
I believe this has been mentioned before, but some may be to dense to understand. Using a "^" to indicate someone does NOT take into account ignored souls. USE THEIR TUSCL NAME!!!
I believe this has been mentioned before, but some may be to dense to understand. Using a "^" to indicate someone does NOT take into account ignored souls. USE THEIR TUSCL NAME!!!
last commentThis isn't so much my concern with the ^ (although it's certainly valid) as much as the fact that someone else may post a comment between the comment one is "^ ing" and their own comment. I've edited enough of my FB comments to have learned that lesson.
Or don't ignore anyone. Then you don't have to worry about it.
Guilty. I'm too lazy to use their name sometimes. But usually from my comment you can see who the comment was directed towards so no big deal.
^ what he said :)
^^^You were pointing at SJG stripfighter were you tracking that?
Guilty and occasionally lazy;)
I text and drive so i have to be concise.
When else are you supposed to text?
Check out what ^ said above. See how stupid? See what Voices said above!
^ I agree with what he said.
The way I see it, if it’s a stupid comment like you’re an asshole I figure it’s intended for whoever posted ahead of me if it’s a compliment it was directed at me ;)
I'm going with your philosophy! :)
Thumbs up ;)
One suggestion for Founder would be to put Quotes as a choice when entering in a comment. I"m on another board that we have that. I want to make a comment about that person's comment. I quote that comment which is then highlighted, then I make my comment back to that person immediately after the quotation.
^ I’ve also noticed on some boards there’s a way to make sub comments so they appear directly under the comment you are referring to.
^ > v < —— >. <——- I’m confused, damnit!! Who the fuck said what?
^^ huh?
^ I noticed the same think
^ I agree
New troll idea: put others on ignore at random times, so that one person thinks somebody a few posts down is adressing the user.
I’m definitely guilty of the “^”. It’s the convenient thing to do.