
The Dan Bilzerian system...

Off again on again PL
So for those not familiar Dan Bilzerian he is a semi-famous person who is only famous for being surrounded with hot models ALL THE TIME. Basically he has an instagram page wtih a lot of followers and every pic is him with a ton of hot girls:


I came across the guy a few years ago and was puzzled/skeptical. Are the photos staged? Where did he get all of his money? Why are all these girls hanging around him? Well about a year ago he did a Larry King interview where he goes over his strategy for getting hot models to hang around him:


One of the most interesting things in the interview is how candid he is about his intentions. He wants to hook up with hot girls without a lot of dates/conversation.

His strategy (for those unable to watch the video) is that he hosts parties where there are 300 hot girls and 30 guys (his buddies). He contacts promoters and modeling/acting agencies to find girls and then has free mani/pedicures and massages (and obviously free alcohol). Girls end up wanting to come just because his parties are a place to hang with their friends where they aren't constantly getting hit on by guys.

Honestly I think it is an absolutely brilliant strategy. If I were single it's definitely something I would consider. It wouldn't even be that expensive to pull off, probably similar to what some mongers spend on here for a trip to TJ or Germany. However it wouldn't work for everyone as you need to at least be an average looking dude and not super old...


  • mark94
    6 years ago
    He is worth a reported $100 million from a trust fund his father, a convicted stock fraudster, set up. His girl friend left him when she found out about prostitutes he hired for his parties.

    He is a 5’9” self promoter who washed out before he could get into navy seal training. He had 2 heart attacks at the age of 25.

    So, his “system” is to spend obscene amounts of money to have pros and semi pros attend his parties. The first step in his system is to have someone give you $100 million. Not many people will get past step one.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Why does he look like a total douche, even while surrounded by hot babes?
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    " $100 million from a trust " - There it is. We would all be more attractive if we were rich.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Anyone who works that hard to convince people that he is a ladies man has a 50/50 chance of being a closeted gay.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Mark nailed it. He is trust find baby to a criminal. He claims he made his money from poker which the poker community finds a complete joke and a blatant lie.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Why hasn't juice mentioned that he's attended those parties?

    https://www.instagram.com/p/9HI6pKIDh0/ :D
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @mark94 - I am not trying to say this is some amazing person. But his system is pretty smart. And I don't think it would take "obscene" amounts of money to pull off something similar.

    Trip to FKK: $2000

    Cost to put on a Bilzerian style party:
    $500 to rent a house, from what I am seeing on airbnb in my area that is about as expensive as it gets for luxury house rental.
    $500 to book a DJ, from my research on craigslist that is a good budget.
    $500 to hire a couple bartenders
    $2000 for alcohol, there is a calculator on totalwine.com that spit that out as a good number for 300 people
    $2000 for promotion, pay promoters/girls/strippers/modelingagencies/etc

    That comes to $5500... HOWEVER you could probably charge the guys who show up to this party. I think you could charge a hundred or even a few hundred, or even just charge guys for bottle service for the premium liqueurs. Or let in a few guys who have a ton of social media followers and charge the guys who have none. Ultimately I think you can make back most if not all of what you are spending.

    Not to mention that once you start doing this on a regular basis it becomes self sustaining. You don't need to continually pay for promotion.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    It's a brilliant strategy, though I think the trust fund is what really attracts the hotties.

    An acquaintence of mine attended one of his photos shoot/parties, she found him to be "an entitled douche."
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    “Cost to put on a Bilzerian style party:
    $500 to rent a house,”

    The Bilzerian style house would cost $20,000 to rent, not $500.

    I’d suggest the other items would need to be boosted by a similar percent to get a “Bilzerian style party”.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    In all honesty, IDK who's a bigger moron, this guy, or the guys that think this guy has a great system - he looks like the typical salesman that lives off of suckers that believe his shit - and in America there doesn't seem to be a shortage of suckers
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Be sure and watch the Netflix documentary on the Fyre Festival if you want to see a real con man in action.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    1. I agree that it’s probably not as expensive as believed if you can get the cost subsidized (tho I wonder how much the costs of freelance masseuses and cosmetologists for the mani/pedis are as well, which are other expenses. Was food catered as well? And did he do clean ups himself or outsource that?

    2. I wonder what his success rate is. I have no doubt that his notch quality and quantity is well above average. But the girls who pose with him in photos are not necessarily the girls who sleep with him.
    I say this because I had an ex-boyfriend whose Instagram would be filled with pretty girls. And this guy was a short overweight Asian guy who spoke in an effeminate manner—the stereotype of a male who should be struggling. Many males were envious of him because of it.

    But the truth was, while he was far more successful than the average male as far as females he could get, it was only a smaller % that he “closed” with. It worked out well enough for him tho, because he was the kind of guy who enjoyed validating females and listening to personal drama.

    So he was okay with being friend zoned, and wading through and finding successes something many males are not okay with for whatever reason.

    And the females he hooked up with most successfully were the ones who were either bored/pissed at her boyfriend and it was easy for him to swoop in as the side piece.

    The fun thing, is that all of his Instagram photo taking with various pretty females in hookah bars created an effect where he effortlessly attracted a solid “B” team of females, who made the effort to be befriend him as well. Many of them he ignored, but some he liked as a friend for whatever reason. I suspect it’s because they wanted to feel validated and being associated with him and would perhaps get photos taken with him too and hopefully make it on his Instagram.

    In short: I suspect there is a higher “cost” than is portrayed for this Dan guy.
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    6 years ago
    Yay! Now we have a different System for this board to debate for the next 10 years.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Good response niceyspicey. I would imagine your ex got a lot of the same comments as people on this thread: that guy is a "tool" "douche" "moron" etc... I know when I first saw Dan years ago I probably said something similar and as you inferred from your ex it all comes down to other guys being secretly jealous (I'll definitely admit I am to some extent).

