
Perspectives wanted

New Jersey
Is attraction ever a consideration for a seasoned stripper when extras are involved? I know YMMV, but even with an extras girl?

Do any of you have a OTC relationship with your stripper that doesnt involve sex?


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Of course! A stripper is attracted to how thick your wallet is, and we aren’t talking about business cards and library cards.

    An OTC relationship without sex? Are you gay?
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    I have OTC with my ATF without sex! However her and I are just friends and not in a relationship
  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Being attracted to the person paying you for sex is an added bonus but doesn't change the nature of the relationship.

    As far as OTC relationships that don't involve sex. Not in the way that this group defines OTCs. But if a dancer is interested in someone she'll go out on a date with him and like any date it doesn't mean she'll sleep with him. Although its rare it does happen. But the times I have seen it happen, the guy wasn't exactly broke. But that wasn't the basis of it, there was interest
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I'm not exactly sure what the OP is asking. If he means that attraction might have an effect on whether a girl would do extras only with PLs with a certain attractiveness, then yes i think that is plausible. Although i think the correct term might be vibe or creepiness factor. But this would apply more with girls that were more reluctant to do extras. A straight up ho might not care too much, but even with her, it would make a difference in the "quality" of the experience on both ends.

    Yes, there are PLs that have OTC relations with strippers/SBs without sex. They're called fools...
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    There are quite a few challenges when setting up otc with a dancer. In many cases, it requires dealing with a somewhat flaky stripper. It can require waiting until she realizes it’s time to come to the hotel. It can be a pain in the ass!

    The only thing that makes it worthwhile is fucking a hot girl - and fucking her hard.

    So, I don’t see any reason to see a dancer otc without fucking her.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Who knows why anyone does anything. One of my favorite extras girls has a reputation as a lame dance provider due to lack of contact. I'm not a whale so I have no idea if I am just lucky or whatever. She is very hot, but if her dances were like the people whining claim they are, I wouldn't spend anything on her.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    How can you know if a dancer is attracted to you? I mean honestly, without your wallet you are nothing but a waste of time.
  • boboh
    6 years ago
    I've read reviews on this extras girl and they go both ways, some say a waste of time and others leave happy after only 3 dances. Just creep factor?

    How many guys are really friends with their atf? Texting without meet ups seems like a total waste of time if no fucking is happening.

    Time is money, right?

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Off the top of my head:

    1) Not feeling judged by the customer for going the “extra mile”
    2) smelling decent
    3) Respectful—customer won’t be trying to get a mile out of an inch
    4) Discretion
    5) No mistrust that the customer will try to get out of paying
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Should always treat the women in strip clubs no different than you would treat any other woman.

    The money is a show of care and respect. It is after all how she pays her bills, and that is what enables her to be there.

    The money is expected, but it is wrong to ever think that money should be used to persuade her to do anything she would not otherwise want to do.

    Best is to select the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with.


    Baker Gurvitz Army
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Strippers strip bc of the $$$, not to meet attractive guys, they do that in their private life - as a strip club customer you're basically a business opportunity to her, not a romantic interest (with rare exceptions).

    Some rules-of-thumb of the game:

    1) if you gotta ask about how to go about dating a stripper then you shouldn't be dating one

    2) if you wanna date a hot chick then date a civvie, if you can't land a hot civvie then you shouldn't expect to land a hot stripper
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    papi... imo it’s easier to land a hot stripper than a hot civie.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    i get extras for free unless you count the 10k i shower dem hoes with onstage.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't call it "attraction", but if you are a regular who practices good hygiene, is respectful, and tips well you can move into friends with benefits territory with some strippers. This is increasingly likely if you go to clubs where the majority of guys are cheap and assholes. Many girls have asked for me to hang out and join them on trips over the years. Most girls could care less about the type of guy, but the smart ones will understand the value of keeping a regular
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i kinda agree.

    butt my vanity wants tooo prevail.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Dancers must mentally prepare for the worst and hope for the best. They aren’t getting aroused due to customer looks. If a customer is decent looking, has good hygiene, smells nice, doesn’t act like a douche, and isn’t a grabby horndog - that’s about as good as it gets.
  • boboh
    6 years ago
    Not putting down the dancers. Questioning if a guy isnt aggressive or direct will he get extras from a girl who does them? Especially if he becomes a regular. Are dancers trying to do the bare minimum to make money. If a guy isnt a creep and is respectful will she give him the same treatment as others. Or is it based on attraction.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    My ATF and I have been involved for almost 10 years. That’s almost 9 years longer than *any* other relationship I’ve had, besides the one with my wife. We still visit each other as often as we can; living in different states makes that more difficult, but we’ve managed. We still fuck like rabbits when we get together, and while I’ll buy her dinner, and hotel rooms, and gifts, it’s nowhere near what I was spending when she was dancing and we were in P4P mode.

    So is she attracted to something besides the money? Observation says yes. At least that’s my surmise based on the way she greets me when we do get together.

    Do I think it’s possible, even probably, that sex workers *prefer* to be attracted to their clients in same way? Absolutely.

    Do I think what my ATF and I have evolved is typical? Not even close.
  • boboh
    6 years ago
    And do you think it's possible to have built a relationship with an ATF outside the club if sex wasnt part of the equation? Friends? Would a dancer even waste her time? What's in it for her?
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    @OP: "Do any of you have a OTC relationship with your stripper that doesnt involve sex?"

