“No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.” ~ Kesuke Miyagi

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
Title says it all.


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avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
There is not such thing as a bad football player, only a bad coach. If the coaches were any good, I would be an NFL star.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^Good one Jack, using your metaphor if the music teacher was any good I’d be a Rock and Roll Star
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Meh....Given infinate time and resources a teacher can accomplish the ideal. How many teachers get that opportunity. It's nice to post pithy quotes declaring some fundamental truth but we all live in a world with constraints. Teachers have to triage those worth spending their time on.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Professors are rewarded for the quantity and quality of publications in respected journals -- regardless of whether they can teach worth shit.

Good students seem to always get the right idea on their own and don't need to be spoon-fed. Especially now with so much free or low cost content out there.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
no, its all about the attitudes towards education that kids bring into the classroom
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
@DC...and that's why the Asian nations crush. Entitlement attitude a good economy
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
DC is that your manifesto? You sound extremely entitled and out of touch with reality. Life is all about doing shit you don't want but have to.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
It's preparation for the real world. You do shit you have to not what you want to. Stop being an entitled little fag. What's good for you isn't always what you want
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
And life isn't about sounding like a fucking textbook
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I think high school is just a total waste of time.

The goal of education should be to teach people to be able to educate themselves. How soon does this happen? It varies.

Remember the movies "To Sir With Love" and "Blackboard Jungle"?

Being a school teacher can be really tough.

Part of the reason for high school as always been to cut down on the size of the labor market, by taking in those not going to college.

I think the solution has to be some sort of supervised independent studies and part time schooling, mixed with career building employment.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
We live in a society where you need certain skills and an understanding of how shit works. Time management, scheduling, basic skills so you can read, write, count. Everyone needs that. Lots of schools have vocational programs too and there are vocational high schools.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
School isn't for everyone and life is about choice. If you don't choose traditional education your future career choices become narrower. Nothing dishonorable about being in the labor force.
avatar for PhatBoyHell
6 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
But if high school is a waste of time, how much better is college?


Nicki Minaj
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
So then what is the remedy?

It could be no school. But I say it should be part time self directed supervised independent study, and that this should be the beginning of a life long practice.

And then I say it should also be part time career building. ( appropriate employment, not just a 'job', and entrepreneurship )


Nicki Minaj


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Education should not only be about careers, or about not being in the 'labor force'. Primarily education should be about self development and about giving yourself choices.

But beyond a point, this should be supervised independent studies. Being able to teach yourself should be the goal.

But it is also true that book learning does not work that well for everyone, probably it does not work that well for most people.

My organization will solve all of these issues.

avatar for jester214
6 years ago
High school was a joke, I got excellent grades with minimal effort.

That said, I was a horrible student. I did the bare minimum of homework (with the exception of the two Bio's I took, she'd let me sleep in class as long as I did the work), never studied, often fell asleep when the teacher lectured, never volunteered anything and if I had to participate I was usually sarcastic about it. This had nothing to do with the teacher's doing poorly and all to do with me not caring.

Dumb quote.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think the worst is when entitled sheltered social retards get upset coz they don't think they should do what they don't want to. They won't function in life. Can't even sustain normal human relationships.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
You can't force people to learn what they don't want to. And education should not be primarily for job training.

If you want scholarship, you have to have people who direct themselves. So this should be the objective of schooling, teaching people how to educate themselves.

And the only way you can do this is to let them try.

If you want smart people, you have to interview them and look for the evidence that they continue to educate themselves.

In my organization it will always be like this.



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