
How Do Strip Clubs Handle the Money, Get It To The Bank?

Avatar for san_jose_guy
san_jose_guymoney was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game

I asked about this on a thread before.

Thinking about this and learning a little more about how armored car companies work, they could hire one of them.

Loomis is its own bank. And they supply their own "smart safes".

So even though banks are closed at 2 am, they could still take the money to their depot, which is just like a bank.

Or maybe guys don't want to wait around at 2am. So the armored car could take it after opening time. Letting the money stay in the smart safe overnight should be good enough, I would think. Can have alarms and such.

Keeping the money safe though is one thing. But keeping the people safe is another.

If the strip club owns the safe, then people will probably assume that the manager really is able to open it. But if it is clearly a Loomis safe and they have Loomis signs up, then no one could open the safe except for them.

Money sits over night in such safes in all sorts of businesses. Maybe in a strip club it is more money. But compared with a supermarket, maybe not?

Been at strip clubs at opening time and closing time, never seen a safe, never seen an armored car.



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Avatar for san_jose_guy


click on their Safe Point.

Then click on RETAIL, they mention Liquor Stores, being open till 2am.

For example Titan RX


Cash In Transit

they say the deposited in their Titan smart safe is just like "money in the bank"

So I guess it could stay there until morning. Even if it is safe, better not to have people having to stay around beyond 2am.


Avatar for Nidan111

They do so ... very carefully!

Avatar for san_jose_guy

You ever seen how they do it? Ever seen a safe or an armored car?


Avatar for Nidan111

Nope. Haven’t stuck around long enough to notice.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

In Atlanta a long time ago, maybe 25 years or more, there was a rash of strip clubs having their safes stolen. The safes themselves. These were like 1,000 lb safes. It was a crew of power lifters!

Avatar for JohnTitor

Extra large panties and stockings, then a trench coat over that for the walk to the bank.

Avatar for JAprufrock

You're asking how a club gets its cash to the bank? We know how this will end. I'm calling the FBI.

Avatar for JackScott

I've wondered the same thing. When I worked in retail, we had a code word that we would use over the intercom system to announce their arrival to the manager. But as the OP stated, I also have never seen an armored car at any of the SC joints in my area as I pass by many of them throughout the day. My guess is that they don't have as much cash as it would seem. Everyone from the waitress to the DJ gets paid nightly in cash so most of what they take in goes to the daily payroll. Compared to retail stores where all of the money ends up in one place at the end of the night, the only thing going into a SC bank account is the profits. Let's say they clear $20K a month, that's only $600-$700 a day that's going into the bank. It's a nice payday for a sole robber but probably not enough to where it's worth calling in Loomis.

Avatar for jackslash

An armored car company would deliver the cash to their own secure facility or to a bank, where it is all put on record. Instead the manager takes the money and delivers bribes to the mayor and the chief of police. Then he drives to the owner's house to give him the lion's share and take his cut from the owner. What remains is deposited in the bank. It's called tax planning.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I understand about siphoning off money. But how do they get the on the books portion to the bank. And yes, I guess most of these armored car companies have their own depot, and that is a bank, or is just like a bank. So it could be 24-7.

As far as safe stealing, these armored car firms know better than to allow that. They have told me that they are bolted to the concrete floor. Now true, someone could even get into a built in bank vault, with enough time. But there are alarms, and it takes time, lots of time.

I for one would not want to be sitting in a strip club after 2am waiting for the armored car to arrive. Even if the money is 100% safe, there could be idiots who want to try and get it, and who believe the manager can open it. No good.

Better if everyone walks out of the strip club, sets the alarm and locks the doors, at the same time. Better if the cops know some vacant / closed signal.

Then let what morons want to break in.

Have the money be picked up right after normal opening hours.

But i have been in strip clubs enough that I should have seen it. Never have I seen a safe or an armored car.

Fast food uses safes and armored cars.

Viet Coffee places usually skim off most of the money, for waitress and staff daily bonuses. But the manager/owner takes it in a locked vinyl money pouch, mid day.

Armored car service costs money. So probably this is most likely in a chain strip club, not a mom and pop strip club. It is part of keeping the employees honest too.

Next time I get the chance to talk to any armored car or safe people, I will ask about bars and strip clubs.


Avatar for san_jose_guy

We don't really have chain clubs in the South Bay, except for the downtown SJ club now becoming SR. Chain clubs is DV in San Francisco.

I believe that such places have Management Information Systems, with off site servers, and that they expect real time reporting, every admission ticked, every dancer who shows up on time or late, and every dance fee. And then the drinks. But mostly this is just to keep their own people honest. Point of Sale, POS, is what they call that.

But Loomis, with its Titan Smart Safes, these meter the money in, like a reverse ATM machine. So they keep track, and this record could also be off site.

Loomis says that once it is in their safe, then it is just like being in the bank. So I take this as meaning that they are liable.

This is what one needs, so you don't have to wait there after 2am. The money can sit there until morning.


Avatar for Scluva6969

Thinking someone would get involved in these establishments without "protection" is extremely naive

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I am told by someone in the know that POS, supervison, and cameras keep the staff honest. But not armored cars. They typically cost $600 per week. Not cheap.

So I am told that even chain strip clubs tend not to use them.



Avatar for Jascoi

i’ve never noticed and honestly I’ve never even thought about the cash money.

Avatar for Jascoi

Well... as to the ATMs... I have seen armored cars and their well armed crews handling the cash.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Armored cars service ATM's.

For a strip club I could see the club having a safe. But the presumption that the manager has the ability to open the safe, to me, that seems dangerous.

Sure, the people who would try such are hockey pucks. I could even see a dancer being in on it, trying to distract the manager as her accomplices get into position.

Not real comfortable with it myself. But I still don't really understand it all.


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