Baby Wipes

avatar for SebastianCobb
If you see a dancer carrying baby wipes to the VIP is that indicative of a FS / UHM dancer?


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Is a good indication but not foolproof - some dancers are kinda clean freaks and like to wipe down the dance area
Look for the equipment bag / purse
Condoms are a better indicator.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Interesting observation.

Would they not just put it in their purse if they were to take that stuff with them?
maybe she gives diaper dances
Or she could have a baby backstage. For the record, it is non-brilliant for the baby to be smoking marijuana with the other stripper. Even if the baby is dealing.
avatar for K
New Jersey
6 years ago
The dancers at the clubs I frequent use them between dances to get the customer's sweat and stink off them. A common complaint I the landscapers come reeking of a hard day's work and later the Indians come in smelling of curry and very different cultural habits regarding showering and deodorant. A few baby wipes and they are good to go.
It’s a useful indicator - but far from foolproof.

It could be a good indicator of a good up close grind - as she appears interested in keeping clean for the next customer.

I think seeing a dancer coming out of the back room might offer better insight. If she goes directly to the ladies room - and doesn’t entertain any waiting customers - that might tell you she’s extras friendly - very friendly...
Depends. I think baby wipes may be for old dudes in Depends
Depends clean up on Lapdance booth 8. Someone shit their pants
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
SebastainCobb and John_Longwood are both someone’s troll aliases
I forget to wipe sometimes
I can't say for certain, but I do know every girl I ever got BJTC from used baby wipes afterwards.
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