With all the reviews calling out the decline of dependable honest HL dancers, I have stayed away from my weekly visits for 3 weeks now.
I was waiting on
@Spillthebeans to shed some light on dancers to avoid before trying a return trip this week, but got an itch that needs to be scratched.
Like most PL's, I have developed my own list of avoids. And with the unexplained loss of many outstanding VIP providers I would like to avoid the tedious search through ROBs.
Rather than doing it publicly, how about we share through pm's who we avoid and where those displaced diamonds are now ?
I will be happy to share privately what I have discovered.
last commentIf that itch gets too bad, maybe see a doctor !!!!
FYI, there is some delight scratching to be found at The Candy Store !!! No permanent marks will be left afterwards!!!
Have you read your reviews back to yourself ? If you have, you will see what we all see.........A washed up guy that has trouble getting action even when he is flashing a wad of cash. Your tall tails of all the girls flocking to you are easily seen as Pathetic Loser bs. I think you should be crowned Loser of the year at HL. Keep in mind it is you that spends cash, so an out of your league girl will soend time with you. Afterwards, I am sure all go to the dressing room and bath in bleach.
It is true I am thrilled at the downfall of that brothel named HiLIter, but I have shared accurate information well before shit came down on that club.
In the future if you have information you think is more accurate, give details and names out in the open. That way your bs will be exposed as the wet dreams of someone that is short on equipment and long on wind !!!!
Save you nickles for that former HL dancer that is now a $50 streetwalker...
Take your limp package and blow yourself.
Come to think of it, a noodle is bigger and harder.
I bet you piss your self a lot, just trying to find it. Do you rub your crotch hairs and look for whatever turns red ?
The reality is this. Floor dances almost universally suck. The non-contact rules are actually self-enforced by most, if not all, of the dancers. In VIP, wit the right dancer, still plenty of joy to be had. Mirrors or no, cameras or no. I've done it, with both dancers who are one-offs to the club as well as long time regulars.
You remind of an old poster on Z-Bone. He was ripped off by a dancer at a club in LA, and proceeded to spam that club's reader review page every day with a copy and paste passage from a religious book. I'd come home from work and literally spend 15-30 minutes every day deleting the spam as a moderator. Your consistent and constant over-exaggeration of HL's faults (many though they are) strike me as being along the same vein. HL is not dead. Mileage is not dead. Not being a schmuck and being fairly well known to the staff there certainly helps as well. I've never been told to keep my hands by my side, nor has any VIP been interrupted.
HL is never going to return to 2016 levels. Adjust, adapt and get on with your life.