I was on my way to meet one of my OTC bitches when I got a call from SJG’s mom to see if I’d be available to babysit. I said yes, because these $100 babysitting jobs help fund my OTC activities. As for sneaking my bitch into SJG’s mom’s house, that was easy. I just had her sit in the back seat of my car, and duck down so she would not be seen, and then have her come inside once SJG’s mom leaves.
I distracted SJG by turning on the TV in the basement and playing a Dora the Explorer DVD. I then had my bitch come inside so we could get down to business in the guest bedroom. As we were getting freaky, my bitch was really enjoying herself and she started to moan, and this is where the trouble began. When this bitch moans, she sounds exactly like a goat. Suddenly there was someone pounding on the door. I had my bitch hide in the closet while I got dressed. I then opened the door and it was none other than SJG. His pants were down and he had a very excited look on his face. I could not calm him down. The only thing I could do was give him some melatonin and tell him it was candy, so he would take it and fall asleep.
Lesson learned bros, I will not try to have another OTC date while babysitting SJG
I may be overpaid and under-qualified, but no one else will babysit you, Bro. You know it’s bad when all the legitimate babysitters have your mom’s number blocked.
Bro, that is a piece of equipment you find at some gyms. You build up strength by climbing it, Bro. Except I’m not allowed to use it because I snapped it in half and did some damage to the ceiling
last commentThat concerns me already.
I may be overpaid and under-qualified, but no one else will babysit you, Bro. You know it’s bad when all the legitimate babysitters have your mom’s number blocked.
- Bro!
- Bro