

I put your ATF on a winning team
Who is the worst?

Ay papi quieres un bailecito oh no you have to buy now! You gay or fag? vs You buy dance now, tip now, VIP now....I call rape if you no buy.


  • Piggie
    6 years ago
    Asian: I love you long time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Russians are more cold-blooded, Cubans nag more
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Q. What can a Russian stripper do that a Cuban stripper can't do?
    A. Whisper.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I had experiences with both last night thats why I posted this...

    Russian 1 - saw me on my phone and accused me of taking her picture and demanded a tip before she gets security. So I told her to get the fuck out my face and that she's lucky I'm not Russian coz a Russian would of have slapped her for pulling that shit. Then she asked me if I want a dance so she can make it up to me....
    Russian 2 - Shows me her tits and demands a tip claiming I can't look at them for free. I told her no and she said I'm not a gentleman. But at least left

    Cuban 1 - Called me a fag for telling her I'm not interested...
    Cuban 2 - I'm ugly and can't afford her anyway
    Cuban 3 - Spilled my drink after I told her I don't want to buy her one....I complained and got a free drink.
    Cuban 4 - I politely said I don't want any company at the moment... She went off on me "I don't want to give you my company. You're repulsive, I just want your money you're worthless"
    Cuban 5 - If you don't want to spend money go home. You can't look for free...

    Their attitudes make them repugnant and repulsive. Its weird coz I've had Cuban girls like me before, and they were very sweet and submissive, nurturing... But the ones who become dancers are like the worst chongas you can imagine. Its like a constant thing with them.

    The Russians, I think a lot of them have criminal ties. I know money laundering is big with them. Them and their boyfriends/pimps live way beyond their means. They have that criminal mindset, the coldness you see in people who seek that life out. Very different from American thugs.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Oh my word lol that is funny. But I can see that being true unfortunately.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    There are too many of them. I think they're ruining the clubs... When I went to the club, men weren't falling for it. No one at the stage, hardly anyone getting dances, and the girls were just walking around insulting everyone. The only guys I saw giving them money were either really fat or really old...It was the worst experience Ive had at a club. It used to be so much better there even a few months ago. But management thinks these girls are an improvement...
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Lol I wont lie I use some of those lines from the Cuban girls u posted here. But I guess we think alike. I dont go around saying that shit to everyone that rejects me tho. But like if it is a pulling teeth kinda night for everyone I have no problem reducing bottom feeder customers into the nothing I see them as. Sometimes shaming guys is what turns a complete nonspender into a spender. But you have to also look good enough to get away with this sort of behavior and carry yourself a certain way. Most girls do not have the natural demeanor to be able to successfully pull that hustle off I think.

    The shit the Russians there pulled is retarded as fuck. I haven't dealt with too many Russians dancing honestly. A few here and there so I only had one bad experience working with them. There was 1 instance I was working at some club and me and another Russian approached a guy same time. Well she doesnt start talking to him so I do and she still sits there awkwardly. Anyway i close a sale and off we go for 4 songs. She gets upset when I come out and says she gonna get me fired with mgmt blah blah blah and she was there first which is a complete crock of shit and she knows it What a stuck up cunt. I might be Russian by heritage but some of them I just can't deal with at all. I prefer clubs full of american girls. I don't care the look or color. But american girls are just so much easier to work with.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Depends what we are talking about. Cubans win at drinking hardcore coffee. Russians win at hardcore vodka drinking
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    @blahblah Its one thing to shame a guy who isn't spending, especially if they sit at the stage.. But another to insult men who aren't interested in her. Walking from guy to guy saying stuff like that. With the Russians, dancer or not, they pull weird shit. I knew a Russian guy who had a casual fling with a Russian girl he met, she wasn't a dancer... She knew his parents were in town, showed up at his door and said she was pregnant and needed abortion money. When he told her she can't know if she's pregnant yet she started yelling about it for his parents to hear... I agree about American girls. They're a lot easier to deal with, or at least girls who went to high school in the US and came here as kids. I don't like decoding foreign motives.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I can believe that. I have Russian relatives I try to keep my distance with. And I have my reasons I dont wanna be particularly close to any I meet lmfao. Granted they might be normal but at this point in my life I am just like... nope!!! The other eastern euro side of my family is noticeably sane as opposed to the Russian side. I do not think it is a coincidence.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Dont wanna be close friends with any Russians I meet*

    I'm sure it is obvious what I meant tho lol
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Yeah with some its just that vibe. I once dated a girl who was part Bulgarian and part Egyptian. She could hustle.... but it was sexy not sleazy, if that makes sense.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    About the only thing I like about Russians is the language/some of the decor/ baked goods. I dont really care for many russian people I meet. They are sorta like you described. Nuts/not all there/mentally ill. I understand that 100% as I've had some experiences with them but not really at clubs anyways. In my hometown a lot of Americans cant stand most of the Russians either. I wouldnt say it is so much racism like some of my relatives say.. it's more that a lot of them do not assimilate or try to assimilate and just arent all that friendly/act snobby and cause drama/ arent very pleasant to be around.