    Past that I just distinctly remember when I first saw Dan's instagram "There is NO WAY that is real" but it is...

    I think you do need to be the type of guy who just like hanging out with girls and listening to their drama. But for someone who does and has money it is an interesting "alternative strategy". And if you think about what some guys on here spend it doesn't seem that crazy.

    I was thinking if you did it to get a different guy to book the airbnb every month. Obviously you're going to get banned from air bnb each time so that would be a workaround.


    So another "alternative mongering strategy" for someone with money I heard of on the sugaring forum. Apparently there is some widower near Denver that has this big house and compound and he flies out a different girl from SA every weekend. At his compound he has all sorts of indoor and outdoor leisure activities (hiking, biking, rock climbing, private movie theater, off road jeep drive, spa, etc) and the girl can pick out a few activities each day she wants to do.

    If I was single that is DEFINITELY the sort of thing I would do...
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    PaulDrake said: “I would imagine your ex got a lot of the same comments as people on this thread: that guy is a "tool" "douche" "moron" etc...”

    Yeah, he definitely had a hard time making male friends. It was kinda sad because he would definitely try to help his friends if they “reached out” to him asking for help about improving with females. But he had a solid few male friends.

    As far as the douche label...Let’s just say that during the time period I had looser boundaries with customers at the club, I was mostly motivated by getting even. He insisted for a couple of months in the beginning that we should be serious and monogamous, and I told him that it’s his end I didn’t trust. And sure enough, as time went on he kept giving me reasons to prove me right. And he insulted my intelligence by not even trying to be discreet. (So I admit I was a douche too lol)
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    So what drew you to him? How did he view you?
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    I'll go against the grain and say he's actually a good guy. Got kicked out of SEAL training a few times and decided to try a different path. I'll also go against the against the grain and actually answer Paul's question. Why noone answered it and instead chose to focus on hating him is why Dan's so popular. He gets the hang around beautiful women for two big reasons. And no its not to attend places where they can't get hit on by guys. if that was true models would all work out at curves fitness.

    1. He's really rich. Beautiful women like money.
    2. His instagram feed is very popular and many guys stalk his posts, including many on this board. Some of those stalkers run modeling agencies and book the girls dan has at his house. Turns out beautiful women like to model. Checking with my sources on why this is.
    3. The girls in his videos always receive a bump in followers as well. Shocker, beautiful women apparently like being famous.

    His interview with joe rogan was more telling.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Not mentioned so far is his Ignite Company, attempting to brand a high end marijuana product. It appears he is trying to become the Hugh Hefner of marijuana, promoting a lifestyle to sell a product.

    There is a lot of competition in that industry so he is doing his best to generate publicity. He has licensed the brand to a public company which is funding the effort. His job is simply to keep the brand visible.

    Too early to tell if it will work but at least he can get tax deductions for his parties like Hef did.
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    Every legal state in the country has a product like that Mark. Good example for the PA Medical approved growers an out of state investment capital funded operation called Prime Wellness showed up in PA. They grow high end strains but it’s fucking insane on the price.

    Good example if I drive 4 hours to Detroit I can get a good high quality ounce for $380 at Reef. I live half a mile from a dispensary though and buy a $65 eighth a day to smoke of Prime marijuana.

    Honestly this stuff is very nicely packaged and they grow very popular must have cutting edge strains. Still it’s $65 an 8th compared to a $380 ounce in Detroit.

    Eventually all the fancy packaging means jack shit to the serious user.

    This asshole is in a flooded market. People had tens of millions sitting aside years before pot hit legal status waiting to invest.

    It really boils down to one thing though. Would I buy an equally priced high end marijuana product like DBs over a product like Prime?


    Because I think Dan is the type of piece of shit to ruin my night while I sit at the corner of the bar drinking at a nice restaurant. I don’t want to support that toxicity in society. There is a difference between bro culture founded on the immaturity of youth and our culture and just taking it to a toxic level like he does.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    PaulDrake says: “So what drew you to him? How did he view you?”

    Mostly his parents. I met him through a mutual friend (who also told me not to trust him lol) I started hanging around him during the same time I was starting to dance. And the way he validated others and his emotionally warm touchy feely flirting style, I thought was brilliant. In my natural state. I observed his body language and and mannerisms and would take that back to the club with me. Other females couldn’t understand how I could stand to be around him with his open style of flirting in front of me. I viewed it as mentorship lol.

    I didn’t really mean to get serious. But as I started to hang around his house quite a bit, his parents took a huge liking to me. It was home cooked dinner as a family together every night. Random clothes given to me, and the like. While they were doing laundry “oh go ahead and add yours too” And he himself kept asking me to be his girlfriend.

    I waited for the hospitality to suddenly end and they would decide I did something to wrong them (which I had dealt with all my life with my entire biological family, and also roommate situations I’ve had in the past) But it didn’t happen, which caused me to become emotionally dependent on being “home” even if I knew the boyfriend himself wasn’t the best idea. The stable feeling of belonging somewhere was like kryptonite for me.

    They definitely had an eye on us getting married and after a few months started referring to me as 媳婦 (daughter-in-law)

    The boyfriend himself liked the idea, since his opinion of me was that I was the most low drama easy going female he knew. And after I left him (rather suddenly too) he was very distressed about it for several months. He would send me a text every once in a while, but I’d ignore it.

    But according to gossip, he did especially well female wise immediately after that tho. He not only hooked up with quite a few females, but also got them to pay for his food and hookah while doing so. He milked that heartbroken sympathy thing hard :o

    @DC I agree on his intelligence.
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