
Not a scientific conclusion but ... apparently review counts are falling.

Alligators make good pets, at least up to 4 ft long ....
Monday, March 25, 2019 5:05 AM
I very often read or at least skim all the reviews posted the day before over breakfast. I thought I noticed a significant drop in the number of reviews each day so I went back several months and quickly counted. It seems that the raw number of reviews posted each day is down as much as 30% or so from my limited quick counts. I am curious if founder keeps these kind of stats and if it could be attributed to the new way reviews are approved. Or is it possibly the result of a Conservative wave sweeping across the country? I am, in particular, noticing less reviews of out of the way not often visited clubs. The kind of places where intel is hard to find and reviews tend to be by new reviewers and pretty short. If the trend is toward two HK and two Follies reviews each day and little else, it won’t be long until the site has pretty limited value, at least for me.


  • George123789
    5 years ago
    Most unfortunately I tend to agree with your assessment as well as statements from others stating that the reviews are lacking in sufficient detail to provide solid intel. Personally there isn’t much hope that my circumstances will ever allow a trip to HK or Follies. Therefore while those reviews are somewhat amusing they provide no actual support to my Mongering wanderings. Reviews of places that are scattered across the landscape would be much more valuable.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    How is it "apparent" if you have no comparative data? I've been seeing an average of 40+ review per day since forever, except on a few big holidays. That's over 14,000 reviews per year. Even if 1,000 of those were for international clubs, which I do not believe is the case, that would be 13,000+ reviews in a single year for a population of less than 2,500 U.S. clubs.
  • sinclair
    5 years ago
    There were 49 reviews posted Sunday and 49 reviews posted Saturday. That is two reviews every hour. There are only around 2,060 strip clubs left in the United States. The number has been declining for decades. It is a dying hobby. Guys aren't going to drop hundreds on a celibate half hour in a camera-ridden champagne room when they can fuck their 22 year old sugar baby for several hours for the same amount of cheddar.
  • AZFourTwenty
    5 years ago
    This was the point of my discussion a week ago. Increasing review standards will lead to fewer reviews. You guys have successfully reduced reviews and traffic to a site that has a revenue model dependent on reviews and traffic. You haven't weeded out fake reviews, but you have reduced reviews for places that get few reviews to begin with because the members in those areas don't have the same desire to give details as those that spend their whole day checking TUSCL for reviews of clubs they will never visit. Good job guys. TUSCL is no more useful than it was before the review crackdown, it has now become less useful.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^damn skippy, you’re trippin’
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    AZ24 is right. By being anal about what reviews get approved or not, the VIP dumbasses are decreasing the validity of the site. Since its all based on their opinion. Unless a review names people or sounds like a club ad, there's no reason to not just approve it. Its an opinion...thats all it is. And the average person won't give details pertaining to illicit activities they engaged in, etc.
  • JohnSmith69
    5 years ago
    My understanding is that founder is aiming for better quality reviews. In such a process, you would expect the number of total reviews to decline. That’s the whole point, to get rid of all of the crap that used to get posted. Personally I think this is the right approach to take. A web site with tens of thousands of reviews much of which are crap is of no value to me. I don’t have the time or inclination to wade trough the crap. I’d much rather go to a site with only thousands of reviews if I don’t have to wade through tons of worthless crap.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Who gets to decide what's crap? New reviews are getting approved for clubs that are closed. There are a ton of troll profiles in VIP which obviously got their with fake reviews that were approved of for their "quality" and apparent "veracity".....
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    The reviewers get to decide whether a review is crap that’s good enough for
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    So you're happy with fake reviews and troll reviewers so long as your little circle jerk club feels important for approving them. That right there is a huge problem with the process.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    In case you haven’t noticed, the accounts writing troll reviews have gotten deleted. RIP Family_Man :(
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Have people like Icey who have never been to a club write all the reviews. She knows everything useless already.
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    I’d rather see one good review covering the club well than ten crap reviews with nothing but “Sara was awesome; she grinded me gud” in them.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    No there are plenty of VIP trolls around. And plenty of real people who are just trolls, writing reviews. Well written doesn't equate with good nor with an authentic experience. If you want club details, visit its website. Reviews are personal experiences.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    If there are 20 percent less reviews but we are cutting the worst reviews from getting published, that's a win If reviews that would be decent aren't getting written that's more of an issue.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    So 20% of real experiences aren't being shared because a few VIP members don't think the authors' writing skills are up to par.... That isn't a win. Meanwhile reviews for shuttered clubs get published and troll profiles are all over VIP.... but that's okay, coz they can write good fake reviews. LMFAO
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Reading crap reviews is no value added and a waste of time
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    Some complain about not enough reviews for out of the way and less visited clubs, which are written by newer reviewers. My suggested solution: Visit these clubs and write a review. I visited two clubs which had outdated or no reviews for six months (see Bliss Showgirls and Satin Topless) and had a good to great time at each. Be part of the solution.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I've been reading and writing reviews for this site for 20 years. I get lenient with reviews for clubs with few if any reviews. Especially international ones excluding TJ. BTW I have had a review rejected in the beginning because the editor(yes they used to read all of them) thought that is was just a report of personal experience rather than a review. I rewrote and and it was accepted.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    No worries people no loser on earth won't be defended by Icey. Write crap review? Shoot cop? leech off soicety? Abuse your kid? Icey will defend you, unless you are male, white and employed.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Skibum, you make a living off of leaches who feel they're entitled to their spouse's earnings and possessions even after the marital bond has been broken. You're worse than an ambulance chaser..... As far as "crap" reviews go . A real, poorly written review is worth more than a well written fake one. The fact that so many fake ones are approved shows the problem with some VIP members' criteria for rating them.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Icey's got a point, getting divorced from someone and continuing to feel entitled to their money and possessions is the definition of being a leech.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Idk about the leeching thing persay. The problem atm is that society is in a weird in between thing right now. A career oriented woman who leans in a la Sheryl Sandburg? Absolutely leaching. A woman who cut her career to part time, or takes lower pay because it’s more flexible, or even quits entirely to manage a household...with years “wasted” that could have been spent advancing her career. That’s not so clear cut.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    It is pretty interesting looking up club reviews in places that aren’t cities. A lot of reviews will be from one individual back-to-back.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Icee has no point he’s made 4400+ comments not a single one positive thing has been said about anything or anyone.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    My point was that if we are headed for 13 reviews a day from the usual clubs why bother. Five reviews from seldom named clubs that state simple intel like extras for $50, $500 or not in a million years are mega useful and can save me a trip or even a travel. Clubs with no current info should have their reviews cleared if they are a little plausible; and Follies, DDs, Detroit, COI and TJ can have as high a bar as you like. We all know everything there is to know about them. Maybe reviews of clubs with over 100 recent reviews should not earn VIP credit? And BTW, maybe desertscrub could lighten up on the rookie reviewers a bit. We are all entirely impressed with his superior intellect (as in he’s the only one who can spot a shill review) but he discourages new reviewers by trying to embarrass and diminish them. We were all rookies once, see @shadowcat post above, but maybe if he could offer a private message that encourages instead of dressing down the newbies. Nah, that won’t happen.
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