I like her......

After 46 hours of work since Monday at 7:00 a.m. I left work yesterday at 3:00, smoked some serious weed and walked into my favorite club. There she was, my current infatuation. Sitting with an older gentleman, chatting and snuggling, with drinks in front of them. I figured they'd chat for 15, do a room and I could wait an hour. We smiled and waived and I ordered beer. I saw her get up, collect her drink, kiss the guy on the cheek and she came over. I am thrilled to see you she said and sat down. I like her, but not just because she dumped the other guy and came over. I like her, but not just because she is a spinner at 5' 100 pounds with perfect b cups. I like her, but not just because she has a rare, exotic look to her as she is part Japanese, part Native American and part Black. I like her, but not just because despite looking liberal citified, she is conservative, here from Colorado, but grew up from Kansas and has that all-american sweet girl attitude. I like her, but not just because she is smart and a great conversationalist. I like her, but not just because we sat and had a couple and chatted for an 1:45 minutes before she said I have to leave soon do you want a dance. I like her, but not just because when she went to freshen up I had time to go to my care and get high. I like her, but not just because the room with her was closer to the best sexual experience you ever had with anyone instead of ITC pay 4 play. I like her, for all those reasons, but in reality, I like her because she skis and loves it and chatting with a super-sexy skier for almost 2 hours was awesome.
last commentI tell all my divorce clients that the best revenge against people who are your inferiors is to live well and be happy. It drives losers batshit crazy. Thanks for the confirmation and enjoy making fries today.
What would Avenatti do?
Geez Titty how do you get fucking dumber every day. Personal injury lawyers chase ambulances. Divorce lawyers represent losers .. .like you and you chase us. Roflmao? Now you sound like a tween.
Ski: Congrats on a quality visit!
You should take edibles. It avoids the harsh effects on an old man’s lungs, and you can easily get high for an entire club visit without having to go back out to your car periodically. It’s also an easier way to share the weed with your paid girlfriend.
You should contact Hallmark- they may hire you to write cards for National Whoora Day
Going for the way they say "whore" on the Sopranos Just having fun though - thanks for the creative writing- interesting read
I get it JS, but I love smoking and we're lucky enough here that I can bring in a bowl or vape and get her high on the patio.
studMe - It’s like whooo-re - on the Sopranos. The emphasis is on the whooo in whore.
skibum, That's pretty awesome to meet a dancer like that who is the complete package. Sounds like fun!
It was a good time Dominic. Made me remember why this used to be more fun. Spur of the moment decisions don't always work out, but when they do....wow.
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