Two Shot at Strip Club in Pensacola, FL

wiffle shwaffle
Just as I'm about to move there (first week of May). AWESOME. -_- (sarcasm)
The two employees were released with non life threatening injuries.
Just as I'm about to move there (first week of May). AWESOME. -_- (sarcasm)
The two employees were released with non life threatening injuries.
last commentArety’s Angels is a shit hole dive. This doesn’t surprise me. I’m sure it’s not a place you would want to work (at least I hope not).
Eh it was Arety's. That place is not worth anyone's time!
Yet many people still think having a gun is more of a basic right than access to health care.
Nahhh. I mean, I'd try it to say I did and have review material. Otherwise, Babe's and Eden are the only two of the five I'm interested in.
Two free shots? You only get one at the Inner Room.
Waffle, find somewhere safer to work. Enjoy the weather in Florida.
Arety’s is the sketchiest club I have ever been in. You might get more mileage there but your life is at risk.
@FishHawk, I thought Lookers was the sketchy one? I'll be there the second week of May btw.
I am sorry to hear this Waffle. I understand how things can hit close to home. There was a 2 AMer at my usual club a couple years ago. I also witnessed someone get shot irl. The victim of that shooting survived though.
I've travelled to Pensacola a coupe of times. Nice town, i like it better than south Florida. The only club I've been to is Babe's, but I fucking loved it. It seemed a toas up between that and lookers. Oddly, the same names as those here in Ft. Myers.
@waffle, I have not been to Lookers in 15 years. It is near the Navy base with lots of schools for sailers. A big part of the crowd is 18 to early 20”s young Marines and Navy men. Not the vibe that I feel comfortable with. I did get a few good dances there but it was not worth the hassle.