
Found an automated song counter app!

Avatar for PaulDrake
PaulDrakeOff again on again PL

So I recently came across a new CF who I don't totally trust to count songs. I ALWAYS lose count so I was thinking about how to setup a timer or something on my phone. That led me to brainstorming how to use an app to listen and identify songs and then use a tasker script to read the notifications and log that data to a spreadsheet. However...

The shazam app already does all of this!!!

The shazam app has something called auto mode. Whenever you are about to get dances with a stripper you just turn it on and then lock screen. The app then just continually listens and then will identify songs and then log the names on a list.

And for android there is even a notification toggle you can add so just pull down your notification bar and hit the button and it starts right up!


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Avatar for max_starr

Damn I can't wait to try that shit.

Avatar for Jascoi

thanks PD! (i loose count too.)

Avatar for PaulDrake

So just checked and at least on my phone I can use the notification toggle from the lockscreen and do not even have to unlock the phone.

Avatar for TFP

TUSCLer Pizza used that feature of the Shazam app on his trip to Hong Kong TJ. In the first part of his most recent review he had the app on automode anytime he was in the club. It generated a huge playlist of songs that played over the course of days he was in the club. Pretty good idea to use it to keep track of the number of songs though. I just wonder what a dispute would look like when the dancer tried to over count songs and you pulled out your phone to reveal you had an app set to count songs. Would that make you look like a savvy customer, or cheap for going to those lengths to not be ripped off?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Many hardcore ROBs won't give a f*** about no playlist and intimidate the PL into paying up regardless - of course you need to stand your ground but some manginas will pay up "to not cause a scene"- but at least the playlist will help the PL if he"s lost track of the songs, but I guess one also has to keep mind to start and stop the playlist everytime one gets dances.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I wonder if the DJ talking over the music will throw off the app

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ or other ambient noise like people talking loudly around you

Avatar for BoringLoser

Shazam can handle a pretty decent amount of other noise. It might not work if it’s a really busy club and you’re getting dances on the main floor. If you’re going back to the LD area it should be no problem. The DJ talking shouldn’t be a problem bc it’ll just wait and listen to the song after he shuts up.

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