
Flirting with 2 guys at the same time on Snapchat :)) damn need 2 stop delaying

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?


  • Lmao one is a good boy and told me he doesn't wanna hang with me if I have a boyfriends and the other one is asking me if he can bite me


  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Well then. You must inform him that you are about to cuddle with a dude named nidan111. You need to make him jealous. Make him want you. The best way to do such is to feint a cuddle buddy. Just like feinting a punch when you are going to kick. They take the bait and BOOM! You get them. However, the most effective feint is one the actually lands when not blocked. Thus, you should feint with me and if they don’t bite, then I will and you will be satisfied nonetheless. Yeah, I’m older, but most of my lady friends are in there 20s so I understand your issues. Lol
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Why are you wasting their time? They didn’t do anything to you to deserve to have their time wasted. You ain’t gonna do shit, so why don’t you just stfu?
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Pistola you know she ain't the only girl doing that type of shit. She's just the only dumb ass that picks a strip club site to tell about it.
  • LOLllll at all this

    What makes u think I'm not gonna do shit. Ugh.

  • And btw just bc I'm not gonna do shut with them doesn't mean it's a waste if time..cuz they like flirting just 4 the sake of it too.

    Yes men r horny dogs but some of them can actually fucking enjoy the ride and appreciate flirting with some girls just 2 flirt LOL.
  • And btw just bc I'm not gonna do shut with them doesn't mean it's a waste if time..cuz they like flirting just 4 the sake of it too.

    Yes men r horny dogs but some of them can actually fucking enjoy the ride and appreciate flirting with some girls just 2 flirt LOL.
  • Sorry men my age know how to have fun.

  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @Nicole we haven't interacted at all besides your one thread where I disagreed with some stuff you said. Which you never responded to btw.

    Come to think of it, I guess that IS you being nice to me.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Yes they do. But, they have yet to learn how to have fun the FUN WAY!
  • No..I really wantwd do respond and was fonna plan on it.

    Its just that I don't respond to posts that require me to post long thought out commengs when I have big tests coming up.

    I'm trying to study and literakly am cutting my weekend short for it too.. So I'm sorry Lol.

    Yes I trolled a lot today but bc those r troll posts they didnt take long to post

    The other post u commented on was real and deep . im sry .
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    You can study my for my testes if you really wish.
  • ^kinda want 2 do that as much as I wanna eat shit.lol.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    That’s a weird fetish. Corprophilia. Ewww.
  • Only if u assume that I wanna eat shit. & the point was that I don't. ^^
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Oh. Phew. I was going to say... you and I could never cuddle if your fetishes were that absurd. Thank goodness I still have a chance. Lol
  • No we don't. I am not physically attracted to you.
  • I do not find you hot.
  • Or handsome.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. You have never seen me. Not have you engaged with me in person. You just never know.
  • Your response would be different if you were hot....and u obviously wouldn't be on this site to the extent that you are if u were
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    No, flirting just for the sake of flirting isn't fun. The point of flirting is to create an ongoing connection...and potentially sex and or love.
  • Okay sometimes it can be fun just 2 flirt for one night then done

    Idk I like to flirt when I look pretty cuz i can show it off

    Guess I like to flirt just to show myself off.oh well.lmao. cuz when I look pretty and have my makeup done that's the only time I snap guys ahhahahajajajajajaja
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    @nicole. Aw man! Now you went and busted my bubble by using logic. By your logic, that would also imply that you are not hot either because you are in this site posting probably more than I. Damn! Bubble busted.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    I’ve never heard of a guy say a hobby was flirting. TIME WASTER. How rude.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Nicole, you should show off at the club n shit n shit....
  • @pistols I have

    Nidan no. The implication was that you pay for girls to come to you, which is what hot men don't do very often.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Correct. Lol. They do not “very often”.
  • Bruh. The only hot guys who buy women are athletes ..and even then, it is rare

    Since youre not a pro athlete , you are not hot.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ so why is it ok for pro athletes and not for Nidan?
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Hmmm. Define pro athlete.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    she's just flirting with Nidan and playing hard to get lol
  • @icey we r not friends anymore

    @25 um u did not get my point. I did not say that buying women was ok for pro athletes to do but not nidan . rather , the whole point of my comment was to prove that he is not hot. I could explain but too busy...and I dont really need to guess cuz nidan got my point and u did not .
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Got your point just fine Nicole, it's just totally illogical.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    If you want to prove whether he's hot or not get a pic of his and ask girls around your campus if they'd cuddle for him. Ask over 100 then report the findings !
  • I would never tell someone they arent hot..but when someone keeps coming @ you acting all cocky thinking they can get u what u expect me to do lol..got to tell them truth.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Sometimes Nicole the things you don’t say are louder and more insightful than the things you do say.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Some guys think that's flirting.

