
Specific good/bad days to hit up the SC

Off again on again PL
So the club I go to is a dayshift vibe but extremely high volume. Because of that some of the highest earning girls are perennially tied up with regulars and are legitimately hard to get a dance with. Recently I stopped in during a local NFL game and the dancer/customer ratio was the best (for customers) I have ever seen. Other examples I know of:

1 - Local NFL game going on can mean less customers. Is this always the case or can it swing the opposite direction with people who come to watch the game? It seems like the hours after an afternoon game might be the most reliable as guys who came to watch the game have left.
2 - The day or two after a holiday is good for customers. For instance a day after the 4th of July when people are back in work and school is back in session.

And an example of a situation that is bad for PLs:

3 - Since my normal club doesn't have any enforced dress code any day that there is a surprise rainstorm in the middle of the day brings a ton of construction guys into the club while they wait out the rain.

When are some specific days (not seasons) that are reliably better or worse for PLs or dancers?


  • pistola
    6 years ago
    End of or first of month when rent & credit card payments are due.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    NFL games are usually good. At my local club, usually it's fairly empty, but even when there's a crowd of PLs, none of them are buying during the game. The girls basically give up and just sit with guys who buy them drinks for 3 hours; then, after the game, the real action starts. So, even if it's crowded, if you're buying dances, just wait until she heads up on stage, tell her to come by, and she'll be thrilled to leave whatever PL she's with for you. She'll be thrilled to be one of the few girls getting lap dances during the game; call her to make appointments to be her regular NFL game side thang, and she'll love you for being an actual paying customer on game days
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    It’s usually good, days before a holiday especially family type holidays like Thanksgiving, etc.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Depends what you are looking for. Party atmosphere or most dancers on shift ? Best ratio of dancers to customers ? Conversation with dancers ? Mileage ? Friendly vibe ?

    I prefer early afternoon early in the week. Good dancer to customer ratio, laid back vibe, good contact, fewer bouncers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If I want the most attention possible then early in the week day or night - if I don't want to be the center of attention then later in the week when there are more custies.

    I usually do dayshift these days and if I can make it to the club b/f 5pm I can beat most of the after-work crowd and get more/better attention.

    Most of the dives I go to the girls usually don't get locked-down by regulars but in one club there is a bit of a regular presence on dayshift.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I tend to avoid weekend nights and holidays when the club can often be overrun with amateurs often acting like jackasses - if I hit a club on primetime it's usually just to hangout and be out of the house but I don't do this much these days.

    For the most-part the clubs I hit tend to be emptier during games.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Regarding NFL games, usually guys buy less dances during the game. If home team wins it can be good for dancers after.

    Friday day shift often has a lot of blue collar dudes looking to burn their checks on "wanna dance" girls
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Let's not let this turn into a thread about days of the week. We all know Fridays/Saturdays are busier than Mondays. That is baby PL stuff.

    Specific days of the year and events are actual advanced level PL stuff I am interested in.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    1) The day after Independence Day for anything, is the best life hack. Earlier that day the better. IMO, it has less to do with work or school and more to do with people being hungover. They start to come out as they recover from hangover.

    2) Dancers that I've talked to say the first two weeks of the month have more PLs (hardened PLs and amateurs) than week 3 or 4. My own observations suggest they might be correct. I wonder if that's because of government checks hit on 1st week, then weeks 3+4 are tight for people (PLs rent is due, etc, PL low on food from EBT or WIC). PLs can have rent day issues, too!!

    3) Avoid first few weeks in February as stupid PLs are all flush with tax refund checks.

    4) January is slow because christmas credit cards are due, tax refund hasn't shown up yet. Jan 31st might be one of the better "rent days" of the year. I think every girl proposed OTC to me the last week of January.

    5) Jan-April 15th might be slow for high-net worth individuals, they have tax bills due to IRS.

    6) August is sort of slow. Summer, family vacations winding down, back to school, send the oldest kid off to college Picks up like end of Sept beginning of Oct.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    My CF told me that Arbor Day is historically the best clubbing day of the year. She doesn't know why.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @flagooner - best for dancers or PLs?
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    If a bowl game or other event brings in huge amounts of out of town fans, avoid the clubs up until about 2 hours before game time and leave within an hour of the end of the game.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    I find lots of angry strippers on Valentines Day.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Arbor Day best for PLs, hands down.

    Apparently Earth Day is best for the dancers if it falls on a Saturday, otherwise it's Pearl Harbor Day.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    If you gain enough experience you will develop a roster of favorites. Then the best day of the week is simply when you fav is there. I find the beginning of thier shift is the most fun as the club atmosphere is laid back, her energy is higher, and you dont have to remember that she "Serviced" 10 guys before you. Sometimes coming late helps as a girl will have a nicer buzz, but dealing with the crowd can be annoying.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Depends on what you're looking for and depends on the club. Some clubs are busy every night others more so the weekends. I like to find faves and start my hunt for the busier times, then get contacts, then set appointments for slower shifts.

    So what starts as a good night turns into a not as good one if I stay there week after week.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ~Strategy idea if you wanted to try to try to forecast strip clubs. Based on the methods of one particular dancer~:

    There was a dancer who preferred Arizona as her “main base”. This was her strategy for deciding when to go to Vegas:

    1. She kept track of all the different conventions that would happen in Vegas. (Jan-May I believe)
    2. She would check online for the prices of hotels for different nights based on the dates of those conventions. If a room rate was more expensive than usual, then she took it as a good sign that the Vegas time/expense would be worth it for her.

    This dancer would also spend her summers in Dallas working at the Lodge. She viewed Dallas as a place that was more consistent year round. (Less of the negative spikes, but also less of the positive ones as well.) And that summers there were less bad than most other places.

    ~@PaulDrake for your question specifically:~

    My observation about your particular club was:

    *A lot in the construction industry. The Mexicans were the laborers. The white/Asians were managers or engineers also in the industry.

    If I had worked more shifts, then maybe I could give you a better breakdown on the clientele.

    I’m not completely confident whether those in that industry really are the bulk of your fellow PL. Or if that was just simply the case for mid/end of August.

    But feel free to use that as a starting point.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    My first couple of times at a strip club we're all in the winter time. It was unbelievably slow compared to how it is during summer and spring.

    Maybe during the holidays people would rather spend money on their family than strippers?
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    PaulDrake posted: "Let's not let this turn into a thread about days of the week. We all know Fridays/Saturdays are busier than Mondays. That is baby PL stuff."

    Idk, but this might be a bit hasty. Yes clubs are generally much busier on the weekends, but in some areas the ratios of customers to dancers can also be bad early in the week simply because dancers refuse to show up on slow days/nights. Your assumptions reflect regional considerations that may not play out the same way in other areas and may be worth exploring.

    But ok, to play along with the limited scope of the question, the few days before Christmas are my favorite time of year. Not only are the dancer to customer ratios good, but a lot of the girls are hungry to earn gift money for their kids. I tend to put a little extra cash aside to binge this time of year as I know that at least one or two OTC holdouts will invariably convert and one or two others, who generally only do OTC sporadically, will suddenly be available again. Santa Dugan is all about giving during this special time of year. ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I find that the best days to hit up the club are the days that I hit up the club.
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