Just got done being Muddy9's tour guide in Austin ..glad that I was able 2 show

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Glad I got to show u around downtown and lady bird lake where many people like to hike and bike lol
Hope you have a great trip.back.home
K. this thread will b interesting hmmmm
last commentLol why thoo
Did you fuck him?
Umm does meeting up with someone automatically mean fucking them?
You never know
Yes we had sex it was very nice
Thanks Nicole. Really cool girl, really good looking. Very argumentative, so argumentative she’s argumentative about being argumentative.
And doesn’t she shave her legs. It’s like some kind of weird political statement (she told me to tell y’all that) Despite all that I had fun lol
Yes we had sex it was very nice
Btw I was joking about that ppl lmao ^
Thx @ muddy ..yes ppl it was fun and nice time in Austin
And lmao I felt like the topics in our conversations were naturally controversial so yes hard not to argue about them :))))
G'night ppl
What is not fair about it ? Lol
Did you take him to see poor people and cuddle afterwards? LMFAO
Should have taken him to a club
You said goodnight and we didn’t even get to find out if you had sex or not!
Answered that lol
Nicole keeps Austin weird
I'm glad to hear that Nicole is a real person consistent with her online persona.
Did you take him to see poor people and cuddle afterwards? LMFAO
Yea...cuz I must do that with every guy I meet?
I da pappy! Did he disrespect you pooshie? I is cleaning my guns!
Does Muddy know about this?
@ JamesSD
Nicole met nicespice last summer and then hung out. There were pics posted at the time...
I still wonder if Muddy knows about thos though... haha
There were pics posted at the time...
Did u like those pix?
Those pics looked good
Glad you two had fun
Is Nicole Ninobambina? One is using the other’s Avatar.
^ Thats NinO lame brain, a troll poser.
@nidan no that person copying me it is fake profile lol
@nicole. Wasn’t certain. Thanks.