

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?


  • such a relief
  • Only posting this cuz I posted bout how said I was about last week( which was irrelevant and dumb but it was only one post).
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^^ College can be extremely high pressure. Some of us think that we need to find a better way.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Congratulations! That's some winning team shit n shit
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Excellent! And the best part is that there is still room for improvement.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So Nicole, what kinds of stuff did they ask you about on this International Politics test? Essay, short answer, or multiple choice?

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    In what world is 92% average? Does your college do some serious curving of grades? At my school getting 92% would put you close to the top 10% of the class.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Some tests are harder than others. Harder test usually does give a better spread of the class.

    Was it open book, open notes, make a single info sheet? Those kinds of tests are made harder.

    Thinking about this, school creates real pressure. Not fun, not the best way to learn, in my opinion.

  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @CC99. In mine, 92 % was mid B. Thus, still room for improvement. Not fibbing.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    A mid B? Man that is so strange. 92% is an A- bordering on mid A. Are all your exams really easy?

    Getting 92% on a paper or exam here takes a good bit of work. A lot of professors here really don't like to give grades higher than that. Often times the person with the very highest score got like 95% or 96%. 100% is extremely rare on major assignments. You can get 100% fairly easily on small assignment but for major papers or exams, you could have a class of 100 people and not one person will score that high. Professors here hate giving 100% as a grade. One professor who's class I didn't think was really that difficult showed that our university tells professors in charge of freshman and sophomore year gen ed classes to design exams so that the percentages come out to roughly this...

    20% of students get a grade of 90% or higher.
    30% of students will score between 80-89%.
    30% of students will score 70-79%.
    15% of students will score 60-69%.
    5% of students will fail, scoring less than 60%.

    Junior and senior year classes are actually quite a bit easier than freshman and sophomore classes because in those years, the college is trying to weed out the kids who are just here to party and hit them with bad grades so that they will drop out.
  • 92 is A minus...93 is A here
  • I wanna get 97 or 98 on final so lets hope I can #secure the bag LOL
  • I wanna get 97 or 98 on final so lets hope I can #secure the bag LOL
  • Btw I said it was average because even tho u u would b academically qualified to get into Harvard business school with A minus average, a minus average = expected 4 law school so it is average to me.

    Btw I never take only my major courses. I always mix in easy classes with my major courses so that the easy A can help with some of the poli sci A minuses lol...
  • # queen of strategizing
  • And idgaf if I got A or a minus or B plus ...

    Point of post is that I wanna ask this prof who is also lawyer 4 letter of rec...and I thought I wasn't gonna b able to cuz I thought I failed test..but instead of failing I got same grade that she used. To hire me to do research 4 her. Like I'm so happy ..........:)))))))
  • And idgaf if I got A or a minus or B plus ...

    Point of post is that I wanna ask this prof who is also lawyer 4 letter of rec...and I thought I wasn't gonna b able to cuz I thought I failed test..but instead of failing I got same grade that she used. To hire me to do research 4 her.

    Like I'm so happy ..........:)))))))
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @cc99. None of the tests we took were easy. All of the tests we took were designed to see who would be around at semester end. My class started with 78 students. By end of program, only 24 graduated. All others flunked out. 85 to 90 = c. 90 to 95 = B. 95 to 100 = A. Two D’s and you flunk out. One F and you flunk out. This was over a 4 year period in undergrad. In graduate, a C was basically an F. That was 1983. That was for a BS Degree in my profession. My Doctorate (same profession) started with 6, graduated 4 and all tests were 4 hour minimum essay and oral exams weekly one on one with professor using primary literature with no textbooks, except statistics. Those were some fun days...NOT!
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    I have a client at work who puts the entire contents of her message in the title box a lot. She drives me insane.
  • @ James wow:((((
  • Piggie
    5 years ago
    Do you want a lawyer that can get you out of jail 92% of the time, or 98%?
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    Yikes that is some harsh grading/schooling. I'm guessing you went to a private school?
  • JimGassagain
    5 years ago
    Nicole you did fuck up, by posting your crap on here where nobody could care less and wasting everyone’s time.

    That’s time you could be blowing me for $300 so you can pay for a textbook instead of relying on daddy!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @ CC99. Nope. Not private. Professional Degree, but not Private.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @CC99. The stance that my college took is very close to what Piggie just stated. If you can’t get through it, then they consider you as the SHIT that has been weeded out and the public is protected from such SHIT. Our course load was a minimum 16 semester hours each trimester. Not sure if that is a lot now, but it was then. Most of us carried 18 hr loads and had to work in the profession as externs for 20 hr/week while attending college. Thus, to make it through, there was very little time for bullshit. The instructors did not care about you as anything other than a potential professional (not a friend, not a student, not a person); you suck it up or you GTFO so that someone who can handle it can step into your slot.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    College can be a very negative environment.

  • CC99
    5 years ago

    Trimester? That's interesting, we only get two semesters per year.

    That does sound like a lot of work. I can't say I envy your college. I think professors today seem to want to be on their students level a lot more and try harder to understand what they may be going through in their personal lives. Also, you occasionally get professors who just don't give a shit anymore and don't assign much homework because they themselves don't want to create or grade very much lol.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    When a friend of mine went to college, it was pretty tough. It was also about weeding the idiots out. If you couldn't swim, you sank, No one cared about your personal problems. Either you wanted to learn and did what you had to or you didn't. It was very simple. When he went to law school, the first year was almost like a hazing ritual to weed people out. Then you were essentially divided into 2 categories.... those that professors saw promise in, and those who were just their to pay tuition and support the school financially, and you were treated accordingly. From what I hear, college kids are too coddled today.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ^Aren't you supposed to be 28 years old?

    College for you would've only been 6-10 years ago.
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