
Robert Kiyosaki

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I had an earlier thread about him:

Thanks to all the people who also suggested other books. I do not go along with Self-Improvement or the FInancial Literacy Movement. But I'll still be reading some of them so that I know the arguments.

Now, I have also ready Kiyosaki's original book, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

I wanted to understand where he is coming from. I do not agree with him.

Now in hand:

Why "A" students work for "C" students : and "B" students work for the government / [Robert T. Kiyosaki].

I want to read some of this, again so that I know his arguments. I'm inclined to agree with him that the A student are mostly motivated by Fear of Failure, and that this is extremely debilitating.


Stephan Hoeller: Blavatsky and the Once and Future Gnosis

Stephan Hoeller: Hermeticism and Gnosticism---Volume 1: Part 1


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So continuing to read:

    Why "A" students work for "C" students : and "B" students work for the government / [Robert T. Kiyosaki].

    Kiyosaki is entertaining, as he does dismiss much conventional wisdom. And I think most people are groomed to be employees, not to start their own businesses.

    But beyond that I have to say that Kiyosaki is just completely wrong. Some people will start businesses, and they do this for their own reasons.

    But we cannot ever allow the promotion of such to become a matter of public policy. Entrepreneurship does not in the net create jobs, it eats jobs, it accelerates our slide into being a 3rd world country, where everyone is something like an Uber Driver or a Shoe Shine Boy, except for a small clique of the very rich.

    Kiyosaki rants on against what he calls attitudes of entitlement. Well we live in a highly advanced industrial democracy, we all are entitled. We need to go to a full UBI system, whether that means tax increases and whether people like Kiyosaki like that or not.

    Here, Kiyosaki has this thing he uses in many of his books, the Cash Flow Quadrant. Want to try and record this here.

    E | B
    S | I

    E = Employee

    S = Small Business or Self-Employed

    B = Big business, 500 employees or more

    I = Investor

    Now Kiyosaki talks about these types paying different typical tax rates:

    E 40%
    S 60%
    B 20%
    I 0%

    Now you have to take this with a grain of salt, as it is in how Kiyosaki defines income.

    And he also makes much of Rommey getting $21 Meg per year, but paying a much lower tax rate than Obama did getting $3 Meg per year.

    Again, I have to say that he is just wrong. And he faults Hawaii for Obama, saying Forbes called it the "People's Republic of Hawaii"

    Sounds like Kiyosaki's father was Ralph Kiyosaki, who had sounded like a good guy. But now I read that being Super Intendent of Public Insruction he ran for Lt. Governor and lost. He ran as a Republican. That connection to Republicanism I feel tells us much about why so much about Robert Kiyosaki is wrong.

    I will keep reading because not all the stuff he says, taken in isolation, is always wrong. And I will read as I want to understand the arguments and the premises.


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    Magic, A Road to Self - Lecture by Stephan A Hoeller

    Thread Locator

    Robert T. Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad (still closed)

    Robert Kiyosaki

    Pizza: How To Become Wealthy (Or At Least Comfortable)

    Thread Location: Republican Anti-Abortion Crusade, a new Culture War for 2020 Election

    Lifeboat Thread Locator:

    Some of u still love ur wives. But 4 the rest of u, what was it that made u fall out of lobr with ur wife? Why did u think you didn't anticipate this would happen during dating?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So my organization is not incorporated yet. But I found out something from Kiyosaki, Steve Jobs was getting the same salary that I'll be getting, $1 per year.

    Kiyosaki is interesting because he is talking about being able to do more. And I have always thought like this myself. He explains why you don't want to work for money. I have always felt this way.

    But then he is wrong when he expands on this to try and promote a political view, supply side, lassies faire.

    The most important thing our country has now, and what must be expanded upon, are the entitlement programs.

    Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment, AFDC-TANIF

    What we need to be changing to are Universal Basic Income, Universal Medicare, Strong Public Housing Offering, Free College.

    Nothing expands our economy while protecting workers, the public, and the environment, like entitlement programs.

    And nothing is more wasteful than money going into inflating the stock and real estate markets.

    Continue to read Kiyosaki, though on and off. This book is bigger and more theoretical than his first book, lays his ideas and his own story out in more detail.


    Buddy Guy -- Knock on Wood

    Domino - Jessie J (Billie Holiday Style Cover) ft. Emmaline
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Kiyosaki is a nut. Probably read a bit more just because I will have the book lying around and because I want to understand the arguments of the far Right.

    Remember Pat Robertson, they finally figured out that his stuff was coming from the John Birch Society.

    Kiyosaki quite similar. Not in his original Rich Dad Poor Dad book, but in this above 2013 book.

    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    There may be some redeemable facts in this, but overall this guy is completely full of shit.


  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ for once I agree with SJG. Kiyosaki is full of shit but yiu only dislike him because he reminds you of yourself, another blowhard who’s full of shit.
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