ice shelf the past 10 years? Suck in my South Pole you left wing nut job!

    By the way, the only political affiliation I have is against those who spread bullshit lies like you and the left wing fake news idiots. If you’re so smart, Hiw come you make the claim of polar ice caps melting when the Antarctic ice shelf is expanding? Stupid fuck!
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Climate change is just ignorance and designed to do nothing other than allow left wing leeches to run the show. They cannot win on ideas so they make things up and the morons in the cities vbote for them.
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    IceyDodo lays silent because he is too busy bumping old PUA threads of chumps trying to date sex workers for free, than he can provide an intelligible response.

    Of course SJG will be his only supporter, if that tells you anything about intelligence and facts.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Right Wing Media has no basis in reality.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Says the left wing nut job who wants to create a cult of sex workers draining his members dry 24/7, with no promise of any money exchanging fir services rendered.

    Yeah, there’s your dose of reality?

    San Jose dumbass Guy...
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Polar Warning: Even Antarctica’s Coldest Region Is Starting to Melt

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    I can play coulda woulda and shoulda game all day long, like your left leaning liberal college paper spouts, but the reality is that there is a range of changes occuring well within the long term horizons, so what’s happening is more probable by common sense science to determine how little of those changes are due to human influence, yet over 99% due to natural forces(volcanoes and wildfires). Bill Nye the science guy is full of shit, and I can’t believe anyone would his propaganda from a fake scientist/television persona.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The political right is just a bunch of defensive nonsense.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Its from Yale, how many conservative politicians have gone there? lmfao
  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    ^^^ it’s the reason why democrats will lose the election come 2020. False bullshit lies that people from the left spew. People got bullshit fatigue!

    Yale is east coast liberal as can be to the point t it’s an old boys club. You if all people Icey and SJG should be the ones to dismiss such an article, but that wouldn’t help promote your lies. How many politicians have come out of Yale that are conservative? One (Bush)? Bet you can’t come up with an answer, except to create another straw man argument.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    William Howard Taft, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush all attended Yale for undergraduate studies while Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton earned their law degrees at the New Haven university
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    Do you guys who believe the climate change scientists ever look at their past predictions and compare it to what has actually happened? Doom and gloom has been predicted for several dates....and none of them have come to pass. That makes it really difficult for people to take it seriously.

    Why don't you do this.....if you feel it's such a danger.....YOU make sacrifices. YOU change your life so that you can minimize your carbon footprint. YOU give up your car. YOU pay extra taxes. YOU go green as can be. Let others choose for themselves.

    Why do I emphasize "YOU"...because it's like talking about strip clubs and the sex trade. Some people like it and support it and others want to get rid of it as being a contribution to the end of civilization. In those cases....we tell them that if they don't like clubs, then THEY shouldn't go in them and they should leave us to our pleasures. When they say they don't think women should be dancers, we say that THEY then should not dance.

    I don't like any people that go around telling others how they should live their lives and aren't willing to set the example first. When YOU stop having kids, driving a car, minimizing all your needs to just survive so that mother earth can heal, then I might listen to anything you have to say. As long as you just carry on while demanding that others need to change, I'll just keep on ignoring your bullshit.
  • Prim0
    5 years ago
    I forgot another good example of that....

    Bernie fucking Sanders. During an interview he was asked why he didn't submit more than the required minimum taxes....after all, he thinks people who have a lot need to pay more to help those with less. He deflected and instead said something idiotic about Trumps taxes. They guy says we should pay more but doesn't show the leadership to lead by example and pay more than his required minimum.

    There's also a picture floating around of Bernie flying first class to the debate where he said he doesn't like people who fly first class. They guy has never produced a product or built a business that helps people....he's a career politician and is worth millions now. If he were a leader, he'd have a modest house, would fly coach (and only when absolutely necessary) and give the rest to taxes or charity. Instead, he has 3 homes and is living pretty damned well.

    Want to know how much you can believe in socialist politicians...those who claim that what we need is equality among all citizens...you know....the people. Look at those from the former USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. Fidel Castro liked to wear the olive drab and pretend towards modesty......the Castro family is worth billions. Why haven't those billions gone to help the people of Cuba? Look at the oligarchs in Russia now....all former Communist party higher ups....where'd they make all that money serving the people.

    Open your eyes....politicians all get to Washington and become rich....and the worst of them are the ones who tell you that rich people are bad.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Climate change is measurable reality, not a prediction.

    And because of industrial technology meaning less jobs, we almost have to go to Social Democracy.

  • Mate27
    5 years ago
    Tru ‘dat!^^^
  • Mate27
    5 years ago

    What did I tell you, my trick boi Icey? Seems as though the prevalence of tree population is already increasing in large #s. For other reasons.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    "We live in an age where we could provide for every single person, better than even royalty had lived in past centuries.

    The reason we don't see this is that we demand that everyone prove their ability to earn a living."

    R. Buckminster Fuller

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    CA law requiring POTUS candidates to disclose 5 years of tax returns, some legal contention.


    3 years ago
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