    If I were flirting with you I'd be like

    Twinkle twinkle little star
    Girl I wonder
    Who you are...
    Up above the clouds so high
    like a diamond in my eye...
  • 25 since when did u become interested in me and nidan business?
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. Nicole is fun to flirt with. Lol. Logic is definitely not one of her sting points, but she is still fun. As far as she and I not being friends. ... well, i still see her as my friend. Can’t speak for her. Lol
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Sting = strong.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    By the way, Nicole, you still have not defined “pro athlete”. I’m waiting....... you have made many assumptions and stated some characteristics that i do not have, yet you truly have no idea. Is your idea of a pro athlete one of a specific sport or is it one of an athlete who gets paid to perform his sport?
  • 1) how can you say I'm fun 2 flirt with if I am not flirting with you back which apparenrly you did think I was based on why u trusted me
    2) um yes logic is one of my very strong points im gonna be on the bench one day bitches it has to be. Nidan you are the one who says dumb shit all the time..and sometikes u too @25

    This is why what I said LOGICALLY FLOWS:
    - I said that athletes are the only hot men who buy hot women, which implies that if a man is hot and he buys women, he must be a pro athlete.
    -while nidan buys women , he is not a pro athlete. Consequently , he cannot be hot.
    - basically what I said was equivalent to saying oranges are the only fruit that taste good. So if you encounter a fruit that is not an orange, it will not taste good

    -these are basic logic lessons in sufficient nd necessary conditions. Its ok I can tutor y'all

    3) @nidan I did not say you and I are not friends anymore..that comment was for Icey.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    @Nicole even I don't want to flirt just to flirt and have nothing happen. Almost no guy does.
  • @ cc hmm...

    Do you think that girls flirt just to flirt sometimes?

    I guess I just flirt for attention sometimes hahahahahahhahahahahhshsshshshs
  • I think girls are more prone to flirting 4 attention but idk if y'all agree??
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. I am NOT a lawyer. However, i AM an expert witness for 3 lawyers. Trust me, your “logic” will loose every single time. This is now me just being honest without flirting. If you really want to be a good lawyer, your game needs beefed up i a major way. I am also paid for my sport which basically makes me a professional... lol. And, I am damn good at that sport. All That being said, when are We going to cuddle?
  • I don't fucking sit next to men let alone cuddle with them when they tell me my logic is flawed when it is not. Especially if they cant prove I am wrong AFTER I GAVE THEM AN EASY ANALOGY TO COMPARE MY STATEMENT TO .LOL.
  • If I said that the only hot women in America who buy sex consist of widows, that means that a woman must be a widow in order to be someone hot who buys sex , and thus that someone who is not a widow in America cannot be hot .

    Similarly, If I say that the only hot men who buy women are athletes, it logically follows that someone must be athlete to buy sex and be hot, and thus that. A man who buys sex but is not an athlete cannot be hot.

    Ok I'm done now lol

    If I said that the only hot women in America who buy sex consist of widows, that means that a woman must be a widow in order to be someone who buys sex and is also hot , and thus that someone who is not a widow in America cannot be hot and have sex .

    Similarly, If I say that the only hot men who buy women are athletes, it logically follows that someone must be athlete to buy sex and be hot, and thus that A man who buys sex but is not an athlete cannot be hot.

    Ok I'm done now lol
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. You obviously did not read my post about being a professional athlete. Hmmmm. When shall we cuddle?. Lol
  • After u brush up on ur logic lessons
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Sweetie, I actually have several awards in that exact topic lol. If i show you my awards i logic, are you down for cuddling?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    >25 since when did u become interested in me and nidan business?<
    Not interested in your business you put this out there for anyone to comment on !
    If you don’t want any comments don’t put it out in a public forum.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Sweetie, I’m probably your wet dream. Lol. You simply need to open up lest miss out on the dream of your life. Just one night. That’s all. I will pay for your Uber, your dinner, your drinks, your laughs and whatever else. You won’t even have to put out. Just ONE HUG that I can call a CUDDLE. LOL.
  • Nice u have awards..but sorry sweetie ..I guess I meant to say after u brush up on THE MOST BASIC LOGIC LESSONS.

    (Sufficient & necessary conditions =groundwork for logic)
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I am way beyond the basics. If you care to really learn, I am here for you. Just say the word. The word, by the way is CUDDLE.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Lol. You are so much fun to mess with. Way too easy to elicit a fantastic reaction.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I fall well. Trust me on that one. I fall without ever getting hurt.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Im not any bitch's wet dream, I just make bitches wet with my presence
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    ^^^ you are my hero
  • Umm I'm not easy ive been calm for a while..u dont go around telling women "you're the man of their dreams" when they already know who they want and do not want.

    Your cockiness is unwarranted as fuck..... :))) lol
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I’m every woman’s dream in my wet dream!
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    My cock is none of your business. We are only talking about innocent cuddling! You have to bring my cock into this? Shame on you!
  • Omg how the fuck can you say "I'm prob your wet dream " when the girl hasn't even consented to meeting with u lmao...

    Thats analogous to saying "I'm probably their dream candidate " when the employer denied giving u an interview

  • Omg is all I gotta say........LOL k.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I do it .... VERY WELL. ... that’s how. Lol
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Its all about the delivery I've gone up to girls and told them I was gonna make them mine and I did. Or if they ask what I wanna do, I'll say "you" and they love it... If a woman is attracted to you, they love that kind of stuff.
  • Key phrase: if the woman is attracted 2 u.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Exactly..... and that's something men on this forum negate, ignore or can't relate to.... hence why everything boils down to P4P for them. LMFAO
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ That includes you tricky loco
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    You just said I was a woman. Make your mind up.
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