
Interesting Experience - is this sort of a norm?

Avatar for George123789
George123789Somewhere over the rainbow looking at tits

Over the years I have gotten in the habit of stopping at the Strip Clubs of Hurley, Wisconsin when I’ve been in the area on business.

Using the strategies I’ve read about here on TUSCL I was able to cultivate a young lady into sort of a favorite that morphed into an ongoing relationship that was a lot of fun.

Well, unfortunately she moved back to Colorado awhile back and I went through the throes of withdrawal-I swear I will always miss her perky body and submissive attitude between the sheets.

Fast forward to present—- I have been back in the area these past weeks and the talent has been really scary except for acouple dancers at a different club (Shooters).

A cute little blonde with an awesome set of titties and a grabbable little butt - turns out she is a local who has GPS and in fact tapped her nipples over (even during lap dances and no mileage).

There is a brunette who is really pretty high energy on stage - saw her last fall pull a girl on stage and stripped her down to her panties and saw her last fall strip a groom down to his boxers, slapped a muzzle and leash on him and paraded him around the bar for almost two hours. This has made me leery of her even though she has no tats and a cute body.

Well three weekends ago I took the plunge with her and did a bunch of dances with her - she threw some more time in and some nice stick shifting. It was fun but she was sort of business like - “stay the fuck away from my pussy and asshole!” I did so and got some nice nipple sucking and butt grabbing. Dropped about $100 and I was satisfied.

Last weekend I was there again, cruised through all the stripper bars in town and the talent was really disinterested and not appealing to the eye in any manner. I went back into the bar with this brunette because I figured if I got a repeat performance the night wouldn’t be a total loss. I tipped her some on stage so she saw me and she claimed to remember me. When she was done she sat with me wearing only her bottoms - after awhile she hugged me and told me it was ok to look at her titties because she wanted me to - not being an idiot I looked a bit and pulled her into my lap at the bar - she straddled me.. We talked for awhile and I had to ask about dances so off we went. Pretty much the same thing but she added more stick shifting and mouthing my cock over my khakis. Spent about $100 on her again. We went out to the bar and sat some more - she looked me in the eyes and told me she knew my cock was hard the whole time and it felt good in her mouth. I stammered some as she bounced off to the stage.

Well, I went back this weekend again - nothing else to do and cruised through all the strip clubs before going into what is becoming my new favorite in town. Yes she was here again when I walked in with a guy’s face buried in her crotch on stage (that sure sounds slutty but it was the truth). She waved at me and I waved back - when she was done she came over hugged me, stuck her tongue in my ear and asked me to hang around till she finished with a couple lap dances - I figured wtf and did. We sat for a long time talking - she gave me her real name - showed me her FB on my phone - told me her home town and her age (31). Wanted to know who and where I was from and what I did and why I was there so irregularly. Talked about food and basketball-the whole time I was cautious about what I shared and she surprised me when she texted her baby sister to come down to the bar to meet me. By now I was just sort of enjoying the vibe with a brunette 28 years younger than myself. Met her baby sister who was cute but a bit chubby. Everyone bought their own drinks too. The whole time I Am trying to figure out WTF. After her sister left I told her we need to go do some dances so off we went - ended getting 7 for $100 - she claimed to have forgotten the count and there were a couple short songs.

Much to my surprise this time the dances changed up - fast too. My shirt was unbuttoned before I sat down and she peeled off her bottoms for a damned tiny G string. Lots of grinding, nipple licking and sucking both ways, I ran my hand down her butt crack a lot and rubbed her starfish. I did the same on her front over her G string - actually pushed her string into her pussy with my rubbing. There was a lot more stick shifting and her mouth was all over my cock (outside the pants). She was overtly stroking my erect cock as she kneeled between my legs until I told her she had to stop. She laughed and told me she got me hard - I answered no duh. She informed me it was both ways and did the dancer headstand thing putting her pussy in my face - somehow she had things pulled to the side so I had a perfect view of her gaping pussy. I resisted the temptation to lick.

I managed to not pop my load somehow and she cuddled through the last dance. She got her usual $100 and was very satisfied. She asked if I would come in next time and I affirmed.

Now my question......

It seems like this is how a monger would develop a playful relationship with a dancer. Do I keep riding the vibe because it has gotten better each visit? Or do I start asking about OTC (I did so the first time only to be told she doesn’t do that)?

Counsel would be greatly appreciated!


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Avatar for JamesSD

Sounds mostly like you've got some regular priveleges going. She knows you're not LE, knows you won't jam your fingers up her vag without permission.

Bringing her little sister down was weird, but I know there are clubs in the Midwest that have more of a "local bar that also happens to have strippers" thing going.

Next step would be to get her number and get some playful text game going I think.

Avatar for GeneraI

Isnt this just basically a repeat of the TWO articles you wrote? Or do you now have a 3rd girl that you're going to start shacking up with?

