Ive been mongering for many years and guess I just understood that many clubs offer Pre-Thanksgiving parties tonight. Doubt im going out, but if you want to visit your ATF tonights a good one
Day b/f Thanksgiving is often a crappy-day to club - often filled w/ amateurs that hit the club b/c they have a little time off - these are inexperienced SCers that often f'up the club scene and often act like jackasses.
Thinking that a packed club equals a good club is often an erroneous assumption unless one is just looking for a party-scene vs good QoS from the dancers - a packed club often works against the true hobbyists, IMO.
I would recommend not clubbing on thanksgiving eve. This night is known to be a big night out for young folks. I’m thinking young college grads will be out trying to get as much mileage out of a $20 as possible!
I’ll pass on that crap. I’ll also pass on the DUI checkpoints too! The cops know there’s too many drunk drivers out.
NJB is a teenager. no experienced clubber would say that tonight is a good night to visit. its one of the worst nights to visit. today during the day is fine but once its really thanksgiving eve its a good night to spend more money getting less of what you want
Tootsies Miami is actually open on Thanksgiving (I think they are open every single day of the year) - I believe they have a complimentary Thanksgiving dinner.
Thinking that a packed club equals a good club is often an erroneous assumption unless one is just looking for a party-scene vs good QoS from the dancers - a packed club often works against the true hobbyists, IMO.
I’ll pass on that crap. I’ll also pass on the DUI checkpoints too! The cops know there’s too many drunk drivers out.