Your sexual bucket list?

It seems to me that this might have been discussed recently but seeing Shadowcat's link to a sex island vacation instantly had me thinking as to what I'd like to sexually experience before I kick the bucket.
Some of you guys have already been to places that could qualify as being on my bucket list, FKK clubs, TJ, a trip to Asia, but if you could choose among any sexual adventure what would it be?
To me this place, would surely rank higher on my list than an FKK or TJ.
last commentI just did a bucket list search of TUSCL and not counting strip clubs nothing newer than 2015 came up for me so maybe it hasn't been discussed recently.
Detroit has been on my Bucket List since I joined this website. I"m going next week. Went to TJ for the first time earlier this year. FKK's sound like fun, I just don't know how I"m going to make that happen though.
what is a brazilian terma
^brothel, whorehouse
Been to Miami. Been to Follies. Next.
@DC This had been said before, it goes like this A woman looks for one man to solve all of her problems A man wants all women to solve his one problem
Ive never heard that but some truth there
My sexual bucket list doesn't have anything to do with traveling.
I want to fuck a hot skinny Asian bitch really really hard. Make her walk funny for a week. Also sex with a thick Asian bitch. I've pretty much done everything I've wanted to do sexually.
PhatBoy.. I have tried to do 5 beautiful Asian women. Only ONE could take it. The other 4 only got the tip. They truly are very small in many ways. Rhe ONE that could...holy shit! Nothing better!
I’d like to have a kid some day.
I have a lot on my bucket list which quite a few TUSCLers have already accomplished. I’m not really in too much of a hurry to fulfill my bucket list right now because I am perfectly satisfied with my local clubs. I should be able to fulfill this list over the next 25 years or so as I accumulate more disposable income.
In no particular order
Nidan111 that's one of the reasons I'd like to try them.
I still want to finger a teenager. No, not a 13-year old, but an 18 or 19 year old. I didn't get to do all the fun sex stuff that teenagers to together and I feel like I've missed out. So if I can get my fingers inside an 18 or 19 year old, I can say that I got to finger a teenager. The one other thing that WAS on my bucket list was to literally sleep with a woman which I got to do on my first trip to TJ.
I spent 2 years in Japan and got laid about once a week from probably 30 different women. None had a problem with my size. I did have 1 that claimed that I was too big but she didn't even try.
I would like to be a very high end call girl.....
Liwet the age of consent in Nevada is 16. Go for it!
Well lets see: White lady - check Black lady - check Asian lady - check Latino lady - check threesome with 2 girls- check orgy - check Anal with girl - check BD - check escort - check Message with FS in Canada - check Message with FS in US - check Strip clubs: HJ - check BBBJ - check BBBJCIM - check CBJ - check DATY - check BBFS - check BBFSCIV - check CFS - check Date a stripper - check Marry an ex-stripper - check Divorce an ex-stripper - check OTC a stripper - check
So I guess about all I have left is to continue with my local mongering and maybe try a trip south of the boarder.
A hot wife. I'd like to share my wife with other men. I'd love reclamation sex
I want to have sex while riding a horse
I want to go to FKK clubs. It’s like Tijuana but with white women.
All I have left is my death wish which is simultaneous sex with triplet cheerleaders then stepped upon by an elephant as I finish making sure that everything comes out
Menage a trois, two girls one guy and two guys and me. A Frenchman, an Italian man, a Spanish man and an English man. I don't know if this counts but party and hookup in Ibiza Sex in a tent out in the forest. Mile high club. Mile ocean club? Be able to tell a future boyfriend about a hookup I just had and him be completely fine with it. Sex in a hot tub.
All the others I've already checked off.
steeldog that's amazing
i have already accomplished everything on my bucket list.
haha mr pua guy, 42 and still haven't hit 1,000 hoes yet? I just hit 1,000 recently and im only 31.
and he claim to be #1 playa, stupid lil bitch!
Careful about sex in a hottub; it's a good way to a UTI.