Stripper Main Room Time: One-on-One or Social?

avatar for SirLapdancealot
Just curious as to whether or not you prefer to spend your time in the main room with a stripper one-on-one exclusively or do you like it when there's more of a group interaction with other strippers or customers?

I prefer one-on-one but don't mind the occasional group interaction like having a toast (like for TGIF) or just a good group convo. Most of the time my stripper is just with me but some of the more social ones will engage with others for idle chat and fun jib-jab on occasion. I've met some other PLs and strippers this way and we have developed ITC friendships or rather friendly acquaintances with each other.


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avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
This question is just kind of a subset of the "do you SC alone or in groups" discussion we just had, no? In any case, I think the important thing to point out is: if you're in a group, it's always easy to have 1-on-1 time with the stripper, whereas if you're alone, you're stuck with 1-on-1 the entire time.

In a group, I find it's pretty easy to just turn towards my stripper, she turns towards me, and we just talk to each other while the table's social dynamics are going on around us. This is basically the norm. There are a couple of guys who sometimes like extra privacy, and once in a while I'll look up and see that for a little while, they've moved with their stripper to the table adjacent to us, or the bar. In short, even in a group, I can get all the one-on-one time I want.

But, as someone who loves partying and SCing with his buddies, I also get all the great social dynamics. When we turn back towards the table, there's a lot of laughing, ball-busting, untoward sexual talk, etc. I also get all the other advantages of group SCing that I discussed in the other thread.

All of this, of course, assumes SCing with other PLs, or well-coached newbies. SCing with amateurs and boys-night-out-wooooo guys just tends to be annoying
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Subra I also mean a group interaction even when you go to the club alone. In my case I go to the smaller clubs and literally everyone is already together in a group environment because the bar is small and the tables are close to it too. So I mean this type of social interaction in addition to going to the club in a group. Even if I went to a club with my good buddies, I would likely leave them for 1:1 time with my stripper and maybe sit as a group with her for a short time at best.

avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
I don't like being there for hours and hours.
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I’m going to the club to buy dances. If I meet a dancer - and we vibe well - I’ll sit and chat for a bit.

Usually I will sit at a table - and I will chat with dancers who stop by. I prefer to be friendly and say hi to dancers. However, I find it better to keep it one on one - so it’s more controlled - and I can take one dancer to the back room a bit quicker - when we are ready.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
SirL: hmmm, so you're saying that in your small club, even though you're there alone, everyone around you interacts with each other? I've experienced this occasionally when I'm sitting at the bar with a stripper, with other regulars at the bar also -- sometimes my stripper will know the stripper of the regular next to me, and that kind of facilities a bit of an interaction. I don't mind that... beyond that, I do like less-crowded clubs mostly because it puts less pressure on my ATF to stick around with me.

Maybe another spin on this: even if I'm by myself, I love when the club is slow, and not just my ATF but a few of her stripper friends are at my table, and we're slamming shots, etc.

Maybe what I'm saying is: I don't mind if the rest of the club is dead, in fact I often prefer it; but I do like a party at my table, whether it's because I'm there with my buddies, or alone but with multiple strippers
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Unless it’s a birthday, bachelor party, or coworker outing, I think most in general prefer 1-1.

Many customers (not TUSCLers) can get a bit subconscious even being at a SC. Here’s a comic highlighting it

That being said, there are times other PL do start becoming friendly:

1: The club is so jam packed that some customers decide to share tables. They meet that way.
2: I only saw this phenomena in a club in Ft Worth. A hardcore group of regulars kept going to a club so often that they did actually become friends. They will show up around the same time (5ish) and all sit at the same table. The table location where they sit is even the same.

Sirlap, I think in your case it happens because your club is mostly a small dive one. With so many clubs on Portland, it has more of the feel of a neighborhood bar with tits instead of a club as many others would know. But that’s just a guess. I’ve yet to go to a Portland club.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
-->"Unless it’s a birthday, bachelor party, or coworker outing, I think most in general prefer 1-1."

Ironically, I think that is specifically what most of us hate worst. SCing with amateurs on their "it's our one Boys Night Out per year Wooooo!!!!!!!" crowd. In a way it doesn't even count as a "real" SC trip in my mind, the experience is completely different from SCing with PLs (or alone).

I have a (much younger) buddy getting married soon, so I'll be treated to one of these trips soon. Extra points, it might happen in Vegas, sigh.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“I have a (much younger) buddy getting married soon, so I'll be treated to one of these trips soon. Extra points, it might happen in Vegas, sigh.”

Tell them to plan it in TJ :p

@DC Your club dynamics get weirder and weirder the more I hear it. That’s a good thing though.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Subra and nicespice yesterday was a perfect example of a Portland small club. I show up to find my ATF DS drinking with another regular. She invites me over and has me sit on the other side of her from him as he goes to the bathroom. As I sit down I ask her if she's already tied up but she says no and that he just likes to drink with her. As per our usual routine she sits with her back to me so I can spoon her from behind. The dude comes back and starts conversing with her and eventually I am part of the convo. It was no different than if I was 1:1 - she still would wiggle her ass on my boner and stroke my legs from time to time - but also we held a three-way conversation and even had a toast together. LOL we all even joked about a threesome but LOL I said I don't do "devil's" threesomes. I only want two women. Only one dick allowed. Again I still had my usual good time with my ATF DS but I also made a new ITC acquaintance with the dude.

I've had similar experiences with strippers that my ATF DS knows. Sometimes it is nice because I let them do the talking and I can focus on massaging my hard dick as I massage her ass without any interruptions.