Avatar for mark94

From your history of reviews, it seems like you’ve only experienced clubs in the upper Midwest. My suggestion is that you should try out clubs in one of the major SC hot spots. Tijuana. Atlanta. Miami. City of Industry. You’ll be amazed and learn a lot.

Avatar for George123789

General-yes, guilty I did write reviews/articles about dancers from this town before but those articles were about the one who went back to Colorado and I think I did a review about this dancer/club once. How about some ideas about how to bring this to the next level?

James SD - yes this whole town is bars that have strippers - local hangouts. Lots of jeans, flannel and sweatshirts. Thanks for the text thingie - I will work that route next time.

Mark 94 - yes, I have only been in the upper Midwest and there is no hope of mongering in the fun places you mentioned. How about some ideas on how to move it forward.

Avatar for George123789

General-yes, guilty I did write reviews/articles about dancers from this town before but those articles were about the one who went back to Colorado and I think I did a review about this dancer/club once. How about some ideas about how to bring this to the next level?

James SD - yes this whole town is bars that have strippers - local hangouts. Lots of jeans, flannel and sweatshirts. Thanks for the text thingie - I will work that route next time.

Mark 94 - yes, I have only been in the upper Midwest and there is no hope of mongering in the fun places you mentioned. How about some ideas on how to move it forward.

Avatar for mark94

I’ve been to some clubs in Wisconsin towns. The juicier things you read about on TUSCL will never be available in Wisconsin. Sorry.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Just keep being a regular eventuality you’ll get tired of her and move on but by then you’ll be known at the club and there will be some competition to get you to be a regular of another girl.

Avatar for Nidan111

Keep on keeping on. That happened to me 6 months ago. With each visit came more extras. Eventually FS ITC. Now, I have moved on. Lol

Avatar for Icey

She's just trying to make you a regular...that bs is the very definition of stripper shit.

Avatar for a21985

Reading things like this make me happy I live in the Detroit area...where a trip to the club like the one described would be considered an utter disappointment and failure.

That said, you don't know what your options are until you speak up. Don't beat around the bush. As for otc, why not ITC? Sounds like you're getting decent mileage and she'a not too concerned with anyone from management bothering her during dances. Also, as a side note, if there's one dancer who provides higher mileage / extras in a club, there are going to be others, so don't necessarily think you can only have this type of experience with her. But again, you only get to find that out in areas not routinely known for UHM unless you man up and ask.

Avatar for jackslash

Being a regular earns you privileges. Dancers are much more willing to do OTC with customers they know. You should decide how much you are willing to pay her and then ask for OTC. She won't be offended by your asking. She has been asked many times. If she wants too much money, negotiate with her.

Since you're from Wisconsin, you could drive to Detroit for a weekend. You will find that Detroit clubs offer very liberal ITC and OTC opportunities.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Buying dances is a chump's game.

Front room makeout session. Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.


Free - Wishing Well (Official Video, w/ the Leyland dump truck)

April Wine - I Like to Rock (Official Music Video)

Avatar for crazyjoe

This is totally normal

Avatar for rickdugan

Now is definitely a good time to revisit OTC. As jack rightly stated, some girls will say "I don't do that" as a reflex response to strangers who ask, but will consider it for guys they get to know. The worst that she can say is no and you'll get bored sooner or later with the same LDs from her ITC, so you might as well pursue it.

Avatar for George123789

Rickdugen-Thanks for the insights about reflex reaction. That makes sense.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Your use of the term "norm" in reference to strippers is amusing...

I'd revisit OTC. Be mellow and low pressure about it. But make sure she knows you're not joking. If she still says no, it's not the end of the world.

Avatar for Jascoi

so you spent like $300 on her so far for dances? I think you’re making good progress under the circumstances and it seems that you enjoy it… It is time to pop the question though…

Avatar for RiskA

@JamesSD +1: Get her phone # (to text for scheduling when you’ll be in town), respectfully work it (no dick pics) and next visit mention that hotel in town you stay at... I’d ask directly if I got the vibe she did OTC regularly; but otherwise at a LM club I’d work her like a civilian like you’re doing.

Avatar for pensionking

Reverse the stripper shit. Call it PL shit.

Tell her next time that you never party outside the club in your hotel room, but she is so pretty, amazing, exciting that you just have to consider itin this special circumstance. If she takes it as a challenge and you can convince her of your reluctance, you may be in.

People want what they think they cannot have.

Good luck, let us know what happens!

Avatar for georgmicrodong

You know, if you’re having fun in the club, and it isn’t costing too much for you, maybe the long game is the best one here. Especially if you can bring yourself to not really mind whether or not she ever actually meets OTC.

I have, on more than one occasion, met a girl who didn’t do OTC, didn’t even fuck ITC. And when I stopped caring about that, it worked out pretty well.

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