    I cant speak for Cubans as I don't have a lot of experience being around them anyway lol.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... I cant speak for Cubans as I don't have a lot of experience being around them ..."

    Miami-Dade county is the 7th largest county out of 3,000 counties in the US, so a big county - per the 2010 census, it was 15% white, 17% black, and 65% Hispanic - and highly-likely it's probably less-white and more Hispanic today since that 2010 census - i.e. the whites had to get away from all them Cubans (which are the majority of the Latinos).
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Yes I've read your thoughts on Cuban culture and you seem to prefer american as well, lol!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    This incident may have made headlines nationally, not sure - basically a Cuban woman Taco Bell employee tells an AA customer in the drive-thru to keep it moving b/c the customer does not speak Spanish and she (the employee) doesn't speak English, and the lady refuses to take her order and tells her to go to a Taco Bell in another area b/c this Taco Bell was in Hialeah (Miami suburb) and everyone in Hialeah speaks Spanish (video included where the lady basically just closes the drive-thru window in the AA custy's face) - I'd like to say that is atypical, but unfortunately it's not - that is typical Cuban service in Miami - they'll pretty-much tell you to fuck-off if you say anything contrary to how they do things:

    Taco Bell employee refuses to take order because customer doesn’t speak Spanish

    A video of an argument with a Taco Bell employee in Hialeah has unleashed a wave of indignation on social media.

    The incident happened on Wednesday night, when Alexandria Montgomery was trying to place an order — in English — at a Taco Bell drive thru window at 785 East Ninth St. The employee refused to take her order because she wasn’t speaking Spanish.

    In the video, which was posted Thursday night, Montgomery asked the annoyed woman, “Do you have a manager here?”

    “She is in her house sleeping,” the employee replied in Spanish in a dismissive tone. There was no one else to take the order, the employee claimed.

    “Honey, I have a car behind you,” the employee says in Spanish and closes the window.

    “Can you move please? I have an order behind you. There is no one who speaks English,” the woman tells Montgomery in the video and threatens to call the police.
    “This is Hialeah, I’m sorry,” she said in Spanish.

    Two other Taco Bell workers approached the drive thru window when they heard the altercation, but apparently they did not try to help the client.

    “No more, papi,” the clerk said in Spanish to a man who was in the car with Montgomery and was trying to argue that they were in the United States.

    Finally, they had to leave without making an order.

    “This incident happened Wednesday night around 10:30 p.m. I contacted the manager and after explaining to her what happened all she did was apologize and say thank you and the call was disconnected,” Montgomery told el Nuevo Herald.

    Taco Bell Corp. told el Nuevo Herald that “this does not meet our customer service expectations.”

    “We have worked quickly to resolve with the customer to ensure this doesn’t happen again,” a spokesperson said.

    In an update Montgomery made hours later, she added that “Luisa,” as the Taco Bell employee identified herself, had been fired and that it was not even her real name.

    In a later statement, Taco Bell confirmed: “This individual no longer works for the brand.”

    In addition to that, Montgomery told NBC6 that the chain offered her a $100 gift card in response to the incident.

    “A gift card is not gonna just solve the problem, it’s not gonna give me justice,” she said. “Don’t try to like sweep it under the rug.”

    Comments on Facebook were mostly supportive of Montgomery, who described the incident as “racist.”

    “Hialeah is still part of Florida and, as far as I remember, correct me if I’m wrong, Florida is part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, it’s a country where English is the language we speak. This is a shame for the Hispanic / Latino community,“ commented a Facebook user.

    “Wow, if Latinos do not speak English we try to understand each other. Money is money. I have attended deaf people, Chinese, Mexicans, Americans, the important thing is to be treated with respect,” wrote another user — in Spanish.

    Hialeah is considered the city with the largest Hispanic population in the United States.

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    That pretty much sums up Cuban behavior....Whenever I deal with Cubans, I have the expectation of them trying to rip me off... its bad but they really do try to...

    I don't know many Russians but there are a lot of Russian Jewish shops in LA, I like going there for baked goods and sandwiches, salads... Some have all the signs in Russian, nothing in English but its kind of cool.
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