But to be honest the best scenario for me with my ATF DS or any stripper is when I'm the only customer and the club is dead.

And yes at a lot of Portland clubs the main room area is a literal small bar so absolutely there is co-mingling when it is crowded.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
SirL: while the dynamics you describe might be a bit much for me (her wiggling on your dick while you all talk), I am completely open to socializing with other PLs if it happens organically. I have a few stories of just sort of getting in conversations with other PLs and we just end up hanging out
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
your money, you decide how many to spend it on at a time.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Subra LOL the reason I started this thread was because of it being slightly awkward having my ATF DS wiggle her ass on my dick while trying to have a civil conversation with her and the other dude. Luckily it was short and simple conversation.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
its not a party when you're paying for the favors lol
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i socialize with other pls and the girls. butt i’m intellectually challenged. so i probably i am more on the quiet side with others.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
the girl grinding on me is definitely a nice distraction... trying to converse with other pls while trying not to have a LDK... fun!!!!
avatar for crotchrocket
6 years ago
I'm with you SirLapdancealot, it really depends on the situation, and the club. Almost always prefer 1on1, but in certain clubs, when sitting at the bar, it's hard to avoid group banter.
avatar for crotchrocket
6 years ago
^^^ That said, I never go in a stripclub to hang with other PL's.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
My main-reason for going to strip-clubs is not for socializing - I go b/c I'm horny and I want instant gratification of a dancer paying attention to Mr Happy while I play w/ her party-hats - for me socializing w/ others kinda distracts and takes away from my main mission of why i'm there.

I do socialize w/ others in clubs and enjoy it and enjoy meeting and hanging w/ other TUSCLers, but when I do then for me the socializing is why I'm there and the strippers kinda take a backseat - i.e. for me I'm either there to get my freak-on and ignore everyone/everything else around me (most of my visits); or it's to hang and socialize over getting my freak-on - trying to do both does not work as effectively for me as doing them individually at different times/visits.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Papi_Chulo and crotchrocket I'm with both of you guys. Mongering is ultimately a solo thing with me.

And Papi if you come to Portland I will hook you up with some wonderful AAs with big booties. I like solo but when there is another PL with me that has almost opposite tastes in strippers, I don't mind the company. We can socialize for 5 min before we go our own way to monger.

And crotchrocket I'm still waiting for the day we cross paths out here without even knowing each other. I got your PM too LOL.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
One on one is the only way a frontroom makeout session will naturally happen!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Countryman5434 I'll take having my dick between my ATF DS ass cheeks and massaging them whilst also massaging my own boner in the process over any front room DFK! (But that's just me.)
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“Lol @nicespice how so?”

Because your strip club seems more of a social hangout there.

“And yes at a lot of Portland clubs the main room area is a literal small bar so absolutely there is co-mingling when it is crowded.”

Even if I’m done with stripping by then, I’d totally be down to monger with you. That is, if the socialization isn’t too terrible :p

avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@sirlapdancealot no disrespect but i can never understand that i love sex to much! Will never understand the appeal of ldk
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^I always had the impression that LDKs were his loophole around cheating. I can respect that. Since becoming more aware of the concept, I’ve been using that more often too. On Friday, I have an appointment with someone who might become a future regular. And this was someone who had initially been wishy washy about buying a dance from me, and I got several dances from him by saying “I have a tendency to make men cum in their pants”
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
It's always gonna be 1 on 1 for me!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@MisterWonderful LMAO I can already make myself LDK with my ATF DS while spooning with her and massaging my dick with her ass cheeks at the bar when we are 1:1, but now you have posed a new challenge to do it in convo with others present too. That's gonna be a 'fun' challenge.

@nicespice the feeling about mongering with you is mutual. And the socializing will be fine, no worries on that front, but LMAO note that the only way you will get a really good massage from me is as a stripper. ;p
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Countryman you say no disrespect but then LOL you create threads knocking LDKs. For me an LDK is awesome feeling and by far better than an HJ. It's a lot of fun and pleasure to me. Plus it is the absolute limit of what I will do with a stripper. I don't want anything else from one. I'm married and I get awesome sex from my wife. She also lets me go to strip clubs so I won't push that privilege with her and start doing more than getting high mileage dances.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
"with your clothes on" is the part that's debatable about an LDK being the same as sex. If my wife dry humped a dude vs fucked him buck naked I would have a drastically different emotional reaction. (But that's just me.)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
In the context of my mention of dry humping and my wife doing it, it is with the intent to make each other orgasm.

I had an ex ATF that was married that felt the same way. She would never do extras or anything OTC but she gave great high mileage lap dances because that was what she and her husband were comfortable with. In fact I learned a lot about how to LDK with her.

And absolutely if I was at a nightclub with my wife I would be able to LDK and it just look like innocent dirty dancing and spooning at the bar.
avatar for PaulDrake
6 years ago
@DC9428 - A lot of LDKers would masturbate as adolescents by grinding. Or would dry hump with GFs as teenagers. For me I did both. When I started SCing at first LDKing was incredibly easy, then I almost lost the ability and had to focus to get it back.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
It came with learning better control of my edge and also how to reach it quickly. It's kind of like leaning to jack off quickly or have quickie sex. In my experience I can control when I cum both ways as I have gotten older and more experienced with sex. For the same reason that I can make myself last and fuck for a while, I can make myself cum quickly. It's all about libido control rather than be controlled by it.

Plus when I was young and just starting puberty one of the first ways I learned to cum was from dry humping a pillow as I looked at Playboys.
avatar for larryfisherman
6 years ago
One on one
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