    There was a thread on a topic like this a while ago. User Rickberge in that thread said, "Being a friend with a stripper that you aint fucking is the ultimate form of simpology." I thought that line was funny, and I admit I had to look up the term simpology to make sure it meant what I thought it meant. Dirk Diggler's line in this thread is pretty close: "Yes, there are PLs that have OTC relations with strippers/SBs without sex. They're called fools..." Again, funny and true. Friends with benefits? - fun. Friends without benefits? - overall waste of time for the PL thinking that friends without benefits OTC will turn into friends with benefits.
  • boboh
    6 years ago
    Yes agree. More to the point are there strippers happy to be keeping up this relationship? Its a lot of work to be texting all the time for months straight if no arrangement is being made, no? Or does it ensure visits back at the club. Especially if dancer is changing clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Most dancers that wanna exchange #s do not want to meet OTC with the custy but wants to sorta keep him on the hook coming into the club as one of several steady revenue streams - sometimes they give in and see the custy OTC but often times they just move-on if the custy becomes too demanding
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Dancers exchanging #s w/ custies or wanting the custy's # is not that uncommon - meeting w/ the custy OTC is more uncommon but not exactly rare - a custy should not assume much from exchanging #s with a dancer - usually she just wants to add you to her "client-list/rolodex" - the more custies she can ping in a pinch/slow-shift(s) the better for many dancers
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... do you think it's possible to have built a relationship with an ATF outside the club if sex wasnt part of the equation? Friends? Would a dancer even waste her time? What's in it for her ..."

    Every custy is a possible revenue stream - experienced dancers sorta become experts at being able to extract money from RILs and often w/o doing much for it except playing the "woe is me" sympathy-card which can often kick-in the white-knight response in many needy RILs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... Questioning if a guy isnt aggressive or direct will he get extras from a girl who does them ..."

    An experienced dancer knows what she wants - $$$ - and if she can get it doing the least possible most experienced dancers can and will def take that route.

    A strip-club is BUSINESS - not courting - not being direct usually means you give her all your $$$ and don't get shit beyond blue-balls while she goes and fuck-and-sucks her BF and takes him to a nice dinner w/ the $$$ you gave her while you're at home beating off.

    This "treat her right" - "don't be demanding" - "be nice and don't be creepy" - is all loser-talk and ill-informed bullshit that does not get you anywhere in a strip-club except an empty-wallet and balls-full-of-cum - even IRL being "Mr Nice Guy" often doesn't get you shit while the assertive guy gets what he wants.

    In my professional PL-opinion - actually being an asshole w/ dancers; even women in general; seems to often get you farther than being "Mr Non Aggressive".

    Too many guys; particularly SCers that have not being in the game for a good # of years; are hard-wired w/ a civilian mindset that not only does not really work in the real-world but even less-so in strip-club bizarro-world.

    Strop treating the strip-club like Match.com; it's not a girlfriend supermarket - a strip-club is a place where women go to seek $$$ not a relationship - in-fact many a dancer looks down on a strip-club customer and many would not want to genuinely date a strip-club customer beyond P4P and kinda customers as perverts or losers that gotta pay women for attention - it't not exactly what impresses women.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ true - it takes 500 clubs and 300k strippers to become a SME (subject matter expert)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ even if you spell it out it sometimes still doesn't help

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    There's usually $$$ involved either directly or indirectly - I'd venture to guess he didn't get those things "by being nice" but by spending $$$ - being nice probably didn't have much to do w/ it and it mostly had to do w/ his ability/willingness to spend $$$ and provide for them - if being nice worked so well then why doesn't he stick to civvies and get the same results?
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    While I’m sure there are exceptions, I think it’s best viewed as a business transaction. After all, it’s how she pays her bills. So while I’m sure she would prefer an attractive guy, I doubt that it’s generally the basis for whether or not she does extras with any given customer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ correction - he bought/is-renting the dream!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ sure
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^^ fake news!

  • lurkingdog
    6 years ago
    At the risk of being laughed off the board, I think that since both partners in this “dance” are human, and that human feelings inevitably become involved, you’re going to have the full spectrum. The trick is to have the EQ to “tease” out what is really going on a conduct yourself accordingly.

    As for my personal experience, I’ve been nearly completely correct as well as entirely wrong on different occasions. As they say, good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ if the $$$ stops, you think those "human feelings" are still gonna be there on her part?
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Attraction is involved with any and every woman. The thing is though, if she's really attracted to you she'll date you or hook up with you. She won't treat you like a trick, unless she's already in a relationship.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Papi, let me preface this by saying I don’t precisely disagree with you.

    However, as Subraman has pointed out on this board before, attempting to portray all strippers as “perfect” actors, all solely motivated by money, and having no other motivation, falls apart with a large enough real world sample.

    Statistically, I think that it’s safe to say that most strippers have money as *a* motivation, probably even a *primary* one. After all, what’s *your* motivation for going to work every day?

    But to say that nothing else ever intrudes flies in the face of 40 years of my own experience.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    -->"I frequently see you make paragraphs about this and you speak too much in absolutes. Every stripper only cares about money and nothing else, no act of kindness or any amount of charm will change that."

    OK, but it'd still be 98%+ of all strippers I've met. I suppose there are some outliers.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I've done otc non sexual things with customers many times with or without money involved. O dear I broke a stripper commandment lol. O well! I do not find that seeing these dudes otc dries up the money though like a lot of girls claim *shrug*.

    I'm neither a seasoned stripper nor an extras girl, but I cannot lie I've been tempted before and it is more tempting when it's someone I actually find very attractive.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    Back to the first question. If a stripper does extras she’s going to do it regardless if the customer is attractive or not.

    If you’re asking if a non extras girl would do extras for a customer because he’s attractive, no I don’t think that would happen.

    I’m friends with some strippers OTC, and we’re not fucking, mainly because they got boyfriends. Best believe though when they break up, I will be trying!
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Strippers make human connections, but not with tricks. If you're a trick then of course its all about money.
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