
Canada question

Avatar for billybob12

In buffalo area for work and was thinking of heading across the boarder to Niagra Falls ON or even up towards Toranto. I had some questions though, should I take USD and just consider it includes the tips for dances or exchange for CAD somewhere? Second is it worth th drive towards Toronto for better fun or are the Niagra clubs good enough. Thanks


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Avatar for wallanon

When I was in Montreal the clubs would accept USD, but it was 1 to 1 with CAN.

Avatar for s275ironman

^ what wallanon said, clubs will treat it as $1 USD equals $1 CAD

Avatar for thejake

Use an ATM in Canada......Right now withdrawing $300 Canadian will only cost you $232....it's worth the effort to convert.

Avatar for ATACdawg

My experience at Sundowner is that they give a very fair exchange rate at the bar, and the girls are more than happy with US money, and most of them view it that you have included a generous tip if you pay the posted price for private dances in US currency. One major advantage is that you can actually tip with ones instead if 5s! Looneys and Tooneys are a lot harder to slip under a g-string, lol. Bring a lot of ones with you, however, as the bar only converts US to Canadian, not the other way around!

Avatar for Longball300

You should be happy with the Sundowner and Seductions (if a weekend) when it is open. Is Toronto better? Yes, but it is a long drive. You can stop in at the Casino to do an easy exchange at a decent rate. I have seen people tip on stage with US ones or Canadian fives. I have also had a decent time at Mints.

Avatar for shailynn

When I cross I just go to the casino and exchange my money - and do the same to exchange it back when leaving. Sometimes finding a free parking place can be a pain in the ass.

In idea situations a drive from Niagara Falls to all the strip clubs and massage parlors by the airport is a tad over an hour. It’s a scenic and nice drive along the lake, but I’ve had it take 2 hours in traffic on the weekends especially coming back as half of Toronto seems to come to niagara on the weekends.

Check out

Terb.cc to see if that entices you for a trip to Toronto.

Avatar for Playademan

In my experience I would use a Canadian atm as long as your bank doesn’t change any extra international fees, there are some currency exchange places at the border crossing but you gotta check the hours. I think the exchange rate is significant enough to make the change. And it depends on what you’re looking for, sundowners is great if your just looking for a good strip club with good dances but for any more fun I would take the extra hour drive or so to check out the Mississauga clubs.

Also not sure how much Niagara slows in the winter but I know many girls that make the trip down from the Toronto area over the summer season, stay in Toronto during the winters.

Avatar for JAprufrock

Get your money exchanged and use Canadian funds for sure. Your money will go further.

If you're interested in erotic massage, I'd recommend Allure in Mississauga, near the Toronto airport. I can't speak to strip clubs.

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