
What do you think when you see someone in the news you know

What do you do when you see someone you know in the news for killing someone while drunk driving?


  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    The girl that died was 25. Would you send money to a go fund me account to help with her funeral?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    That’s terrible. I saw a man die once because of a drunk driver. It was so sudden and it was a shock. (Even though I was just a bystander from a safe distance away)

    Is the gofundme going to the family?
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    There are two go fund me accounts. One is going directly for funeral costs and the other to the family I believe.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    That is sad nicespice. I have seen some crazy things also
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    As for your question. It may not be a bad idea to donate. But it’s entirely up to you.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    When I was 20 I had taken a girl friend to my apartment. We drank some beers and we had sex. I was driving her home in my 1956 VW bug and apparently fell asleep. There was a police cruiser parked in a parking lot and saw my car drift into the oncoming lane and hit an Oldsmobile head on but with a glancing blow. Police estimated the combined speed to be 70 miles per hour. The VW went end over end for 300 feet. The girl with me went through the windshield and then back into the car eviscerating her face which permanently scarred her face after getting over 200 stitches. I was unconscious and only have foggy memories of several days following. I never saw her again and didn’t drive for quite awhile and in the 53 years since I’ve not driven after drinking. But the weight of the damage done weighs heavy yet today.
    Don’t drink and drive.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    Yes I would send whatever $ I could afford to. A guy I used to be friends with got locked up for the same thing. It really freaked me out and made me feel conflicted because driving buzzed or drunk is a selfish stupid thing that is sooo common and people don’t mean any harm by it but that fact, or his being a decent person otherwise.. can never take back what happened. Incredibly sad that families have to lose someone due to the reckless, selfish actions of a complete stranger. Something to always remember
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    We used to go skiing with a guy named Steve. He was the type of guy who'd push you off the t-bar; stop short and shower you with snow, not be ready and make you miss first lift etc. He was a friend of a great friend, so we put up with it. He later moved to Florida, became friends with my brother and kept spiraled downward. In October 1992 I was visiting my brother in Florida when Steve called. My brother made up a lie as to why we couldn't get together and explained to me he had been "weird" lately. When I said so, he explained there is something seriously wrong with him, not like before. Steve's Mother died in November. On 12/25/1992 I was watching tv and the news scroll indicated a workplace Christmas Party shooting in Florida. Steve being weird. He shot and seriously injured one person; raped another; killed three, including his girlfriend, who's Mother he called to tell. As per usual he fucked up his planning and ran out of ammunition. He killed himself by hanging. Never felt the same about Christmas morning.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    At first, it doesn’t seem real, when I see anyone hurt or injured being reported on the news. There are so many sad stories reported on the news, and very rarely is there any direct connection.

    However, it hits hard, and it’s very painful. It’s real - but somehow seeing it on tv is still a bit odd.

    Years ago, I dated a girl who worked for a nearby insurance company. We would go out with colleagues from work together. Once I met a friend of hers - a nice girl - very pleasant conversation. About a week later - she disappeared - and they didn’t find her until her body was found in some nearby woods. That scared my girlfriend - but it hit home with me too. I’d see the news saying “it has been a week since she was last seen” - and it hurt to think of the suffering that poor girl endured. I haven’t thought much about it in a few years (as it happened almost 30 years ago) - but it’s still sad.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Sorry, I forgot to answer your initial question. I’d definitely donate to her go fund me page. Funeral arrangements can be expensive, and helping the family to cover those costs should help them a little.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago

    This is a real story thst actually happened. The guy that was drinking and driving was a business associate of mine and not a close friend. Him and I are in similar lines of work and we referred work back and forth. I never actually met him in person, just spoke on the phone. The first time I saw what he looked like was his mug shot. Sounds like the DA is throwing the book at him because he had 6 prior DUI charges and domestic violence charges. I never would have guessed that about him. Every mutual client spoke highly of him.

    I did put some money on the go fund me account. At the time I did that they had almost $15,000 of the $20,000 goal in 6 days.

    This tragedy has been a wake up call for me. I dont drink and drive but my phone and driving is a problem. I hope it also affects some of you in a positive way.

    Save a life, please don't drink and drive. Or if you must drink and drive drink Pepsi.
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    The go fund me went directly for funeral expenses
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