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avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Ok. So, what does it mean when a Hot (9 or better) 24 year old black stripper fucks me in the VIP for free? I paid $150 for a 30 minute VIP that included champagne. She pulls my cock out and says, “damn, you have a big thick dick ! You need my tight pussy, daddy!” She then proceeded to fuck me after 15 minutes of trying to get junior inside of her. 15 GLORIOUS minutes of insertion, followed by 5 minutes full on fucking. Did this on 2 occasions. I have since been trying to get her to go to the casino with me just for fun. I have told her that I will pay her $300 or half of the winnings, whichever is more. She got cold feet TWICE. Last time, she missed out on $2000 as I won $4000 at the blackjack table and craps table combined. How do I seal the deal?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
She banged u after u paid? Lol
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Ummm. If you ever went to a strip club, you would know that 1) $150 VIP is room and champagne cost only. The stripper is only obligated to air dance at that price. All other services are negotiated above and beyond. Hell, I’m all seriousness, I would have paid that gal $300 on top of the VIP and it would have been worth every penny. Not only once, but twice did she do me as such. She never hustled me for more any refused to let me buy her drinks. Unfucking believable.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Where is my fucking advice???
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I may not be able to give good advice.

I'm really not familiar with prices that low. I guess it really depends on your local market.

I'd say you did pay for the sex. She's an obvious hoe.

When hookers refuse to see you outside the club, its coz they just see you as a trick and or they have a significant other they're serious about and don't mix business with pleasure. Every hoe has her boundaries.For some its not performing certain acts, for others its not seeing tricks outside of work.

Once you cross the P4P territory, it gets hard for her to think of you in any other way. You fall into a role for her.

Also, the problem with what you invited her to do, is that it all circles around you, your likes, etc. It fits into the role you put yourself in, where she's there for your pleasure, to service you, comply with your wishes, etc. She doesn't view it as her trying something new for herself...

Then there's the factor of what kind of men she likes, what she's into, her likes, dislikes...

To me it looks like she's not interested. You can try something more low key like asking her to dinner at a restaurant you think she'd like.

If you want to use money directly to lure her, say something along the lines of you not getting why she won't go out with you coz all you really want to do is spoil her and treat her like the queen she is. That's something hoes react to pretty positively. I would see her once or twice again and tell her that. If she doesn't have enough rapport with you or desire to see you more, by then, I'd give up on it.

But I think if she was interested she would have let you know by now.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
The thing is, once you get into a business relationship like that, its hard to get out of. And its how she views you and what she associates you with.

The other main thing is if she's the type of girl you normally attract. If she is, odds get a lot better for you.

If I see a dancer I want to get to know better, I....

1- Approach her first, and make it about her... ask her questions, tease her, make her laugh. Be nice to her but make it clear you're a bad boy. Important thing is to be in control of the interaction. You're the man, thats what women want.

2- Buy her drinks. A lot of clubs here have quotas for girls to sell drinks, plus if they sell a certain number they get a house fee waiver for the next night and stuff like that. Its a big plus if you can bring a weed pen into the club. Make sure its a small concealable one.

3- Tip her... she's working and its good strip club etiquette. But don't get her used to large amounts from you. Switch up how you tip. Say $200 one night, $60 the next, $120 on another visit... don't make the number consistent if you like her, and don't spend over $300 on her at this stage.

4- Never do VIP with her. And if you get a lap dance, don't act like a perv or do anything sexual. Make it funny and entertain her... Make her laugh. Make her feel good about it and herself. Tease her a little... tell her you love feeling her ass coz its not hairy, things like that.

5- Make her have a good enough time to where she initiates real sexual flirting(ie body posture towards you, touches you lightly, blushes and sweats when you brush her arm or massage her back or thighs)...

6- Have her tell you she had a great time and really wants to see you again. If it feels right, try to get her out of the club then. If not, give it another few visits to build more rapport and more of a connection. After the first meeting, you should be on her social media and texting each other....

7- When you do ask her out, make it something you know she would really enjoy. By this stage you should know enough about her. I make it a nice date. A better restaurant, an adventure somewhere she'd like.

Of course it depends on whether you click, she's attracted to you, etc...

You pretty much know where you stand with them the first or second time you see them.

What makes the strategy effective for me is I go for the type of girls who normally go for me. So there's comfort, familiarity and thing in common from the jump. I think that's the key to making it work.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
You forgot to add

Don't be old enough to be her dad or grandpa LMFAO

If you're old and a hoe doesn't want you're high key doing something wrong though lol
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
If you're old and she doesn't want your money you're high key doing it wrong
avatar for carolynne
6 years ago
I sometimes will do a guy for free if I like him and he has a big cock... or if I’m super horny!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
uh huh
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@carolynne. Apparently, that was her reason. Or so she said, both times. I thought stripper shit, but she did not want me to buy her drinks nor did she ant extra tips. She did, However sit with me at bar until time for me to leave. Texted me numerous times following, to meet up, but she got cold feet each time. Probably would have been a wild ride OTC!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
That's a common strategy though. The club is fantasy land. Its her willingness to take it outside the club, without payment, that defines her intentions the most.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
What kind of club is it? Are extras normal? Do girls rely on regulars?

It wasn't free. You paid her. Came back, paid her again. See? She keeps you cumming back!

She refuses to see you outside the club. Acts like she wants to but doesn't. Then has you coming back to see her. That's an intentional strategy.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
even with the $150 champagne room fee she’s probably getting $75 of that.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Yeah its low. It depends on the club, where its at, how much they make on average. TBH to me, pretty much all the prices discussed are extremely low. So I don't know, I don't have experiences with clubs and cities like that
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
That particular club is supposedly a non Extras club. She has not been back to that club now for at least 5 months. Not sure she even works there anymore. The extras clubs that I do go to, costs up to $250 for 30 min FS without champagne service. But this particular club is mostly grinding and in many cases air dancing. Go figure. I will say though, she blew my mind with surprise, talent and absolute beauty (9 , but would be a 10 if she didn’t die her hair bright blood red).
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I hate when girls dye their hair unnatural colors...but at least the red is better than pastel colors, purple or green...

Then contact her and be more forward with your intentions, see what she says
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Q. What is the difference between dating a stripper and a battery?
A. A battery has a positive side.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Psychology behind the unfunny consequences of jokes that denigrate…
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
SJG = Loydshone ??? ... is that your alias?

Iceyloco - good shit! I can see your positive side. Fix your dark side so you can fully enjoy company of dancers you initiate interest in.

... or remain struggling, poor and worthless in the end.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
jackslash - LOL

Without the standard disclaimer - you got icey butthurt (or so he pretends to win brownie points with one he has special interest in).

I can assure you no dancers on this site were offended by this PL humor.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
nidal111 - icey advice is spot on

... for a PL who's really serious about this dancer

But reading your posts - having dilemma every week between two women lined up - you can't be too serious of emotional about this one dancer.
I assume it is a nice sunday morning and you have some time to relax - so why not throw that questions our here.

Next time you run into this mystery dancer tell her "no sex for you until you until you show up as your lucky charm at the casino"
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Is it ever worth the trouble beyond being FWB?
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
If you don't care about her and just want to get her out for sex.... then give her drugs, or tell her you want to spoil her....take her shopping. Hardly any girl will say no to that.
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