
PL’s in El Paso Tx

Avatar for LDJunkie
LDJunkieEnjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...

Anyone lives near El Paso Tx area? I’m from here but I have been continuously disappointed with the quality at the clubs here. As for Juarez Mexico is a whole different story but it ain’t no Tijuana.

I know that the Cabaret club in El Paso was closed recently due to drugs and prostitution, so what other place do you mongers recommend?


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Avatar for PaulDrake

I might be stopping through so could also use good intel.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Hope that Cabaret Club in El Paso comes back, or something becomes just as good as that was reported to be.


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Avatar for Muddy

Ooooh a topic for meeeeee. I feel so special. Yeah that’s my neck of the woods too.

It depends what your into but my recs are gonna be Dreams, Xcape and Red Parrot. I think they have the best looking girls. Dreams is BYOB, has a big lineup, biggest club in EP and hands down has the best looking girls.

Xcape serves alcohol has a lot young dancers and falls a little cheaper. Don’t bother going VIP. There is like no difference between floor dances and VIP. It offers very little privacy.

Red Parrot is my regular club. I like it there it’s chill I can watch a game, have a beer it’s really laid back. Nobody fucks with me and everybody pretty friendly. (Well at least to me cause I’m so fucking charming) The lineup can be inconsistent but when it’s on it’s really good. I haven’t reviewed cause it’s just kinda personal to me. You know like a don’t shit where you eat kinda thing? I will pretty soon though.

A couple of other clubs Foxys and Jaguars are usually off but they could be good on a blue moon. Go to Jags late like after midnight that’s when it starts pickinng up. Before that usually completely dead.

If your trying to find a replacement for the Caberet Club just fucking go to Montana Hideaway.

All in all I would go to Dreams. Wednsday nights especially it’s fucking crazy over there.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thanks, that metro is in my plans.


Avatar for PaulDrake

Best looking dancers? I tend to prefer slim white 20 somethings?

Are lap dance prices the same everywhere? Are some clubs better or worse for LDK potential?

Avatar for Muddy

Yeah Pauly El Paso is not an uptight city. Every club has good LDK potential. That is not an issue in this town. There’s a bird dog out at Jaguars but even still, it’s all good. Mileage goes down almost everywhere I travel. Some cities got these crazy rules I’ve never seen before that we don’t have here.

And white dancers are not too too comon. They are there though. Not much of difference though American born Latinas and whites. For 20 somethings and teen dancers go Dreams, then Xcape. All the other clubs skew a little bit older.

Price wise. Pretty much the same. Jags is a little expensive $20 to get in after 10 on the weekends. Then $20 for VIP and $20 for dances. Red Parrot is I cant really remember what the cover is honestly, I’m a VIP member there so I don’t pay it but I think it’s like $14 after 10. $20 VIP $20 dance $10 floor dance. Most clubs follow that pretty much. There aren’t any clubs to my knowledge where you rent a room for like some crazy price unless I don’t know about it. Dreams is $20 cover and 15$ for VIP and then $20 or $30 if you want to do topless or nude dance.

You won’t have to look far if your driving too. Many of these clubs are right off I -10

Avatar for Muddy

And best looking dancers are at Dreams and it’s not really close. I’ve posted this in lotagoodstuff’s topic but I would rank it by dancer quality

Red Parrot
Montana Hideaway
Cabaret Club if it comes back

There’s also a place in the Northeast called Diosa. Haven’t been there yet, it’s like a private dance for half an hour kinda thing.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ If Cabaret Club is gone, I will be starting at Montana Hideaway


Avatar for PaulDrake

Do any of your top clubs have a one foot on the floor rule or chairs with arms that prevent cowgirl position?

Avatar for Muddy

@Paul No that's exactly what I'm talking about with these crazy ass rules. If they do have a rule, then I never heard about it or it's just not enforced. And most of the VIP's in clubs I mentioned are on couches.

Avatar for LDJunkie

@Muddy9 I know rules are not really enforced in El Paso. But I believe the strip joints here have been declining during the last 4 years. I used to love Jaguars but as you said it is dead most of the time I remember they use to have Super Tuesday’s and the place was packed back then. Club Xcape used to be awesome Friday evenings now not so much and then qualify of girls varies.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

So Muddy9, thanks for giving us all this info about El Paso.

So of the clubs you list, Cabaret Club being the best, and Montana Hideaway as the back up, how goes it with:

  1. Front room makeout sessions.
  2. Back room FS
  3. Walking a girl out the door with you mid-shift


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