OT: Yanis Varoufakis & Bernie Sanders, two of my heroes!

avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Progressive International: Yanis Varoufakis & Bernie Sanders Launch New Global Mvt Against Far Right





Progressive of the World Unite!



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avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
You sure get your information from sites less worthy than a comic book. Bernie Sanders lol. he's a total fucktard. Governor of the most liberal state in America proposes universal healthcare in Vermont. Great for everyone and supported by 80% of the populace. Of course when it goes to a ballot question where Bernie the chucklehead has to fess up about cost and who pays it, the voters shoot the motherfucker down. Progressives have no ideas other than stealing money from working people and giving it away for votes. The world is going right wing and soon what is going on in France will be going on outside the Democrat controlled house.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, yet you have no problem with the private sector stealing your money and using it on others? You know how private insurance works? Look at the mandate for car insurance.... you pay an astronomical fee and it gets pooled. You pay for others' accidents. Same with private health insurance. Difference is, coverage is limited and prices too high. Universal coverage offers a larger pool and no profit motive means lower costs. But you're too dumb to see that.

The world isn't going right wing. The right wing is paranoid and galvanized to maintain control at whatever the cost. You're a fucking parasite.
avatar for founder
6 years ago
If we're going to all socialist, I expect every one of you all to start paying for VIP membership.
avatar for ime
6 years ago
No way mannnn like if we are socialists like everything is free for everyone mannnn
avatar for founder
6 years ago
Nothing is free in this world. Can't believe I actually have to say that to a room full of guys that pay for pussy.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Its not about things being free or not, its about a fair distribution of services and wealth.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I just joined, so they can email me news. HQ is in Belgium. I'm a card carrying comrade now.

That Vermont is the most liberal state in the union speaks very well of it, and of its people.

The US and Western Europe had been mostly on track with each other up through the mid-60's. Then in 1968 Richard Nixon unveiled his Southern Strategy, and then since the Republicans have been using the Born Again Christian movement. So Europe and the US have since proceeded in opposite directions, and it is our people who have paid the costs of this.

Socialism doesn't make anything free, rather it just makes some things the subject of a public interest. Usually this would mean basic living essentials. Like today some want the US to go to Universal Basic Income, and then this would be used to secure these basic essentials.

I don't think anyone wants to follow Lenin and Stalin, or Venezuela either. Those places had no tradition of democracy. What people seem to want is Social Democracy, installed and regulated at the ballot box. So it would be like Scandinavia and much of Western Europe. It would mean a larger public sector, a larger realm of public and private partnerships in the large industries, and about 10 to 15% higher taxes on large incomes.

Remember that this country's greatest time of economic growth and improvement in standard of living occurred during the Eisenhower and Kennedy years, where the top personal tax rates exceeded 90%.

No one want to go back to that, or even to go back all the way to pre-Reagan taxes. But the taxation on large personal incomes does need to be higher. Taxation and spending is what keeps our economy going, and it is what keeps the mid-sector humming.

It appears that pussy costs money, but that is simply because of how we have set it up. We have set it up so most everything costs money, when that is not really necessary. And women also have been effected adversely by this system.

Three things which don't actually have to cost money, Knowledge, Spirituality, and Sex. And for our people, my organization will make these all free and at saturation levels.

So you tell me, how much time do you want to spend with women, how many quickies per week, how many extended sessions, and how many TLN's? And then how much non-sexual time with women, and doing what?

And what are your objectives in the areas of knowledge and spirituality?

avatar for founder
6 years ago
Wealth is a state of mind. We're all born equal. It's what we do AFTER we're born that counts.

My parents raised me to take care of myself first, and help others as I can. I choose to help strippers.

avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^Smash that like button!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well, Socialism does not mean that you are expected to be altruistic. But it does mean that you are sharing in a vision of collective benefit. Who would want to live in a world which does not work that way?

Right now people lack political consciousness, and the fallacies of Libertarianism and of Christianity are a big part of this.

Right now we have the middle-class family, and that exists for one purpose only, to abuse and psychically scar children.

avatar for ime
6 years ago
Socialism has been tried 100 times in the last 100 years and its only results are over 100 million dead, fuck you and socialism SJG.
avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
Christianity, Priests, Preachers, and mental health professionals who medicate and institutionalize the mentally unstable are the true heroes of this world!

Long live Christianity! I'm building an organization that will continue working tirelessly to put more crazy people into institutions. Especially mentally unstable children! If their parents say they need medication and should be hospitalized, then no testing is necessary. Start feeding them medicine right away to cure their problems! Put them in an institution as soon as the medicine kicks in.

Come join my organization now. We can get these crazy kids off the street soon! Then, before you know it TUSCL will become great again!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Alcohol, Drugs, Born Again Christianity, and the Mental Health and Recovery System are what keep people pacified. So I am against all of it.

avatar for OldGringo
6 years ago
I'm craving a big bowl of metanarrative ad hominem cinnamon.
avatar for PhatBoyHell
6 years ago
Its not about things being free or not, its about a fair distribution of services and wealth.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Progressive International:

full video:

Yanis Varoufakis: Is Capitalism Devouring Democracy?

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
In the above videos Varoufakis shows that the ways we have been taught to look at things are really warped.


Nicki Minaj

Merkaba - Chariot of the Gods

Ever notice that Stephen Spielberg's films always include appearances of the Chariot, and that always before these there is silence and a void? Often such appearances mean that someone is going to die violently.

Chariot of God: Merkabah Mysticism - Vision of Ezekiel

Christ of the Apocalypse, from one of the doorways to Chartres

TJ Street
3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Its not Marine Le Pen, its her husband, who had direct ties to Vichy. These two have been a specter underlying French politics for a long time.


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