"Happy are the pure in heart", I have begun to feel that the reason I will never seek a relationship with any woman besides a prostitute is because my thinking is different than most men. I am a PL, a Trick, a hoes weekly ATM. An despite knowing that sex without love is merely just a pointless past time, I enjoy it even more each and every time I get a new girl. Now some would say what does GOD or the BIBLE have to do with this, and some of you will say I am foolish but I am sincere in writing this.
I prayed to GOD on it, to help me understand this scripture. My GOD, is this lifestyle I would give anything for it, I've baptized myself in a sense that I am completely 100% in this and I desire to give my all to it. So I must be "pure in heart" so that I can draw myself closer to this lifestyle, GOD helped me to realize that I must be honest in my thinking so that I can be pure in my speech as regards to this lifestyle, If I am to continue to seek longevity in this I NEED to think better of myself as more than a PL or a Trick or a Hoes weekly ATM. So that is why I have come to you my constituents , does anyone have a better name besides PL. So that I may wake up everyday and look at my reflection in the mirror and say, "Hello there, You sir are the greatest ___________ ". I'm sure pimps do it but I should be able to do it too, i'm the one with the money god damn it, not these pimps and madams that force these girls into the lifestyle to receive the blessings I give them through my monetary assets.
Please & Thank you for the help with names in advance.