Divorce Attorneys?

avatar for Icey
What are your experiences with them???


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avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
You know it’s cold out when they have their hands in their own pockets!
avatar for herbtcat
6 years ago
Do you know why divorcer lawyers cost so much?

Because it's worth it! :p
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
They're bottom feeders, right down there with ambulance chasers.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Divorce lawyers are princes among men. Take Skibum, for example.
avatar for 4got2wipe
6 years ago
A comment and a question:

skibum609 seems like good people if you factor in his basic disconnect from reality.

herbtcat, are you implying that you are a cat? Sort of like the lion guy? If so, brilliantly played! Hopefully we’ll be getting a whole herbtzoo!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Skibum is a good guy I met him a while back and I’ll vouch for him anytime.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
They are an expensive trip, but if there is money in plan and it is contentious, I would say that it is worth it. And even more so if their is debt in play.

Most of us have to deal with this but once in a lifetime.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@icey what does bottom feeder mean
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
@25, what will you vouch for? His Islamophobia? Desire to shoot anyone who looks like an undocumented American, or his penchant for getting lit and fucking hookers?

@Nicole, a bottom feeder is the lowest denominator attorney. They profit off the personal misfortunes of others. They try to drag cases out and are only looking out for their wallets. Its not about justice, the law or anything of the sort.... just doing divorces, personal injury, child custody cases, just for the $$$ Meanwhile their clients are the ones getting screwed. Some of these cases can go on for years....basically they take cases on for as long as someone is willing to pay. They're the legal equivalent of a ROB who takes advantage of a RIL....
avatar for xedin5436
6 years ago
My divorce was pretty simple, but my attorney was fine. Tried to wrap things up as quickly as possible and save me money by getting a judgement agreement without even seeing a mediator. My ex and I weren't that far off on what we thought was "fair", but in the end I got more than I would have gotten with the judgement agreement, including the fees for the time with the mediator and attorney.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
What about your ex's attorney?
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
My ex's attorney, he was also a landlord-tenant affairs attorney. I knew that that meant that he was mostly a guy who gets money out of people.

So later on my ex complained about how much money he charged. And I know he played hardball with her, and got his secretary into it too.

I explained, well he kept his client out of trouble. So he did good. But I'm glad he was working for you and not for me.

Now of course this was communicated by email. I won't talk to her in real time.

Icey, your county probably has a Family Court Clinic. That can be good, and if necessary, you can retain an attorney later on.


avatar for BGSD3100
6 years ago

As I've been going through my divorce, it has helped me keep my blood pressure under control to be able to tell my wife, "Have your lawyer call my lawyer," whenever she wants to start drama.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^ early on, I made myself on contactable. She was accustomed to using interrogation.

And then a few years back when she wanted to visit, she tried to do this via email. So I limited myself to one communication every 2 months, and always just a news announcement, never responding to her.

So she did not get to see me.

Unless she starts communicating more openly via email, she never will see me again.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Having her lawyer call your lawyer costs $$$$. Each email or phone call is at least $20.

A good lawyer protects their clients' privacy, sanity and wallet...
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Unfortunately they can renege on you when it comes to the wallet. But court orders can stop her from talking to you, and then she can either talk to her lawyer, or just save it for the court.

Over time, court appearances break most everyone down. No one enjoys being in court, except for the lawyers who have experience and are able to bill.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think most divorces can be easily handled. Like personal injuries, its just the bottom feeders' greed that complicates matters and draws them out for their own benefit.
3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dealing with the court system yourself is tough, but sometimes it is necessary.

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