Phoenix SC crawl

avatar for Subraman
Planning on an SC crawl with some friends in Feb or March. This will be a PL crowd. We'd like to hit a variety of clubs. Prefer clubs with alcohol but if there are great ones without, we'll deal. OTC is not a goal this trip. We already have HiLiter (higher quality girls with lower contact?) and Bourbon Street (reverse of hiliter?) on the list. Other highly rated clubs that I've heard you guys talk about: Jaguars, Chicas.

Besides HiLiter and Bourbon Street, what are your suggestions? Thanks in advance!


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I think it's the other way around, Bourbon has the higher quality girls and lower mileage
avatar for datinman
6 years ago
My knowledge is 6 months old, but based on multiple trips over the past 7 years.

Hottest dancers are at Bourbon Street and Christy's in Tempe.
Higher mileage generally at HiLiter with decent looking dancers, but YMMV depending on political climate.
Highest mileage is daytime at Blue Moon, but with 5's and 6's maybe an occasional 7. Also, no alcohol because it's nude.
avatar for Spillthebeans
6 years ago
Are you looking for dayshift or nightshift fun ? Most clubs change with the dropping of the sun. Plus you will be arriving during spring training wicch changes the options, as well. PM if you like.
avatar for 501traveler
6 years ago
Add Sugar 44 to your list. Its right down the road from Bourbon St and I've always had a good time there at night.
avatar for 501traveler
6 years ago
I think Jaguars is more of a "make it rain" type night club feel. Haven't been there in a while and don't see too many good reviews on it.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Spill: We tend to be dayshifters, but for this trip, there's a chance we'll hit nightshift also.

All, thanks for the g2 so far....
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
6 years ago
I would hit Hi-Liter, Sugar 44 and possibly Chicas in the daytime for best mileage possibilities. Save BSC and Christy's (Guadalupe) for evening since mileage sucks regardless of time and much better eye candy at night. Be aware Chica's is well into the west side and there's a ton of construction on the 10 Fwy right around its off ramp, so it may be a bit out of your way. Band-Aids can be another daytime possibility for cheaper high contact laps. Band-Aids/S44/BSC/HL all within about a 7 mile radius of each other, so not too bad even using surface streets. One club that doesn't get too much attention on this board is T&A Cabaret, which is still in 1997 mode with the price of its laps ($5), but does present some security concerns.

Happy to help with any itinerary/logistics questions you may have.

avatar for mark94
6 years ago
BSC and Hi Liter are universal favorites. Something for everyone. Plan on spending most of your time there both day and night.

S44, Blue Moon, Bandaids, and Chicas each have their specific appeal. Plan on sampling 2 or 3 of these, but have a quick exit strategy if their unique charms aren’t apparent.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
6 years ago
Christie's Tempe is excellent. Do not go to Jags during the day. Would not recommend Bandaids for a crawl you are describing. HiLiter all the way.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Thanks guys.. several of my buddies have moved into the area, so if it turns out fun, we might get together there every few months. Thinking we'll all head out there in March. Will absorb what you've all recommended and reflect back what I think the plan will be
avatar for Conundrum
6 years ago
Another question to raise beside time of day is the day? M,T,W,T,F,SAT or SUN.? One day crawl, or two three day excursion?
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
First trip, Friday & Saturday. Definitely Friday day, possibly friday night, possibly Saturday day (we have something else to do during one of those timeslots)
avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 years ago

Start off at HL from like 2PM till 430 PM.

Then go to BSC from like 530 to 1030. if its dead head over to Jags with your friends and buy a bottle. girls will sit and drink with you at jags, and HL. girls cant drink at your table at BSC.

You might not leave BSC though.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 years ago
You can get a hookah at jags too, it smells like skunk, and guys go in pairs inside the stalls. you wont have any problems if you mind your business.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Enjoy your day ;)
avatar for 501traveler
6 years ago
There are plenty of good food options between these clubs to keep up or energy level. I know HilIter serves food, not sure of the others.
avatar for azdd
6 years ago
Chili is good, Chili is wise....(except for Bandaids, I still don’t get that). But seriously, CP is the Jedi Master of Phoenix clubs.
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